Myth and Legend by Aria

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Fanwork Notes

A drabble/poetry thing.

Fanwork Information


Ælfwine/Eriol on his way back to England after visiting Tol Eressea mourns.


Major Characters: Eriol

Major Relationships:

Genre: Experimental


Rating: General


Chapters: 1 Word Count: 94
Posted on 25 January 2010 Updated on 25 January 2010

This fanwork is complete.

Chapter 1

Read Chapter 1

He had stayed o'er long and so would always mourn; leaving the isle of the ever-young.
But there was no future in that land for him; for a mortal in an immortal land.
The stern bows beneath the waves.
Swift, threatening, a warning thrown up to warn him well what would happen should he dare try to return to that fair isle.
He sails home, to hearth, and kin, to dark unknown, to spin tales of lands and people long forgotten. Of friends lost beneath darkening skies.
Of a world that is little more than myth and legend...

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