Pallando & Alatar: never have I ever... by Anérea
Fanwork Notes
Fanwork Information
Summary: Two journeys of the Blue Wizards in two drabbles from the Holiday Party Instadrabbling event using the "Never have I ever" prompt. Major Characters: Alatar, Pallando Major Relationships: Genre: Adventure, Fixed-Length Ficlet, General Challenges: Holiday Party Rating: General Warnings: |
Chapters: 2 | Word Count: 204 |
Posted on 24 January 2022 | Updated on 24 January 2022 |
This fanwork is complete. |
Prompted by Dawn Fellagund: never did Pallando ever... lose his way?
Read Lost?
The persistent mist thickened on the fourth day to the point that they could barely see fifteen feet in front of them. Usually the one with the keenest sense of direction, Pallando now had to admit he no longer knew how far along the escarpment they were, or even in which direction it lay, let alone where the pass was. Taking a breath, he stilled his thoughts, and with them, his uncertainty. He felt a fresh breeze on his face. That way. Wind blows up the sides of mountains during the day. With renewed confidence, the pair continued their journey.
Chapter End Notes
This is basically a very truncated description of a time a friend and I were almost lost in the mist in the Drakensberg Mountains, unable to see more than a few meters and no indication of where the sun was. As we walked I kept lining up three markers—bushes or stones or clumps of grass—at a time to ensure we would not walk in circles. It required intense concentration and after hours of this it became exhausting to the point my mind eventually let go and I even forgot which direction we'd been walking in. Panic crept up and started choking my mind and I wanted to cry. After a while it was my friend who said "The wind! It blows uphill during the day and downhill during the night!" So we turned our noses to the wind and soon enough found the edge of the escarpment. We still had no idea where the pass lay, but we knew if we kept to the cliff edge we'd come across it. Which we did. Two days later. After a midsummer snowfall. In "sunny" South Africa!
Prodigal Wizard
Prompted by Grundy: never did Alatar ever... return to Aman?
Read Prodigal Wizard
He knew he hadn’t always done his best. His best would have been to resist taking on the position of power the Men of the East had foisted upon him. He could have continued to influence them in a humbler role as Pallando had. But the allure of their adulation had been too enticing. However, that was of no consequence now. In the end, his life and death had served the greater purpose, just as Eru once had said. As Alatar’s spirit sped towards Valinor and the Máhanaxar, he welcomed the rest that would come, regardless of the Valar’s judgement.
I like these glimpses of…
I like these glimpses of their fates!
And, wow, that's quite a story about your adventure! A good thing you found your way again!
Thanks. I've thought a lot…
Thanks. I've thought a lot about the Blues, and have Ideas for them too, but never did I ever think about them in this way, so it was a surprise glipse for me too!
And, yes, I guess that "write what you know" thing popped up in response to Dawn's prompt, although the details were a little too involved for a single drabble. Maybe I'll rework it into two.
There's more to our adventure: my sister and another friend had decided (sensibly, with foresight) to follow the escarpment and we (stupidly, in hindsight) wanted to cut straight across; that was the first and last time any of us ever split up with a hiking party! Even though we eventually found the escarpment, we still didn't know which direction the other two were. Also, we had the cooking stove, they had the tent, so all of us would only have been half warm and fed. Our shouts of "yoh-dieee" were just echoed back at us, until eventually one was not an echo. I can still feel the extreme relief and jubilation I felt when I saw a fuzzy bright yellow patch which was her matching poncho fading into view through the mist. We capered a very happy hugging dance on the edge of the escarpment there, pitched tent and all enjoyed a cooked supper.
There's actually a lot more, that was a very adventuresome ten days in the mountains. Hmm, maybe I'll work it all into a fic somehow.
I love how Pallando just…
I love how Pallando just takes a breath and pauses for a moment to figure out what to do next. I think sometimes we all need that time to just breathe before making the next decision
Indeed. I think a wizard…
Indeed. I think a wizard would know this well and would take a breath before he reaches panic stage. It's certainly helped me many times. A breath, and a smile. Funny how a smile affects how one feels, but I've found at times when I've been more afraid than having fun, a smile has calmed me enough to collect myself and reconnect to my thinking-brain!
Oh nice! I love that as an…
Oh nice!
I love that as an idea for what Alatar has been up to!
Thank you! I was taken by…
Thank you! I was taken by surprise myself when he told me.