Your Sins into Me by oshun

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Fanwork Notes

Fanwork Information


Shortly after the arrival of the main body of the Noldor in Middle-earth, Fingon the Valiant sets off alone to rescue his cousin and old friend Maedhros who has been captured by Melkor.

Nominated for the 2011 Middle-earth Fanfiction Awards.

Major Characters: Fingon

Major Relationships:

Genre: General

Challenges: Fifth Birthday Celebration

Rating: General


This fanwork belongs to the series

Chapters: 1 Word Count: 464
Posted on 4 September 2010 Updated on 4 September 2010

This fanwork is complete.

Chapter 1

Read Chapter 1

Long before, in the bliss of Valinor, before Melkor was unchained, or lies came between them, Fingon had been close in friendship with Maedhros; and though he knew not yet that Maedhros had not forgotten him at the burning of the ships, the thought of their ancient friendship stung his heart. Therefore he dared a deed which is justly renowned among the feats of the princes of the Noldor: alone, and without the counsel of any, he set forth in search of Maedhros . . . . (The Silmarillion, "Of the Return of the Noldor")

Two days earlier, Findekáno had passed out of the forest that surrounded Lake Mithrim to finally reach a desiccated plain. Only the toughest grass could survive its cold drying winds. He knew if he kept walking through the night that the sun would rise upon the even more desolate landscape of bare mountains dotted with the occasional dreary cave, which preceded the sheer cliffs of Thangorodrim. He still had no idea how he would gain entrance into the depths of foul Angamando.

Overwhelmed with rage, he screamed. "Can you hear me, Manwë?" No. Of course, you can't, or won't. He envisioned a young Maitimo holding a sobbing little Carnistir to his chest crooning endearments. Never had Findekáno known a brother to equal Maitimo. He carried unselfishness to an extreme. Maitimo had turned his back on their relationship in order to protect him from those last days of madness in Valinor. Findekáno shouted again, the sound bouncing off the bleak rocks. "Hasn't he suffered enough?" If you think he hasn't suffered enough I'll take his unforgiven sins upon myself. He kicked a stone and walked with greater energy, his anger fueling renewed determination.

Much later Findekáno settled down onto his arse on a brittle black boulder in the long-cooled lava field. Not a comfortable seat. Maitimo would have enjoyed examining the rocks though. He felt less infuriated with Manwë for the moment. Having shot a rabbit, he was confident that he probably would not starve within the next short period at least.

"Accept my apologies, Manwë Súlimo," Findekáno said, addressing the King of the Valar in what he hoped was a somewhat more reasonable tone. "I do not know what has become of my manners recently."

The sweat on his forehead tingled from the faint breeze, which brought no relief but instead intensified his awareness of the sulfurous odor in the air. "Let me restate my petition, please." It was nearly impossible to keep the sarcasm out of his voice. Although, no doubt Manwë can see into my heart, he thought. And if Manwë can read me, then he can descry Maitimo's good heart. Surely that must mean that there is some hope.

Chapter End Notes

This title is from the ballad "Silver and Cold" by A.F.I. (2003). Pandemonium recommended this song to me a couple of years ago as having lyrics which reminded her of my ongoing storyline of Maitimo and Findekáno.

Your sins into me,
oh, my beautiful one, Your sins into me.

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Thank you so much!! I loved the lyrics Pande gave me for them. They did seem to fit those two as I try to write them. Here they are in entirety:

Your sins into me,
oh, my beautiful one.
Your sins into me.
As a rapturous voice escapes
I will tremble a prayer
and I'll beg for forgiveness.
Your sins into me,
Your sins into me
oh, my beautiful one.

Light, like the flutter of wings,
feel your hollow voice rushing
into me as you're longing to sing.
So I, I will paint you in silver.
I will wrap you in cold.
I will lift up your voice as I sink.

Cold in life's throes.
I'll fall asleep for you.
Cold in life's throes.
I only ask you turn away.
Cold in life's throes.
I'll fall asleep for you.
Cold in life's throes
I only ask you turn
as they seep into me,
oh, my beautiful one, now...

Your sins into me,
oh, my beautiful one.
Your sins into me.
As a rapturous voice escapes
I will tremble a prayer
and I'll beg for forgiveness.
Your sins into me,
Your sins into me.

Reposting my MEFA review:

In this ficlet, we get a vivid glimpse of the increasingly forbidding landscape that Fingon the Valiant has to cross to reach Maedhros hanging on the cliff face and his understandable moment of fury at Manwë for allowing Maedhros to suffer. The words of the song that the title of this ficlet is based upon are indeed quite apt in describing the deep and abiding love that Oshun has envisioned between Fingon and Maedhros. I really love her rendition of their story.

Long overdue, I've finally tracked down my MEFA review...

It's not often that a short piece like this can evoke such a wide range of emotions, but this is exactly what this ficlet does. Despair, hope, anger, sarcasm, fondness, compassion, resignation, love, we get to know Findekáno's mind as he treks towards Angband to search for his cousin. No grandiose words or gestures, just honest and believable thoughts, including the mundane practical matter of hunting to eat (because oshun's words are about the man, friend and lover, not the dazzling hero).

His monologue or, more accurately, one-sided dialogue directed to Manwë, is amazingly effective, combined with the journey's description and Findekáno's matter-of-fact reminiscing of the days before the Darkening, before chaos and danger prompted Maitimo to distance himself in order to protect his lover. The little detail about the rocks paints Findekáno's longing with a single, perfect brushstroke. Really, there is so much to enjoy within these few words! Just beautiful.