At the end of days, again by Himring

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At the end of days, again

Another deafening explosion, right above them. Then ominous silence. Dust trickled down the walls of the bomb shelter.

‘It reminds me of Numenor,’ muttered Alwin.  


‘Yes,’ said Alwin, ‘the land that foundered, the great wave climbing over the lands, coming on, darkness inescapable. I dream of it, sometimes.’

‘Then you think it is coming?’ asked Fidel. ‘Darkness inescapable?’  

They leaned closer to him.

‘No,’ said Alwin. ‘I do not know what is happening. I can see nothing but destruction all around us, but still… In this moment I cannot believe any darkness will endure!’

And he took their hand.

Chapter End Notes

This is obviously a re-write of the dialogue of Faramir and Eowyn in ROTK.

It is also inspired by Tolkien's two time travel novels (The Lost Road and The Notion Club Papers), in which descendants of Elendil are haunted by dreams of Numenor.

Alwin is not meant to be the same person as Alwin Lowdham in the Notion Club Papers, although also a descendant of Elendil. Fidel is meant to be be a descendant of a companion of Elendil who was called Voronwe, like Wilfrid Trewin Jeremy in the Notion Club Papers. (Full disclosure: I used online sources for the Notion Club Papers, as it is a long time since I looked at that volume of HoME.)


100 words in MS Word.


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