The Sindar
The Sindar of Doriath...
As Seen by the Noldor:
They hide behind their queen's walls, while we do all the work of fighting. Then they look down at us for Alqualonde, despite the fact that most of us never killed there, ban our language and refuse to talk to anybody except the sons of Finarfin. What provincial fools they are, despite their claim to civilization.
As Seen by the Falmari:
We envy them their walls, but not the blindness those walls create. They are losing touch with the outside world, and it is causing them to make dangerous mistakes.
As Seen by the North Sindar:
They make fun of our accent and insist that we're provincial. They won't protect the lands we love, and then despise us for turning to the Noldor for protection. Refusing the Noldor's language wasn't such a bad idea, though some of Thingol's other actions have been insultingly xenophobic lately.
As Seen by the Laiquendi:
Doriath may be beautiful, but it feels like a cage. We prefer freedom even if we must live in hiding.
As Seen by Mortal Men:
An enchanting mystery that contains a really bigoted king. He didn't even bother meeting any of us before banning us from his realm!
As Seen by the Dwarves of Belegost:
They started it!
As Seen by the Petty Dwarves:
Murderers! And they have the gall to say they mistook us for wild beasts when they shot arrows at us. They are either liars or idiots...
As Seen by the Slaves of Morgoth:
Don't go out in the woods today, you're sure of a big surprise.
Don't go out in the woods today, and there's no point in disguise.
For Beleg and Mablung are hunting away, seeking orcs and wolves to slay:
Today's the day that Luthien has her picnic.
As Seen by Umaiar and UVala:
Their men are a minor nusiance. Their women, on the other hand, are TROUBLE!
As seen by the Ents:
It doesn't do to be hasty here... four hours pass in description of the Doriathrim's relations with trees and Ents... but we like them.
Chapter End Notes
A/N: With apologies to John Walter Bratton for mangling his song, 'Teddy Bears' Picnic'.