Comments on Hier, mit dir im Dämmerlicht

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Taking name suggestions for Túrin's ship,


Umm... Well there's the obvious Cuarthol (but that of course implies Beleg also).  There's Gurthang if you want to use his reforged sword's name, there's any number of countless alternate names he took for himself (or was given): Neithan, Gorthol, Agarwaen, Mormegil, Thurin...

There's Dor-Lomin as his 'house' which would make sense as a ship name if you live on a ship.  Gaurwaith as the name of the outlaw band he got tangled up in...

If it's a particularly troublesome ship, maybe Saeros ?

They're all aliiiive yes let them be happy <3 Turin's bad luck being reduced to Mablung locking him und Beleg in a closet  room until they seal the buddy deal - perfect.

As for Turin's ship, I feel it should have some overly dramatic name like "Doomslayer", but everyone just calls it Turin's baby or something (feel free to ignore my nonsense, I really should not be awake right now and I barely am)