Fill The Night With Stories by Klose

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Fanwork Notes

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A place to house my short ficlets as I write them, or the ones that I can't bring myself to post here as individual stories anyway. Most of these will just a couple of hundred words long. 

#1 - "The Way That We Love" - Fingolfin/Anaire, very loosely based on theme of "Five Things Anairë Hates About Fingolfin". Written Dec'07.

#2 - "Inheritance" - a sort of missing moment story featuring Círdan and a very young Ereinion Gil-galad. Gen. Written Mar'10.

Major Characters: Anairë, Círdan, Fingolfin, Gil-galad

Major Relationships:

Genre: Drama, General, Humor, Romance


Rating: General


Chapters: 2 Word Count: 1, 133
Posted on 8 April 2010 Updated on 8 April 2010

This fanwork is a work in progress.

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Table of Contents

Fingolfin/Anairë, very loosely based on theme of "Five Things Anairë Hates About Fingolfin".

I've interpreted Anairë's remaining in Aman as a choice made from the beginning, that is, she did not leave Tirion and turn back (as I've written in "Bonfires of Trust, Flashfloods of Pain", also posted on this site).

Written December 2007, originally posted on LiveJournal.


A sort of missing moment story featuring Círdan and a very young Ereinion Gil-galad. Gen. Written Mar'10.

For the purposes of this ficlet, I assume that Gil-galad was Fingon's son.

Written for one of the Back to Middle-earth 2010 Challenges, specifically for Belegost: A character loses something seemingly mundane that possesses great personal importance or value. What does he or she do to recover it?

Rather rough & unpolished, but still readable, I hope.


Comments on Fill The Night With Stories

The Silmarillion Writers' Guild is more than just an archive--we are a community! If you enjoy a fanwork or enjoy a creator's work, please consider letting them know in a comment.

I can't remember if I've already told you how much I love this picture of Gil-galad? Well, I do really love it.

"reminiscient of Fingon, but also of Fingolfin, and even Finwë. There was no doubt Ereinion had the blood of kings flowing in his veins" -- love this in particular. This could be used as a defense for why one would prefer to chose Fingon as Gil-galad's daddy over Orodreth. I've built Gil-galad up too big in my mind to be merely Orodreth's son.

Hi Oshun. Despite the indications that Gil-galad being Fingon's son being only a "fleeting fancy" in Tolkien's eye, it's one thing I can't compromise on. Partly because I'm biased to Fingon (hee), but also for the reasons you stated - the name is just more meaningful to me applied to a son of Fingon, and there's a nice line of heritage going there. Even Gil-galad's death is an echo of the valiant deaths of Fingon and Fingolfin.

Thank you for taking the time to read and comment! :D