Comments on Fill The Night With Stories

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I can't remember if I've already told you how much I love this picture of Gil-galad? Well, I do really love it.

"reminiscient of Fingon, but also of Fingolfin, and even Finwë. There was no doubt Ereinion had the blood of kings flowing in his veins" -- love this in particular. This could be used as a defense for why one would prefer to chose Fingon as Gil-galad's daddy over Orodreth. I've built Gil-galad up too big in my mind to be merely Orodreth's son.

Hi Oshun. Despite the indications that Gil-galad being Fingon's son being only a "fleeting fancy" in Tolkien's eye, it's one thing I can't compromise on. Partly because I'm biased to Fingon (hee), but also for the reasons you stated - the name is just more meaningful to me applied to a son of Fingon, and there's a nice line of heritage going there. Even Gil-galad's death is an echo of the valiant deaths of Fingon and Fingolfin.

Thank you for taking the time to read and comment! :D