The Kinslaying of Sirion and its consequences
Series compiled by Aprilertuile
- Series Information
The kinslaying of Sirion happens.
Maedhros and Maglor kidnap the twins Elrond and Elros, and this will be their life together.
Major Characters: Elrond, Elros, Maedhros, Maglor
Major Relationships:
Fanworks in "The Kinslaying of Sirion and its consequences"

Oath awakened by Aprilertuile
Warnings: No warnings apply
In Sirion, Elwing has a Silmaril in her possession... And in Amon Ereb, The Oath is awakening in the remaining sons of Feanor.

The tragedy of Sirion by Aprilertuile
Warnings: In-Universe Racism/Ethnocentrism, Violence (Mild)
The feanorians attack Sirion.
This story follows oath awakened

Leaving Sirion by Aprilertuile
Warnings: Child Abuse, Expletive Language, In-Universe Racism/Ethnocentrism, Violence (Moderate)
After the Sack of Sirion, the remaining two feanorian brothers are leading their people back to Amon Ereb, taking the twin children of Elwing back with them.
This story follows : The tragedy of Sirion

Back at Amon Ereb by Aprilertuile
Warnings: No warnings apply
Finally the journey ends, and Maedhros, Maglor, their people and the kidnapped twins arrive in Amon Ereb.

mishaps and headaches by Aprilertuile
Warnings: No warnings apply
Follows the story : Back at Amon Ereb
Elrond and Elros managed some small transformations, but didn't get the desired results.
Maglor doesn't know how to deal with it and might not quite know how to keep track of both twins.
Maedhros gets a headache for his trouble.