Free Press by Lferion
Fanwork Notes
Written for the SWG May Vintage Challenge. On AO3 here
Many, many thanks to Zhie and Runa for encouragement, idea bouncing, and sanity checking.
Fanwork Information
Summary: Four colleagues work together on increasingly complex challenges in storytelling. Major Characters: Original Character(s) Major Relationships: Genre: Comic Strip, Drama, Fixed-Length Ficlet, General, Poetry Challenges: Vintage Rating: General Warnings: This fanwork belongs to the series |
Chapters: 3 | Word Count: 1, 542 |
Posted on 15 June 2022 | Updated on 15 June 2022 |
This fanwork is complete. |
Swans and Gulls
First challenge: a new serial story. A double drabble.
Prompts - Lit:N1 Parody, Art:I4 50s color palette, Poetry:B3 Satirical Poem, Fanwork:O1 Girl falls into Middle Earth
Read Swans and Gulls
*** *** ***
"So, we have a request for a picture-tale featuring a nís unexpectedly in Ennor. We did Idril and Tuor not long ago, and Irisse just last week. Lady Galadriel? Lady Elwing?"
Aiglor looked over at Varandil, "Why are you poking the bear? Or the swan-gull-eagle in this case?"
"Are you mad? None of them! Make someone up!" Mithnis was horrified.
"Poking fun at invention isn't nearly as much fun as reality," Sindion said calmly. "Though ... we could put aspects together of several, and exaggerate them. Parody and satire both at once. More scope for the poem too." Their pencil was already doodling tengwar.
There was a long moment of silence while the four elves thought. Presently there were several thoughtful nods.
"Use that color set Mithnis came up with, the one with those soft-bright colors like mint and lilac, coral and canary. Turquoise hair. Bells. No wings."
"Aiglor is right, make it transformative enough, and even if some people get it, it will not get us, or anyone else in actual trouble." Varandil sat himself properly at the desk, putting the letter under a weight. "So, both? What shall we call her, and how pointed do we want to be?"
*** *** ***
Tenth Walker
A second challenge - adding an element to a well-known story. A triple drabble.
Prompts - L:I5 Serialized Stories, A:G1 Newspaper comic strip, P:N3 FRSP Free Verse, F:B4 10th Walker
Read Tenth Walker
*** *** ***
"Well, my lovelies, we have another Request," Varandil announced, flourishing a note on the same distinctive paper as had accompanied the previous such Request-which-was-not-a-request.
Aiglor, Mithnis and Sindion all sighed expressively and looked at him, framed in the doorway. Before any of them could say anything, he went on, "Our intrepid Lady, who is definitely neither Lady Elwing nor Lady Galadriel, now venturing in Ennor much like Lord Glorfindel did once, is to be sent on the Quest in our planned retelling of the Tale of Master Frodo and the Ring."
Mithnis's lips formed an incredulous 'what!?' but no sound emerged. Aiglor shook his head as if he had gotten water in his ears, "Say again?"
Sindion demanded "How? Seriously, how?" at the same time.
"How is 'left up to our powers of invention and imagination.'" Varandil sighed as he flopped into his chair. "They did specify that she is not to replace any of the actual Walkers, but be a tenth."
A somewhat fraught silence ensued, while they all thought; doodling, twiddling, bobbing, staring up at the wave-and-star molded ceiling as aided each one's process. Presently, Varandil broke the silence as hands stilled and everyone sat up straighter. "So, first thoughts?"
"Free verse for the narration. No heroic couplets or stately braided rhymes," Sindion declared. The others nodded.
"I say we keep the bright colors, maybe even brighten up the other characters. Printing hasn't had any trouble with what we've asked for so far. I'll need to think about how much redesign to do."
Mithnis was making lists, muttering mostly to herself, "Add Arferyánis to the outline, re-calculate how many 6-panel and 12-panel segments...." She looked up, "At a guess, we're going to need another whole sequence just in the first canto of the six. We can do this."
*** *** ***
Singing Palantíri
Our intrepid creators are tasked with the inaugural serial play on the new network of Palantíri
Prompts - L:O1 Radio Play, A:I2 Psychedelia, P:O1 Filk, F:O3 What if Chara X took Ring
-- References Eight-Pointed Star, which is sung to the tune of The Tannahill Weavers It Was All For Our Rightful King.
1000 words, including the song.
Read Singing Palantíri
*** *** ***
"Oh, Valar above, what do they want now?"
"A voice-play, my dear, to be performed over the course of a year, matching, as much as possible, significant dates in the story to the dates of performance." Master Findaerondo, Second Director of Public Entertainment, Festival Division, had slid past Varandil to stand importantly in the middle of the room.
Sindion visibly bristled at being addressed as 'my dear,' especially by the Second Director. They were nobody's 'dear' thankyouverymuch. Craft-wed, in the Dwarven manner, they lived with several other like-minded persons in a sprawling building that had once been a house, and was now several workshops with personal spaces, with a central set of common rooms. Mithnis occasionally thought it was an arrangement she would be comfortable with, except that she liked kissing and cuddling other nissi too much to declare herself ace. Mithnis pulled herself up short, sternly telling herself to Pay Attention.
"'Arferyánis Henhelinë and the Quest of the Ring' was a triumph. So much so that we have decided to use it, suitably expanded, to inaugurate the new network of Singing Palantiri."
Arya (Arferyánis proved utterly unwieldy in very short order, especially when talking about the production of the thing) had not been in the title. That entire long-running illustrated story had gone on for three years of the Sun, and Frodo had been the title character in 'The Tale of Frodo and the Ring.'
They were not going to have any input on this title, that much was obvious.
"So, she will have a larger part in this production. Several noted performers have expressed interest in the role. As well as the others of course. The individual sections will be performed live at the Tirion Amphitheatre, with an audience of course, so there will be costumes and so forth, Varandil has all those details, but the thought is to draw from the story illustrations, but make them brighter."
Sindion and Aiglor were exchanging horrified glances behind the director's back. Mithnis didn't dare look over at Varandil, or even at the printing clerk trying to be invisible in the corner. They could all discuss it when the director left. They would need to discuss it.
"The most important new element is that there must be a point in the story where Arferyánis is heroically in possession of the Ring, which must all work out for the best. Perhaps she saves Boromir. I leave the working out to you. I have every confidence." Bestowing a bright and very satisfied smile on the room, Master Findaerondo swept out the door, Varandil hastily stepping back to avoid being run into.
Just as they were thinking they could breathe again, the Director popped back in, pinning Sindion with a Look, "We will need a theme song, Song-scholar. That will need to be ready at the half-month, for use with the initial announcements. I am certain that Master Daeron or Mistress Lindecarne will be happy to take that on, if you feel that is not enough time." He was back out the door before any of them actually could draw breath to speak.
In the resulting stunned silence, Aiglor managed to take the proof-sheets the printing clerk thrust at him before escaping. He set them on his table very gently and precisely. "Well," he said, staring unseeing at the colored sheets, "that plot-twist has Daerince's fingerprints stamped all over it."
"I expect it has already been decided that his daughter will have the part." Mithnis said, "At least she is both trained and skilled. And somewhat looks like her." She looked over at Aiglor, "I cannot imagine what 'brighter' will be for the clothes -- especially for Arya. Or Legolas."
"Psychedelic, I expect," put in Varandil, lowering himself into his chair. The stack of 'specific details' was not small. "Everything turned up to fourteen, with gemstones."
Aiglor winced even as he nodded. "I did not design those outfits to be practical. Some of them aren't even possible. But if they want over the top, I can do that."
"Over the top, and a theme song on no notice. Daeron my bloody calluses." Sindion's hair was practically sparking with the force of their feelings, "I will give them a theme song, oh yes."
Varandil looked faintly alarmed, "Stately but singable. That's the one noted requirement."
"Plenty of scope, then. All sorts of scope." Sindion's eyes went distant for a moment before snapping back to the present. "What is our budget?"
Varandil sorted through the pages. His eyebrows flew up when he found the one he wanted. "A lot. I don't think we need worry about that. The production is being underwritten by several of the Lords of Gondolin."
Sindion's smile was infectious, "I think we are going to have a great deal of fun with this."
*** *** ***
O ten the Walkers free and fair
Against Fell Riders nine
O who will aid and who despair
Who next the One Ring find?
By chance or by design
From Shire and Wild swift they come
In Imladris to meet
From East and South, withall and some
To counsel foe's defeat
Come rain or snow or sleet
[Verse for Book Two]
Long leagues we run where Horsemen ride
Beneath these forests fare
Together fighting side by side
In hope and peril share
There's nothing we'll not dare
Beneath the light of Earendil
In hope they onward go
Through fear and horror steadfast still
Unyielding 'gainst the foe
With axe and harp and bow
To word and wisdom we hold fast
To ally and to friend
For vict'ry it will come at last
Though life and blood we spend
And Middle-Earth defend
[Verse for Book Six]
*** *** ***
Sindion stopped singing. Everyone else shook themselves out of the song-world.
"You actually did it. You filked 'Eight-Pointed Star,'" Aiglor said, impressed. "Going to be some happy don't-call-them-Feanorians-but-that's-what-they-are."
"The best part is it's already signed off on. Daerince obviously did not recognize the music." Sindion forebore to look smug. "And, technically, it's contre-fait, not filk."
*** *** ***
Ohohoho, I really like this!…
Ohohoho, I really like this!
Kinda makes me wonder now about children's tales in Arda in general
Chapter 2
Ah, those poor creators!
It seems their character from the first chapter was better received than expected?
Chapter 3
An absolutely delightful ending that had me giggling!
I'll have to check out the song later
(Also kind of jealous of Sindion's living arrangements. That sounds like a dream)