Dancer of Numenor by Himring
Fanwork Notes
This is for the following prompt of the Gnome Tome challenge:
Many women achieved great fame as dancers
It features an original female character of mine who has already appeared in previous stories.
Fanwork Information
Summary: The career of Lominzil, an up-and coming star of the stage in Armenelos, was originally inspired by the example of Tar-Vanimelde. Major Characters: Original Female Character(s) Major Relationships: Genre: Fixed-Length Ficlet Challenges: Gnome Tome Rating: General Warnings: |
Chapters: 1 | Word Count: 101 |
Posted on 31 October 2021 | Updated on 1 May 2023 |
This fanwork is complete. |
Dancer of Numenor
Read Dancer of Numenor
The first time Lominzil was taken to the theatre by her parents, she saw Queen Vanimelde dance. She was quite young. Her memory in later years retained little of the plot, but a strong sense of movement and colour: a gracefully lifted hand, a sway of emerald skirt.
Her mother, in the following months, observed her enacting scenes from her history lessons and always, now, it was through expressive movement, rather than words.
‘I am being a gull,’ she would explain, ‘like Elwing.’ Or: ‘I am Luthien as a bat!’
Thus Lominzil’s talented feet were set on their future path.
Chapter End Notes
Lominzil has previously appeared as a minor character in the story "Send in the Clowns" and been mentioned in the associated drabble "A Daring Leap".
This drabble about her backstory supplies additional motivation for her choices in those stories, but I think it can be independently read as a fill for the challenge!
The Gnome Tome prompt actually is from a passage about the women of Numenor and I think it throws interesting new light on Queen Tar-Vanimelde, whose preference for dance gains a new context here. NoME shows dancing in Numenor as a performance that people would travel to see, even though theatres are not mentioned.
100 words in MS Word.
I have also incorporated the prompt "school subject - history" from a Tolkien Weekly challenge.
I really like this! It's…
I really like this!
It's cute to see how she starts incorporating dancing into other subjects during her lessons
Thank you very much! I'm…
Thank you very much! I'm glad you enjoyed my fledgling dancer!
Ahh! This brought a lovely gentle sense of nostalgia to me. Although my feet wandered off on very different path to Lominzil's.
It's lovely to view these little cameos, which carry a depth that is belied by their brevity.
*wanders off to the enjoy Send In The Clowns...*
Thank you very much! It is…
Thank you very much!
It is good to hear that this resonated with your own memories when you read it!
I'm interested in dancing, but never was much good at it myself.
I probably already said this on AO3.
She was born to dance. Lovely.
You did say it on AO3, but I…
You did say it on AO3, but I really appreciate your taking the trouble to say it again!
I am glad you like my young dancer!