Proceedings of the Angband Poets' Society by kimikocha

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An Ode to Melkor, on his return from imprisonment.

An Ode to Melkor, on his return from imprisonment.

Thank fuck our Morgoth’s come on back!
We’re making him a lovely plaque!
He whose terror knows no equal—
Save Mairon, his fright’ning sequel.

So many years we spent in fear,
Ne’er knowing how much worse was near.
The spreadsheets! Gantt charts! Metrics, how—
Restructuring, he said. Right now.

He started at the very top,
And once he did, he would not stop.
Performance reviews: yearly, now.
‘Fore things like crunch time, we must bow.

So when our Master we did spy,
“Deliverance!” rang out the cry.
We thought that this would be the cue,
For in with the old, and OUT WITH THE NEW!

But though we celebrate today,
Our joy’s short-lived, I’m sad to say.
For Graagh spied Melkor in the mist,
Greeting Mairon…
                …with a passionate kiss. ?

-Bhalzak, Captain of Angband's 432nd Regiment

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