Finwean Ladies Week 2021 by Kaylee Arafinwiel

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Chapter One - The Stepfamily of Feanor

Nolofinwe and Lalwen as twins is my headcanon. Sibling ages here are relatively to human...Feanor is probably in his early 20's (college age), Findis is mid-adolescence, Nolofinwe and Lalwen are about four years old at most. Given what NoME has told us, or not, about timelines I'm not sure how to relate that to elven years, especially with Trees involved...

"Will you never trust me, hinya?"

He gave her a disdainful look. "I will not. I am not thy child, either," he retorted. "I am Þerindëon, now and forever. Thou canst go sa-si with thy children, and thy husband." He scoffed.

Indis sighed as her stepson stalked away from her, and returned to her sewing room with Findis. O Miriel, what hast thy Choice wrought? "I miss thee, Miriel, my sister," she whispered, and Findis squeezed her hand.


"Dost thou trust me, hina?"

Nolofinwe looked up at Feanaro, his thumb in his mouth. The little boy had escaped his nurse once again, and he rather admired his elder brother, who was most definitely a grown-up and a fascinating one at that. He nodded. "Up?" he inquired, holding out his arms for Feanaro to pick him up as Finwe so often did.

Feanaro obligingly picked up his stepmother's spawn, holding the child away from him. He missed the boy's twin, Lalwen, hiding behind the nearby tapestry. She crept after Feanaro, doing her best to keep up with his long strides. It wasn't easy, but she did her best to keep her brothers in sight.

She was just in time to see Feanaro push Nolofinwe over, into the shallow water of the fountain's basin, and ran at Feanaro, screaming. "Emme! Emme!"

By the time Indis arrived to pluck her two distressed children from the water, Feanaro had gone. The Noldotari whispered a prayer of thanks to Lord Ulmo for not allowing the twins to drown. "I should never have left them alone. They are much too clever for their nurse," she wept.

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