land of bow and helm by skywardstruck

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Fanwork Notes

My piece for Tolkien Secret Santa 2022, for lentilmento on Tumblr.

I drew Beleg and Túrin at Dor-Cúarthol, protecting the land together. The poses are taken from official art for The Legend of Zelda: The Wind Waker, which had its 20th anniversary this month. I like combining my interests together, so I thought I’d give an homage to one of my favorite Zelda games and my first Silmarillion ship! Turleg is one of my favorite ships and I was so excited to draw them! ♥

Some artist notes below.

One of the fun parts was drawing the Dragon-helm of Dor-lómin. I wanted a simple design that would work well for the art style, yet with enough detail to capture the eye. All of the other illustrations of the Dragon-helm, where the dragon is standing on its legs atop the helm, were at an angle that didn’t match my drawing. It would be hard for me to imagine it at a front angle, and it wouldn’t look as good. So I went for a more serpent-like design for the dragon. Drawing Túrin’s hair flowing underneath the helm was really fun, and that confident smirk on his face as he looks up at Beleg really warms my heart. Let them be a badass battle couple!☆

Beleg was really difficult to draw, mostly because I insisted on making his hair style a bit complicated. I challenged myself a lot when drawing him and pretty much taught myself how to draw braids. I realized it’s a bunch of lopsided heart shapes and you alternate which side is fatter. And of course, even though I prefer him with silver hair, I can’t forget the boots. Though drawing Beleg was a challenge, I definitely got a confidence boost from this work.

Thank you so much to the Tolkien Secret Santa mods for organizing this event. I had a lot of fun creating for this exchange!

Fanwork Information


Beleg and Túrin at Dor-Cúarthol, protecting the land together. Drawn in the style of The Legend of Zelda: The Wind Waker.

Major Characters: Beleg, Túrin

Major Relationships: Beleg/Túrin


Type: Drawing/Painting


Rating: General


Posted on 24 December 2022 Updated on 24 December 2022

land of bow and helm

Beleg has long silver hair and multiple braids flowing in the wind, as well as a green tunic, dark green cape and red boots. He is readying his bow to the top left. Turin is kneeling down in front of him. He has a wooden shield and a sword in front. He is wearing the Dragon-helm of Dor-lomin and his long, dark hair flows underneath. He also has a lightly shaved beard. Beleg and Turin smile at each other. The background consists of rocks, a grassy field and mountains. The clouds are swirly.

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