Enchantment by Anérea

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Náre Oialëa Lúcë

During those two hundred years, what attracted each to the other and held them so utterly captivated?

Being filled with love Elwë came to her and took her hand, and straightway a spell was laid on him that it seemed he made a great journey with her, and he beheld through her beauty and song the immeasurable vastness of Eä in endless interchanging melodies woven in harmony that passed beyond hearing into the depths and into the heights, so that it filled the Void to overflowing. In the midst of the innumerable stars he saw countless worlds hung globed, and he perceived that the darkness between the stars was not void but was as kindling for the Secret Fire.

Elwë was other than anything Melian had hitherto known, the stuff of Arda and yet strange and free, and being filled thus with wonder the more did she love him. In him she beheld the mind of Ilúvatar reflected anew which otherwise had been hidden even from the Ainur, and she saw in him a world like unto Arda, as vast and manifold and thorough in its crafting, yet so small as to be wholly contained within. And at his heart was kindled the Flame Imperishable.

Though long years passed as they stood beneath the wheeling stars and the trees of Nan Elmoth grew tall and dark about them, it seemed to them but a short time ere they spoke.

Chapter End Notes

The chapter title is my Quenya approximation of Enchantment of the Flame Imperishable.

Written for the Tolkien Short Fanworks April prompt formal challenge "a fixed-length piece of 222 words".

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