Many Journeys by Elleth

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Recalled to Life

Written for Indy for fandom_stocking 2011. Finwë/Míriel/Indis in a Happy AU that isn't quite our A Kind of Poetry 'verse.

Recalled to Life

It was the best of times, it was the worst of times. In Tirion, the Noldor celebrated. On Taniquetil, Indis wept, praying that the winds would carry no more of the festival's sounds from Calacirya to her ears. Long before Aman love had brightened her days, and ever since Finwë had ascended the mountain path, waiting and hope had filled them.

But the threads and winds of fate ran cruel. Above the music she could hear children that would now never be, and all the more clearly, Finwë, hailing the cause of her misery.

"Praise the return of Queen Míriel!"

* * *

Indis was not expecting pity, least of all from Míriel. But residing in Mandos, Míriel had seen the tapestries spell out Indis' hope, and under the guidance of Nienna learned to put aside the jealous watch over the woman who would supplant her, and usurp her place with her husband and son. Seeing her, resentment had turned to understanding, and understanding to compassion – for did not Indis love Finwë for the same reasons Míriel did? And would Míriel not rather amend what little Marring she could, rather than further it?

In the darkness of Mandos' halls, Míriel had nodded.

* * *

That nod had spelled her release. "You know what you must do," Nienna had said, and Míriel consented. She knew. Long since, but as-yet unacknowledged, her compassion with Indis had turned to love.

But love demanded courage, and after her return Míriel was swept into celebrations and gratulations; Fëanáro and sitting in councils in accordance with her role demanded her attention most of all. Her feelings remained unspoken, until Finwë turned to her months after return, with Laurelin's hours dawning, kissed her hair, and they spoke of their love for Indis.

"Then let us visit her," Míriel said, and smiled.

* * *

They made their way up the mountain slowly. Míriel's steps began faltering, and she asked, "What reason would she have for loving me? I have taken her hopes from her."

"You are on your way to make amends. That courage alone is worthy of love, but if she does not return it, then --"

"-- then the decision is hers," Míriel finished, looking up, relieved. "After all, a woman knows her own heart."

They continued their way hand in hand, and coming to Ingwë's house they found Indis waiting, and she opened the door wide to bid them enter.

* * *

They sat in her garden in the full light of Laurelin. "And wherefore have you come?" asked Indis.

"For love," Míriel said, reaching for her hand. "For although it may seem strange, the both of us love you, and we would heal your grief, if we can."

Both, silent, could see Indis' eyes widen. Eventually she rose, went into the house, and returned with a spyglass. "Finwë gave me this when our union seemed certain to me, before you spoke your decision to return." Míriel's breath caught to be addressed so directly. Indis' voice lacked bitterness.

* * *

"I... have watched you, not Finwë, on occasion," she continued, caressing Míriel's palm. "Since your return. I wept at first, for losing the man I loved, but how could I begrudge a wife her right to be with son and husband? And now this confession – am I to deny my hopes again, and how could I not wish to join what I have seen? The beauty of a union may shine yet brighter with us three."

Míriel laughed, quick and light, and her fingers curled around Indis' hand. "It nearly has a kind of poetry. Let us attempt it."

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