Hier, mit dir im Dämmerlicht by daughterofshadows
Fanwork Notes
Today we explore literal grey spaces and what characters talk about when only the emergency lighting flickers overhead.
Featuring Beleg, who found his place in the world on the most unexpected ship, and Túrin, whose luck is horrifically good and bad in equal measure.
Also titled "I just want them to be happy, damn it!" which is why Lalaith, Nienor and Rían are still alive and Morwen wasn't separated from her children.
Fanwork Information
Summary: Sometimes life creates the most beautiful symmetries. Major Characters: Beleg, Túrin Major Relationships: Beleg & Túrin Genre: Fluff, General, Science Fiction Challenges: Also Appearing Rating: General Warnings: This fanwork belongs to the series |
Chapters: 1 | Word Count: 860 |
Posted on 8 July 2022 | Updated on 8 July 2022 |
This fanwork is complete. |
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