Leaflets by Raksha The Demon

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Spirit of Fire (Finwe & Miriel)




The nights have cooled since we first awakened by the shores of Cuiviénen.  Plants drowse in fruitless slumber.  We have learned to kill for food.  I strike sparks from fire-stone with my flint spearheads, so the slain deer will cook on the branches I gathered.  Yet the wood does not light. A shower of dry leaves and grasses falls atop the woodpile, dropped from a maiden’s deft hands.  I bring forth sparks, then flame, and a warm smile from the maiden.   She calls me Finwë, skilled one.  I name her Míriel, for her jewel-bright eyes.  New fire kindles between us.


Chapter End Notes

 AUTHOR’S NOTES:   As most Silmarillion readers know, Finwe and Míriel became the parents of Fëanor, the mercurial genius who created the palantír, the Silmarils, and the Kin-strife.  Fëanor’s name means Spirit of Fire.  It was not stated in The Silmarillion whether Finwë and Míriel were among the original Elves awakened at Cuiviénen; but he never named their parents; (not to my knowledge) and Finwe at least was contemporary with the first-created Eldar.  Special thanks to ElenaTiriel of HASA/Henneth-Annun, for researching the meaning of Finwë’s name!

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