Half and whole by firstamazon

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Half and whole

This was written for the prompt "family" of the Holiday Party challenge.

But Uncle, that is nonsensical!” It was not the first, and obviously not the last time he would say this.

Let me decide what is and isn’t, Findekáno,” Fëanáro replied, looking above his shoulder. “It’s not because I tolerate your presence in my house that you are allowed to invite all of Nolofinwë’s brood to it.”

But uncle! It’s Maitimo’s begetting day! He’s our cousin!”

Oh, so now he is family?” Fëanáro turned to meet him in full, a smug smile tugging up his lips.

Findekáno gulped. “I don’t-”

Please, don’t play coy with me. I know the nature of your relationship.”

And… you are fine with it?”

Fëanáro merely shrugged.

So… does it mean that my siblings can come?”

He simply stalked away, leaving a bemused Findekáno staring at his retreating back.

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