Elegy for Númenor - Volume 1: Journey to Umbar by elfscribe

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Appendix - Glossary of Characters & Terms

Listing of characters and terms appearing in Elegy for Númenor, vol. I, plus some notes on use of languages on Númenor.

Glossary of Characters and Terms in Elegy for Númenor


On languages spoken by the Númenóreans:

Quenya was the formal language on Númenor, much in the same way Latin was used in Europe in medieval times. Many place names, names of people, (such as Elendil and Amandil) and types of flora and fauna are in Quenya.  However, in the early history of the island, on a daily basis people spoke both Sindarin (the lingua franca of the elvish world) and Adûnaic (a language of Men), although speaking Sindarin was more prominent on the northwest coast in the vicinity of Andúnië. Númenórean nobles tended to speak both Sindarin and Adûnaic.  (Note #19 in “Aldarion and Erendis,” Unfinished Tales.)  

As time went on and many Númenóreans became estranged from the elves, Adûnaic became more common, until finally the twentieth King, Ar-Adûnakhôr, banned the use of elvish tongues and took his official name in Adûnaic and not Quenya.  The rest of the Kings followed suit with the exception of Tar-Palantir.   After the downfall of Númenor, Adûnaic evolved into Westron, the Common Tongue.
At the time of this story the common tongue on Númenor is Adûnaic, so the reader needs to imagine that under normal circumstances that is the language the characters are speaking. Tigôn and Amandil and Elendil would be bilingual, speaking Adûnaic at court, but Sindarin amongst themselves as members of the Faithful. Hence Elendil’s use of the term Ada for his father and Tigôn’s use of híren (‘my lord’) to address Elendil.  

Mairon’s permanent interior resident, Fingaer, as an elf from Ost-in-Edhil, speaks Sindarin.

Because all the Adûnaic names are confusing enough without trying to translate everything to that language which would be next to impossible anyway because there isn't enough canon vocabulary, my default in the story was to use canon terms from the Akallabêth, which includes using Quenya for place names and some personal names, including using the term Valar and their Quenya names such as Manwë and Ossë, as well as some terms like kirinki (a bird) and oiolairë (an evergreen).

For names, I’ve used both canon Adûnaic and some invented Adûnaic and sometimes a combination, where canon Adûnaic terms are juxtaposed to create a non-canon name.  I’ve noted the origin of the names, so hopefully, no one mistakes an invented term for a canon one.

Special thanks to my language guru Malinornë for all her help and sage advice in creating names in both Adûnaic and Quenya.

Ada - (Sindarin meaning 'Father').

abarîm (Adûnaic elfscribe-invented term, related to bâr meaning ‘lord’) gold pieces, like sovereigns.  Abara would be one gold piece.

Akhâsadûn (Adûnaic ) elfscribe invented name composed of canon Adûnaic akhâs - chasm and adûn - the west. Name of the shop-owner of the Eagle Eye in Rómenna.

Aksan (elfscribe-invented name) the leader of the Haradrim, nephew to King Hybernan.  Adding the i at the end ‘Aksani’ denotes respect in elfscribe canon.

Amandil - father of Elendil, lord of Andúnië, ship captain and counselor to Ar-Pharazôn. Amandil is Quenya meaning ‘lover or friend of Aman.’ His Adûnaic name is Aphanuzîr.  Amandil’s house banner is an elfscribe invention, blue with the white ship following Eärendil’s blazing star.  His wife’s name Silmariën is canon Adûnaic, but since Tolkien didn't give Amandil's wife a name, using a queen's name is an elfscribe invention. In elfscribe canon, Amandil’s wife died years earlier.  
Anadûnê  (Adûnaic) another name for Númenor, meaning ‘Westernesse.’

Aglahad (Adûnaic) the King's scribe, a handsome former zirâmîki.

Aphanuzîr - Amandil’s Adûnaic name, meaning ‘friend of Aman.’

Ar-Pharazôn (Adûnaic) ‘King Golden.’  His Quenya name is Tar-Calion.

Arubinzad (Adûnaic, elfscribe-invented name) a former counselor who defied Ar-Pharazôn and was hanged.

Arzog’s Pass (elfscribe-invented name and location) a pass through hills located a day’s march from Umbar.

Azgarad (elfscribe-invented Adûnaic name from Azgara, meaning ‘to wage war’) Ar-Pharazôn’s steward, the second most powerful man in Númenor.

Aznat (elfscribe-invented name) the King's herald.   

Azrabêth (Adûnaic name meaning ‘sea-sayer’) Tigôn’s aunt, who ran away with her female lover on her wedding day and lives in Andúnië. Her Quenya name is Eärquettë, meaning literally ‘sea word.’ Both names courtesy of Malinornë.  

Azrazirân (Adûnaic name meaning ‘beloved of the sea,’ a rough translation of Eärdur, which is Quenya) Tigôn’s father, Lord of Eldalondë.

Azûlizrê (elfscribe-invented name from canon Adûnaic, meaning ‘eastern beloved’) daughter of Magân, the Umbarian magician. Courtesy Elleth of the Lizard Council.  

Azûnê (invented Adûnaic name) Sula’s former master in Númenor. Courtesy of Malinornë.

Azûlada Batan (Adûnaic, meaning ‘eastern road’) name of Magan’s shop.

banâth (Adûnaic, meaning ‘wife’) I’m using it as a generic term for a woman, sort of like saying, ‘goodwife.’

Bansil - one of Amandil’s servants. The name is from an early version of the silver tree, Telperion.

Baran (Sindarin, meaning ‘golden brown’) Sauron’s wolf cub which he owned while living in Tol-in-Gaurhoth.

Bârî an-Adûn (Adûnaic) Valar, meaning ‘Lords of the West.’  Bârîm an-Adûn also means Valar, but is a subject of a sentence.

Bawîba Manô (Adûnaic, bawîba  means ‘wind’ and manô ‘spirit’ - combined by elfscribe into a new term) Eru’s high priests of the sect of Manwë. They wear feathered capes and helms shaped like an eagle’s head with an open beak for the visor.

Belza (fragment of the untranslated canon Adûnaic name Belzagar) an Umbarian guard.

Bildûn (elfscribe-invented Adûnaic name) one of the King’s guards.  

breeches - spelling I’m using as opposed to breaches.

Brûni (elfscribe-invented Umbarian name) the village Sûla is from, located south of Umbar along the coast.   

burzum-ishi krimpatul (Black Speech) the freezing spell words Sauron teaches Sûla. The words,  recognizable as part of the inscription on the Ring, mean ‘in the darkness bind them.’

Cloud - Sula’s horse given to him by the King.

Dâira (Adûnaic, meaning ‘earth’) Queen Ar-Zimraphel’s servant and friend.  

Dâur (Adûnaic, meaning ‘gloom,’ elfscribe-invented Adûnaic name) a weasely looking guard who appears early on watching over Annatar and later takes Sûla to the prison in Umbar.  
Darîkil (elfscribe-invented Adûnaic name) one of the King’s pages.  Short brown hair, a dimple in one cheek. The fourth son of a lesser lord of Hyarrostar, who lived in Armenelos.

Dâurphursâr (elfscribe-invented name from the canon Adûnaic words, phursâ ‘to gush’ and dâur meaning ‘gloom’) the Regent Rabêlozar’s food taster.

doctor - called a surgeon or a healer in this story.

Dolgu (elfscribe-invented name from canon Adûnaic meaning ‘night’ but with an evil connotation) the Chief Nazgûl, a.k.a. the Witchking of Angmar. There is no canon name for the Witchking but since he is described as a former prince of Númenor, giving him an Adûnaic name makes sense.  

Dulginzin (elfscribe-invented Adûnaic name) the odious son of Izindor.

Eärdur (Quenya, meaning ‘servant of the sea’) Tigôn’s father and younger brother of Lord Vëandur of Eldalondë, a member of the Faithful and friend of Elendil’s. The Adûnaic translation would be Azrazirân ‘beloved of the sea.’

Elendil (Quenya, meaning, ‘elf-lover’) son of Amandil and also a lord of Andúnië, and counselor to Ar-Pharazôn. His Adûnaic name is Nimruzîr which translates to the same thing.  In elfscribe ‘verse, his wife’s name is Lórellin.
Ephalak (Adûnaic  meaning ‘far away’) Rabelozar’s exchequer.

Endórë (Quenya) Middle-earth.

fëa and hröa (Quenya) fëa means ‘soul’ or ‘spirit,’ and hröa means ‘body.’  The equivalent terms in Sindarin are fae and rhawFae is both singular and plural.

Fermen (elfscribe-invented Adûnaic name) guard who was killed by Sauron.

Fingaer (Sindarin, meaning ‘red-haired’) son of Celebrimbor; he’s the elf from Ost-in-Edhil whose body Sauron stole.  He is an invented character since Celebrimbor doesn’t have a canon son.  Fingaer called his lover Gûren, my heart.

Gimilbâr (Adûnaic  meaning ‘star lord’) one of the drummers in the Umbarian palace.
glamog (Sindarin) orc.
Gron - Mairon’s strategist, a gnome.  An elfscribe-invented name with no language affiliation, although it’s related to ‘Grond.’  

Haradren (Sindarin) adjective meaning ‘Southern.’ This is a term invented by elfscribe and Malinornë since there isn't a canon adjective for the Haradrim or name for the language they speak.  Because of a dearth of canon Southron, Haradren words are all elfscribe inventions.

Hazûn (elfscribe-invented Adûnaic name) guard who “captured” Annatar and later becomes Captain of the King’s guard.        

híren (Sindarin) ‘my lord.’  Tigôn uses this term with Elendil because he grew up with him and Sindarin is the first language for both of them.
Hozdûnik (elfscribe-invented Adûnaic name) a leering guard with craggy cheeks who made suggestive comments to Sûla and to Annatar.  He appears numerous times in the story

King Hybernan - Elfscribe-invented name for King of the Haradrim.
Igmil (Adûnaic, meaning ‘star-shaped figure’) Captain of Rabêlozar’s prison guard.

Ikar-lak, one of the Bawîba Manô, who are Eru’s high priests of the sect of Manwë. Name is an elfscribe invention with no relation to canon Adûnaic.

ion nîn - (Sindarin meaning ‘my son’).

Izindor (elfscribe-invented Adûnaic name, from izindi meaning ‘straight’) Lord of Arandor and father of Dulginzin and Mirandor.   

Izrê - (Adûnaic meaning ‘beloved or ‘desired’).  A term of endearment and also the name of Elendil’s ship.

Kathalômi (elfscribe-invented Adûnaic name meaning roughly ‘all night’) Sûla’s aunt.

Khibil (Adûnaic, meaning ‘spring’) a member of Elendil’s household.

Khunig -  Sûla’s stepfather who abused him.  An elfscribe invention with help from Malinornë.

kirinki (Quenya) canon name for a flashy red bird on Númenor.

Korizar (elfscribe-invented Haradren name) Aksan’s henchman.

Kuphîr (elfscribe-invented Adûnaic name) one of Ar-Pharazôn’s pages. Bastard son of a Bawîba Manô priest.

Kulbî, son of Kirib (canon Adûnaic names; kulbi means ‘roots’ and kirib is not translated) the guard Annatar accused of stealing a bracelet belonging to the King.

Lillu (elfscribe-invented Umbarian name) one of Rabêlozar’s courtesans.

Lorcastra (plural Lorcastrîn, elfscribe-invented Haradren term) a sect of the Black Serpent cult that practice black magic. Thanks to Russandol.                         

Lórellin (Quenya) Elendil’s wife, an elfscribe-invented character.  She is named after the lake in Valinor where Estë rests.

Magân (Adûnaic, meaning ‘wright’) herbalist that Sauron sends Tigôn to in Umbar, one of the Lorcastrîn, (see entry for Lorcastra).

Mairon (Quenya) Sauron's original name meaning ‘excellent’ or ‘admirable.’ Tar-Mairon means  ‘King Excellent.’  From ‘Words, Phrases & Passages in various tongues in The Lord of the Rings’ published in Parma Eldalamberon #17: “Sauron’s original name was Mairon, but this was altered after he was suborned by Melkor. But he continued to call himself Mairon the Admirable, or Tar-mairon ‘King Excellent’ until after the downfall of Númenor.”

mîki (elfscribe-invented Adûnaic term, from canon Adûnaic mîk meaning ‘baby boy’). Slang word for boy with a slightly jeering meaning, like saying ‘dude’ or ‘pal’ or ‘boyo.’

Mirandor (elfscribe-invented Adûnaic name) youngest son of Izindor.  He has a wall-eye

Milzagar (elfscribe-invented Adûnaic name) a handsome blond guard (fox-face).
Míriel (Quenya, meaning ‘jewel-daughter’) the Queen, Ar-Pharazôn’s wife and cousin. Her Adûnaic name is Zimraphel.

morthul (Sindarin, meaning ‘black breath’) an elfscribe invention for a narcotic made from flower seed, like opium.

nadzûn (Adûnaic, elfscribe-invented term) a worthless buddy.

Narûkh (elfscribe-invented Adûnaic name combining man ‘naru’ and shout ‘rûkh’) a guard.  

Nibanuzîr (elfscribe-invented Adûnaic name) the King’s head of household.

Niduzîn (elfscribe-invented Adûnaic name) one of the King’s male servants that Ar-Pharazôn brought in as a substitute for Sûla.         

Nimruzîr - Elendil’s Adûnaic name.

Nûluroth (elfscribe-invented Adûnaic name, roughly meaning ‘night foam’) Sûla’s cousin.

orzini (elfscribe-invented Haradren term) beer infused with a drug that makes one impervious to pain.

Pâroth (elfscribe-invented Adûnaic name, combining Adûnaic meaning ‘hand’ and roth ‘cut’) Dulginzin’s servant, man with a scar on his neck and burn marks on hands. Courtesy of Malinornë.

Pûh - (Adûnaic meaning ‘breath’ or ‘spirit’). The name of Amandil’s ship.

pushdug ilid (Black Speech and fanon) ‘dung-filth elf.’ Ilid is a fanon term, not canon. Pushdug means dungfilth in Black Speech (but probably a debased form).

Rabêlozar (Elfscribe-invented Adûnaic name) Regent of Umbar.

Ráca (Quenya, meaning ‘wolf’) Annatar’s pet.  

Ratcatcher (elfscribe invention) a variety of knucklebones, or bones.
Rhag ena (elfscribe-invented Haradren term) ‘stand back.’

Rothîbal (Elfscribe-invented Adûnaic name) Lord of Ondosto.

Saibêth (Adûnaic, meaning ‘assent’) - Sûla’s mother.

scunning (elfscribe-invented Orcish curse) the exact meaning is unknown but it’s nasty. Imagine ‘bloody’ in its place.

Sha! (Black Speech) an expression of contempt.

Sikhulzin (elfscribe-invented Adûnaic name) a beaky nosed guard.

Silmariën (Quenya, meaning ‘garlanded maiden’) Amandil’s wife who died many years earlier than the story.  This is an elfscribe-invented character.    

Skazung (elfscribe-invented Haradren term) swear word meaning ‘excrement.’

snaga (Black Speech) ‘slave.’

Sûla (Adûnaic, meaning ‘trump’) Ar-Pharazôn’s cupbearer and zirâmîki. His former master before the King was Lord Azûnê. His stepfather is Khunig.  He is from the village of Brûni, (elfscribe invention) further down the coast from Umbar.  His village has ties with the Haradrim but are not of that people.  Saibêth is his mother. Kathalômi is his aunt. Kathalômi’s husband is Yakalud. Nûluroth is their son, Sûla’s cousin.

tarks – Númenóreans. In LOTR this word is used by orcs to refer to men of Gondor.  It comes from the Quenya word tarkîl, meaning Númenóreans. I am inferring that Sauron could have used it as a derogatory term for Númenóreans.  
Tar-Mairon (Quenya) ‘King Excellent.’ A name for Sauron used by Dolgu. See entry for Mairon.

Tar-Palantir (Quenya, meaning ‘far-sighted’) the former King, Míriel’s father. His Adûnaic name is Ar-Inziladûn meaning ‘King Flower of the West.’

Tigôn (elfscribe-invented Adûnaic name) Ar-Pharazôn’s messenger.  His father is Lord Eärdur who is the younger brother of Lord Vëandur of Eldalondë. They often visited Amandil and Elendil in Andúnië nigh to the old havens and was a playmate of Anárion when young.        

Truthsayer - Another name for Annatar since he could determine if someone is telling the truth.  One word, no hyphen.  

Urug (Adûnaic, meaning ‘bear’) a zirâmîki, who was formerly Ar-Pharazôn’s favorite and became Sûla’s rival.

vâkis (elfscribe-invented Haradren term) male genitals, plural vâkim.

Vëandur of Eldalondë, Elendil’s friend and Tigôn’s uncle.

Yakalud (elfscribe-invented Adûnaic name) Sûla’s uncle.

Yanak (elfscribe-invented Adûnaic name) King’s surgeon and husband of Zôri, the healer.   

Zanar (elfscribe-invented Adûnaic name) one of Ar-Pharazôn’s pages. The son of a wealthy shipping merchant in Rómenna.  

Zigûr (Adûnaic) ‘wizard’. This term is used to describe Sauron as The Zigûr.

Zimrazra - (Adûnaic, meaning ‘sea jewel’). Ar-Pharazôn’s ship before he built Alcarondas (the Castle of the Sea). Courtesy Malinornë.

zirâmîth, (plural zirâmîthin; elfscribe-invented Adûnaic term, from canon Adûnaic ziran meaning ‘beloved’ or ‘desired’ and mîth, ‘maid-child’) beloved girls or courtesans. Feminine form of zirâmiki.

zirâmîki (plural zirâmîkin; elfscribe-invented Adûnaic term, from canon Adûnaic ziran meaning ‘beloved’ or ‘desired’ and mîk, ‘young boy’) beloved boys or male courtesans.  

Zizzûn or Zizz (elfscribe-invented Umbarian name) Master of Fate, a god of the peasants around Umbar.

Zoganîr (elfscribe-invented Adûnaic name) Tigôn’s older brother.

Zôri (Adûnaic meaning ‘nurse’) the healer whom Sauron bewitches. Technically it should be spelled Zôrî but if I have to add one more accent to a name, I'll scream.            


Chapter End Notes

Many thanks to Malinornë and to Russandol, skilled Middle-earth linguists, for help in creating original terms. And a big sloppy puppy kiss to Russandol for going through this mess, accumulated very casually over the course of three years of writing, and making it look presentable.

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