Malaise by Levade

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Fanwork Notes

Fanwork Information


A rather grumpy Elrond, Glorfindel, a tent, large puddle and a High King with a quirky sense of humour.


Major Characters: Elrond, Gil-galad, Glorfindel

Major Relationships:

Genre: Humor


Rating: General


Chapters: 1 Word Count: 1, 686
Posted on 4 January 2011 Updated on 4 January 2011

This fanwork is complete.

Comments on Malaise

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I love this!! All the little details especially, like the men in the background making bets. It makes this seem very realistic, and a plausible reaction to overwork and constant trauma.

"Elrond thrashed in a fury, hitting, rolling, fighting to be free as he had not fought since Maedhros had grabbed him in Sirion when he was still but a child."

That line was heart-wrenching and vivid! It realy gets accross how desperate and frustrated Elrond feels.

 ""There is precious else here that will allow you to act as less than perfect.""

That line was great, too! It shows as much about Glorfindel as Elrond, I think, that he notices that when he certainly has his own problems and duties to deal with.

""Happened when the tent came down, milord."
Smooth, Elrond thought, almost snickering. Not a lie, but perilously close."

I don't know what made me smile more, Glorfindel expertly using the truth to mislead, or Elrond mentally applauding him for his skill! 

""Ha ha." Shaking mud off of his fingers, looking every inch the disgruntled feline, Glorfindel rose to his feet. "If you don't mind, my liege, I'll take my leave of you."
Nearly whooping, Gil-galad waved him off, wiping his eyes."

The ending was great. I love Elrond's final bit of petty revenge, and the mental image of Glorfindel as a "disgruntled feline," and Gil-galad just unashamedly laughing at all of it. This whole thing reminded me of an episode of MASH; heart-breaking and serious but with humor and plenty of laughs, too.

Great story!