Only Half-Related by chrissystriped

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Chapter One

Maitimo stared at the pale mole on the underside of the elf’s jaw. He’d wanted to kiss him there, but now... The elf wore a mask – he did, too – a precaution to not recognise each other later. But it had failed, he knew now who his partner was.

Maitimo touched his neck where he knew the same mole was visible. All descendants of Finwe had it. Why hadn’t he recognised him earlier? Hadn’t he recognised him either?

Maitimo gripped the handle of the flogger tighter. His uncle – half-uncle, he thought absentmindedly – moved his head uncertainly, his breath quickening because Maitimo had stopped doing anything.

Maitimo laid his hand on Nolofinwe’s back, felt the heat that pulsed from his beaten skin. The Valar have mercy, he still wanted him! His arousal had flagged a little when he recognised Nolofinwe, but he had only to think of how he had moaned under his lashes to wake it again.

Maitimo took a trembling breath. He had never contemplated that he might meet someone he knew – surely not his uncle!

“Uncle Nolo”, he said softly.

The words hit his uncle like a lightning bolt, Maitimo was sure he would have spun around if he hadn’t been tied to the bedpost.

Maitimo removed the mask and the wig that hid his hair before untying Nolofinwe. His uncle’s eyes were wide under his mask.

“May I?”, Maitimo asked and took off his mask after a nod.

“Maitimo”, Nolofinwe whispered and sank down on the bed. He grimaced when he put weight on his sore backside.

Maitimo decided to follow his example and sat on the bed beside him, his hands shook.

“Does your father know?”

Maitimo shook his head. “And he mustn’t know! Please, don’t tell him!”

Nolofinwe huffed. “And disclose how I found out? I think not.” He shook his head. “We’re in the same boat, Maitimo. Let us be glad that you noticed soon enough. Before...” He shuddered a little. “How did you notice.”

Maitimo touched Nolofinwe’s mole and felt his uncle tense at the touch. He winced when Nolofinwe took his mask from his hand and stood up abruptly.

“I’ll leave first”, he said, dressing quickly. “Follow in a few minutes, we can’t be seen together.”

Maitimo nodded and watched Nolofinwe leave the room. He knew that it was wrong, but he still ached to continue. Maitimo buried his fist in his hair. He’d almost fucked his uncle and the father of his best friend – and he had made him kneel and beg for a beating – and all he felt was regret at a missed opportunity? What was wrong with him?!


Nolofinwe walked up and down the reception room restlessly. He had told his family that he didn’t want to be disturbed and sent the servants away. No one should hear the conversation he intended to have with his nephew – the best would be if no one found out that he had talked to him. His brother didn’t like him to socialize with his sons.

Nolofinwe wasn’t sure what Feanáro thought of the friendship between Findekáno and Maitimo. The boys didn’t seem to care about the tension between their fathers and Nolofinwe hadn’t had the heart to stop their friendship. Boys... Nolofinwe shook his head. Maitimo was an adult. He had only realised how grown up he was after he had found out who he had knelt to. He was sure that his nephew hadn’t done it for the first time, he had been so confident. If he hadn’t noticed the mole... Nolofinwe shuddered at the thought of how narrowly they had escaped an incestuous affair. And still... He stopped when someone knocked hesitantly on the door.

“Come in.”

Maitimo was even more pale than he usually was, the freckles on his nose stood out brightly.

“I got your message, uncle”, he said, his voice trembling.

Nothing reminded Nolofinwe of the confident man he had knelt so eagerly to the other day. He was just a young man, afraid of his secret being revealed.

“Take a seat, Maitimo. I’m sorry if my request to talk to you frightened you.”

He had known that it would make Maitimo nervous, but he hadn’t known how to formulate his message without saying too much. He wouldn’t have kept his secret so long if he had been less careful.

“You aren’t angry with me?” Maitimo sat down.

“No. I’d have been angry if you’d recognised me and said nothing, but as you did... Don’t forget that I was not forced to go to that place. I wanted it as much as you. Our shared secret would hurt me as much as you. No one knows about it and no one must find out.”

He wasn’t sure if Maitimo understood how much was at stake for him. Maitimo was unmarried and although it would surely cause an outcry if his preferences became known, he didn’t break the law. But Nolofinwe was committing adultery.

“Aunt Anaire doesn’t know?” Maitimo’s eyes widened.

Nolofinwe shook his head. “And it has to stay that way. Maitimo... I love Anaire, I love my family, but sometimes... I don’t go there often, but sometimes I need to submit to someone.”

“I always liked people bowing to me”, Maitimo said softly. “How they show me respect because I am a prince. But I was taught that I mustn’t exploit the power that comes with my position. Father takes it very serious that people show him the reverence due to him, as you know.”

Nolofinwe nodded. He had no idea why Feanáro feared to be put in second place. Their father loved him above everyone else and nothing was further from Nolofinwe’s thought than to compete with that. He just wanted to get along with his brother and sadly that meant to treat him like the Crown Prince, not his brother.

“But mother always takes care that we don’t treat the servants condescendingly. Under the mask... under the mask I can glory in the absolute power I am given.” Maitimo blushed. “I... haven’t told that to anyone. You know how it is. It’s just sex and then everyone goes his own way. The only thing you talk about is what you want to do.”

Nolofinwe nodded silently. It had never bothered him not to talk about it, more to the contrary. The less the strangers he had sex with knew about him, the better. If it ever came out that the king’s second son liked to be humiliated and beaten, he would become an outcast – and, even worse, Anaire would leave him. But he understood that a young man like Maitimo wanted to talk about it and now they knew about each other... Nolofinwe felt heat rise to his face when he remembered how Maitimo had seen him.

“How did you hear about the inn?”, Nolofinwe said. It was a well guarded secret he’d only heard about after long, careful inquiries.

Maitimo shrugged. “I met with people, who... like men more than women and one of my... acquaintances noticed my cravings. He told me how to get there and how messages are exchanged. And since then... I’ve gone there regularly. Uncle...” Maitimo bowed his head, his red hair hiding his face. “Do you believe it’s wrong?”

“No”, Nolofinwe answered. “Not as such.” It was wrong that he cheated on his wife – and the thought was a heavy weight on his soul – but he wouldn’t make Maitimo feel like something was wrong with him. “They also say that sex before marriage is wrong and still it is not so unusual. Everyone needs to decide what is right for themselves.” He had thought differently once but now he knew he had no right to judge anyone. “But be careful, Maitimo. There are more than enough people who think differently. That’s why we meet in all secrecy.”

Maitimo nodded and smiled at him. “I’m glad that at least one person knows the truth about me now.”


He should have seen it coming, Nolofinwe thought while Maitimo’s lips descended on his, hot and demanding. His nephew had stolen away to talk with him almost every time he visited Findekáno and it hadn’t escaped Nolofinwe how he looked at him – and he couldn’t deny that Maitimo was proving a hard trial for his self-control. He moved back reluctantly.

“Maitimo, don’t”, he said, breathing quickly. His body wanted it. “We mustn’t.”

Maitimo shook his head. “But why? It was fate that I recognised you. We can be ourselves with each other.”

“I’m your uncle, Maitimo. We are too closely related.”

‘And I’m married’, but he didn’t say that out loud. It hadn’t kept him from doing this before.

Nolofinwe moaned when Maitimo’s hand stroked his arousal.

“But you want me”, Maitimo noted.

“We can’t always have what we want”, he whispered back.

Half-uncle”, Maitimo said and laughed desperately. “Doesn’t father always insist on you only being his half-brother? You are hardly part of the family, if you ask him. Maybe that’s a good thing in this case.”

Nolofinwe sighed and tried to think clearly, although Maitimo’s fingers still caressed him through his trousers.

“But... Maitimo, what about Findekáno? You are his best friend. Won’t it... change your friendship?”

Maitimo shook his head. “Why should it? He won’t find out. No one will find out. And why should I treat him any different because we have sex? You want me”, he stated again.

“Yes”, Nolofinwe answered because it was the truth and he too weak to fight the craving. And maybe Maitimo was right. Feanáro refused to acknowledge him as family. Maybe he could, too. “Your father would kill me.”

Maitimo chuckled. “Oh, I think he’d like that I intend to make you kneel to me. Speaking of... Why are you still standing?”

Nolofinwe gave in to his longing and knelt before Maitimo, an excited shudder running down his spine.

“The door”, he said weakly and Maitimo moved to lock it. They were in Nolofinwe’s private living room, usually no one disturbed him here when he had a visitor, but he wasn’t so careless to risk it.

“What do you call me, núro?” Servant, Nolofinwe shivered.

“Prince Nelyafinwe”, he whispered, following an inspiration.

He never called Maitimo by his father-name, it had been like a slap to his face. ‘Third Finwe’, like he didn’t even exist.

“So you realise that I’m above you, núro? That your place is at my feet?", Maitimo said sternly.

Nolofinwe moaned softly.

“Yes, Prince Nelyafinwe, of course.”

“Good. I’m glad that we are of one mind in this. Stand, núro.”

Nolofinwe obeyed, Nelyafinwe was still so much taller than him that he had to stoop to kiss him. Nolofinwe opened his mouth to the tongue sliding possessively against his lips and Nelyafinwe pulled him close, groping his ass. He was still in doubt, but hadn’t he gone too far already anyway? Wasn’t Maitimo right? If he met with someone, he had always to be careful to not be recognised. Wasn’t it freeing to do it with his... nephew? Nolofinwe gulped. Their close kinship still had a bad aftertaste, but he wanted to submit to this elf... He moaned into Nelyafinwe’s mouth when he slid his knee between his thighs.

“Ah, núro...”, Nelyafinwe whispered into his ear. “It seems to me you ached for me to bow you down.”

“Let me serve you, Prince Nelyafinwe. In any way it pleases you.”

“Mmmh”, Nelyafinwe licked his earlobe. “I like you talking like that. Strip.”

Nelyafinwe sat on the couch and looked at him expectantly. Nolofinwe blushed as he undressed slowly, layer by layer, for the young prince sitting on his couch and emanating dominance. He still felt guilty – he was the older, he should know better... Nelyafinwe’s heated gaze slid down his exposed body and Nolofinwe trembled with excitement.

“Kneel, núro”, Nelyafinwe said and he obeyed without hesitation, crawled to him when Nelyafinwe crooked his finger at him.

Nelyafinwe tugged at the pins that tamed his hair until it fell in dark waves around his shoulders.

“I’ve imagined for so long how it would be to burry my hands in that mane.”

Nolofinwe moaned when Nelyafinwe did exactly that, sliding his fingers through his hair before pulling on it.

“I don’t suppose you have any toys in reach, núro.”

Nelyafinwe pulled harder, little spikes of pain shooting across Nolofinwe’s scalp.

“No, Prince Nelyafinwe. Not close by. Please forgive my failure”, he answered huskily. “I did not know that you wanted me.”

A wicked smile played around Nelyafinwe’s lips.

“Hm, ignorance is no excuse. But for now: Refill my glass.”

Nolofinwe obeyed on his knees, his hands shook a little as he poured the wine. Nelyafinwe took a sip without taking his eyes off him, he touched his chin with his free hand and slid his thumb over is lower lip.

“I have so many ideas I want to try with you, but that needs better preparation. For today I’ll content myself with your mouth, núro.” Nelyafinwe opened his belt-buckle. “After I punished you for being so unprepared to serve me.”

Nolofinwe blushed. Nelyafinwe put his glass aside and folded the belt.

“Over my lap, núro.”

Nelyafinwe moved him around until he was pleased with his position.

“Hmm, what a nice butt.”

Nolofinwe groaned when he kneaded his buttocks, Nelyafinwe’s other hand came to rest on his neck.

“I expect you not to struggle, núro, it would only prolong your punishment. You will count the slaps and thank me for each one.”

The belt smacked his backside without any further delay, the burning followed shortly after the sound and Nolofinwe gasped.

“One. Thank you, my prince.”

The humiliation of having to thank him was a sharp burning in his gut, making his arousal grow. Nelyafinwe laid nine more firm strokes across his skin and Nolofinwe thanked him with increasingly throaty voice.

“Have you learned your lesson, núro?”, Nelyafinwe asked, his nails teasing the tender skin, Nolofinwe shivered.

“Yes, my prince”, he answered. “I won’t be unprepared for you again.”

“Very good.” Nelyafinwe patted his backside and motioned for him to kneel between his legs. “Let’s come to the more pleasing part of this meeting.”

Nelyafinwe reached for his glass and drank deeply, the arrogant prince speaking from every fibre of his body. Sitting with his legs spread it was obvious that he had enjoyed the proceedings despite his words. Nolofinwe’s cock pulsed in the same rhythm as his burning buttocks.

“You may start to pleasure me, núro”, Nelyafinwe said with a grin.

“As you wish, Prince Nelyafinwe.”

Nolofinwe caressed the bulge in Nelyafinwe’s trousers with his hand before opening the lacing and taking his cock out. Nelyafinwe leaned his head against the backrest, his hand gripped his hair again when Nolofinwe bowed forward and licked the head. He was glad that Nelyafinwe wanted him to do this, he was good at it. He was sure he could please the prince.

Nolofinwe took his time with exploring him, noting his reactions; how his breath hitched and the fingers in his hair tightened as he closed his lips around the head and sucked gently; how he moaned and his hips thrust up as he slowly licked up the underside; the pleased sounds he made as he took him deeper into his mouth. Nolofinwe gasped when Nelyafinwe’s foot slid between his legs and rubbed against his cock.

“Don’t stop, núro”, he admonished because Nolofinwe had stopped moving and he relaxed his throat to take him in as deep as he could.

“Valar!”, Nelyafinwe groaned. “What unforeseen talents you have, núro...”

Nolofinwe moved against the foot between his thighs, desperate for friction, while he bobbed his head, Nelyafinwe’s groans filling his ears. The fingers tightened painfully in his hair when Nelyafinwe’s warm, salty release filled his mouth. Nolofinwe swallowed and the prince petted his head.

“Not bad, núro.”

The hand cupped his cheek and Nolofinwe rubbed his heated skin against it. He whimpered in protest when Nelyafinwe pulled his foot back.

“Touch yourself. Give me a show, núro.”

He slowly sipped the last of his wine while Nolofinwe wrapped his hand around his arousal with burning cheeks. He would have said it wouldn’t take long, but Nelyafinwe’s gaze that almost felt like a touch on his heated skin, made him conscious of the way he looked. He closed his eyes, but Nelyafinwe lightly slapped his cheek.

“No, look at me.”

Nolofinwe opened his eyes with a whimper, he was shivering and his arousal was almost painful, but he didn’t know, if he could...

“Don’t take too much time, núro, or I’ll come to the conclusion that you don’t want release.”

Nolofinwe shuddered violently. It was absurd, but Nelyafinwe’s threat made it easier. The idea that he might leave him like this, painfully hard and with the taste of the prince’s release on his tongue... he spilled over his hand and thighs with a long moan. Nelyafinwe grinned broadly.

“There we are! Was that so hard, núro?”

“No, my prince. Thank you, my prince.”

Nelyafinwe pulled him up by his hair and kissed him for a long time, his tongue exploring his mouth.

“I’m very pleased with you, núro.” Nolofinwe closed his eyes when he rubbed his neck. “I hope, I won’t have to punish you for negligence in your service again.”

“I will do my best, Prince Nelyafinwe. May I be admitted to ask, when you will grace me with your attention again?”

Nelyafinwe gave him a crooked smile. “I’ll let you know.”

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