Hidden Within by Keiliss

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Fanwork Notes




Fanwork Information


Past meets present; two elves and a sword, words of power sung under starlight. 

MEFA 2009: Genres: Character Study: Friendship, First Place 

Major Characters: Erestor, Glorfindel

Major Relationships:

Genre: Drama


Rating: General


Chapters: 1 Word Count: 6, 938
Posted on 23 January 2010 Updated on 23 January 2010

This fanwork is complete.

Comments on Hidden Within

The Silmarillion Writers' Guild is more than just an archive--we are a community! If you enjoy a fanwork or enjoy a creator's work, please consider letting them know in a comment.

For every time I read this gently paced story, I find it more beautiful.

Everyday life in Imladris and the ordinary actions of extraordinary people (my favourite is still: 'Baked quince. Again.') form the backdrop for the main characters in this quiet story; two lonely souls, both with past hurts, yet both willing to give friendship a chance, meet in an unexpected place.

As always you tell us so much through the little things; it is impossible not to notice that Erestor's reticence hides a kind and considerate nature; and Glorfindel, despite his confidence and seemingly aloofness, is a shrewd judge of character.

PS: I hope you'll post the prequel here, too; it may have been written as an afterthought, but it is the perfect partner to this, written in the same quiet style which suits its unassuming main character so well.


Hey Lissa :) Sorry I took so long to respond, I honestly thought I already had. So very kind of you to leave a review here, too, and one that looks at both characters with such kindness. What you've said really fits my view of them, it's lovely they've made the same impression on you.

I had serious doubts about posting Love Story here, it seems very unlike the majority of the work in the archive, but this is my corner and it's what I write, sooo - yes, I'll be posting it soon. That's another favourite of mine and you're right, they do belong together. Thanks for mentioning it :)


I'm finding it hard to say exactly what I enjoyed about this story--only that I did. :) As usual, your characters are spot-on, there was a pervasive sense of the magical and otherwordly ... and all the talk of flowers and bees and birdsong really made me want summer! :) I really liked this one.

Hi Dawn :) I know these aren't your elves, nor is this a period you write in (as far as I'm aware), so the simple fact that you reviewed and like it means a great deal to me. Thank you so much. I was trying for a sense of the 'magic' of elves, of what sets them apart from their mortal kindred, and your mention of it delighted me. 

Funny old world, isn't it? You're looking forward to summer, I've spent the day muttering that I've had enough now, bring on the rain, please! 

I followed your link and found my way here from Faerie. Then I had to regisiter so I could let you know I found it. Gosh, you have so many stories here and so much Gil-Galad! I feel like a kid in a candy store.

I enjoyed this. I loved how ancient and otherworldly Glorfindel felt. As for Erestor, having just read the love story of his and Gil-Galad's beginning it was so sad to see him here alone having lost him. terribly, terribly sad. I think Glorfindel will be good for him....and visa versa. thanks for directing me here to find this! will now work my way slowly through the others.

I'm so touched you registered so you could comment, thank you very much, that is lovely of you. Also very glad you liked Hidden Within (I still call it Sword in my head because that was its working title, lol).  I was seeing Glorfindel exactly like that, ancient and otherworldly, so you couldn't have said anything that would have made my smile bigger. I think this is the fic where I finally really heard him. And Erestor - alone yes, but doing satisfying work and he'll have such a story to tell Gil when they finally meet again.

All my Silm fics end up on here - several different 'verses, but pretty much the usual suspects most of the time :D Hope you find something else you'll like *hugs*