Hildórien to Beleriand Series
Series compiled by Anérea
In my headcanon, the Awakening of Men at the time of the Rising of the Sun was figurative, more like a renaissance or the advancements that might occur with the invention of the wheel or agriculture (or the sudden appearance of a pair of glaring balls of light in the sky). Although they had been alive long before, while the plants and animals lay dormant under the influence of the Sleep of Yavanna, life for Men had probably been very simple. When the Sun and Moon triggered the Second Spring of Arda, then “new things, devised long ages before in the thought of Yavanna and sown as seed in the dark, came at last to their budding and their bloom. West, North, and South the children of Men spread and wandered, and their joy was the joy of the morning before the dew is dry, when every leaf is green.”
~from The Silmarillion, Chapter 12: Of Men“When Men awoke in Hildórien at the rising of the Sun the spies of Morgoth were watchful, and tidings were soon brought to him; and this seemed to him so great a matter that secretly under shadow he himself departed from Angband, and went forth into Middle-earth, leaving to Sauron the command of the War. […] To corrupt or destroy whatsoever arose new and fair was ever the chief desire of Morgoth; and doubtless he had this purpose also in his errand: by fear and lies to make Men the foes of the Eldar, and bring them up out of the east against Beleriand. But this design was slow to ripen, and was never wholly achieved; for Men (it is said) were at first very few in number, whereas Morgoth grew afraid of the growing power and union of the Eldar and came back to Angband, leaving behind at that time but few servants, and those of less might and cunning."
~from The Silmarillion, Chapter 17: Of The Coming Of Men Into The West<br />
- Series Information
Tolkien briefly mentions the Awakening of Men and then over 300 years later they appear in Beleriand with fully-formed culture and an apparently exciting and interesting history that's barely hinted at in the Athrabeth Finrod Ah Andreth.
The latter describes an oral tradition passed down through many generations, so while the Tale Of Adanel may contain a core of truth, the precise details of their ancestors' lives would naturally become embellished or forgotten according to each storyteller's memory and understanding, morphing and evolving over time.
The stories in this series explore the possible early history of Adanel's ancestors, the keepers of their wisdom traditions. (Adanel and her Brother happen to themselves be the ancestors of most of the First Age Edain and Peredhil heroes.)
Major Characters: Original Character(s), Original Female Character(s), Original Male Character(s), Adanel, Maiar, Men, Zimrahin
Major Relationships:
Genre: General
Fanworks in "Hildórien to Beleriand Series"

Entwined by Anérea
Warnings: No warnings apply
First Age 116: in the foothills of the Orocani Mountains—west of Hildórien and far, far east of Beleriand.
Woman meets man in four 100-word drabbles.
(The first in my Hildórien to Beleriand series exploring the ancestors of Adanel and her brother Magor, from whom came many of the Edain heroes of the first age, as well as the Peredhil.)

Fraiwen's Flowering by Anérea
Warnings: No warnings apply
First Age 122: in the foothills of the Orocani Mountains—west of Hildórien and far, far east of Beleriand
A little girl discovers a little of her own magic.
(The second in my Hildórien to Beleriand series exploring the early life of the Edain ancestors.)

In Light Of Dreams by Anérea
Warnings: No warnings apply
FA346: Estolad, East Beleriand, and circa FA150: near the Orocarni Mountains, Eastern Middle-earth
Zimrahin, wife of Malach and mother of Adanel & Magor, relates a tale of one of their ancestors to a young Adanel, wise-woman-in-training.
(Third in my Hildórien to Beleriand series, connecting Adanel with her earlier OC ancestors.)

(Of What Might Be, Or Should Be) by Anérea
Warnings: No warnings apply
circa FA50, Lórien, Aman
A half-baked pseudo-philosophical conversation between Ulmo and Irmo on Life, the Universe, and the reliability of dreams as a form of Unbiased Communication in aiding the Secondborn Children of Eru.

First Risings From Hildórien by Anérea
Warnings: No warnings apply
FA125: West of the Orocarni Mountains, and FA0: on the shores of of Hildórien
A great great grandmother relates her memories of the first time she saw the moon rise.