No Dreams In Darkness by cuarthol

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Prompt: Under_____
A Starless Sky

It would be useless to even notice that nothing fit quite right.  Nothing was meant to fit, exactly.  Oh, it wasn’t designed not to fit, but it wasn’t designed to, either.  It was churned out in droves, with little thought, less care, and absolutely no intention of being comfortable.

Kurn was, on the whole, glad to have gear that was too large rather than too small.  She pointedly ignored the black stains on the inside of the leather jerkin as she pulled it on over her head.  Situating a threadbare linen cap, she set the likewise ill-fitting metal helm on her head.  It fell over her eyes.

When the mountains belched forth smoke and fire and death, she was very glad not to be standing on it.  From the scattered, strangled screams that rose around the edge of their number, not everyone was lucky enough to escape the destruction that the Lord of Darkness sent.

The smoke blotted out everything but the fires that went before them as they poured out of Angband like a great black flood, following the dragons and balrogs and other creatures that made even the Orcs tremble and cower.  But the whips at their backs were worse than the bright-eyed creatures before them, and so onward they went.

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