in the hills of dorthonion by Arveldis

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Fanwork Notes


Because we need more romances involving mortal women and Elven men!

For all these ships, I'm interested in the same kind of thing: first meetings, how did they fall in love, how do they make these relationships work given the vast differences in their lifespans, etc.? How do their various families/peoples react to their relationship? I also love different races learning and sharing each other's customs/lore. Any rating and sweetness/spice level is fine, and it's entirely up to you whether you want to adhere to LACE. A happy ending would be much preferred, or at least a happy-for-now ending (I'm thinking particularly of Bronwyn/Arondir here). If you're going with Aegnor/Andreth, a happier AU would be lovely, or a story about their relationship before the break.

Feel free to feature more than one of my requested pairings if you fancy! Did Arondir ever meet A/A or C/H while he lived in Beleriand? Is Caranthir the one to tell Aegnor to stop being a damn fool and go to Andreth now, because he and Haleth proved that these relationships can work out? Anything you like! :D

DNW: second or first person POV, modern/mundane/coffee-shop AUs, soulmates and soulmarks, A/B/O, unrequested non-canon ships, unrequested gender/sexuality headcanons, watersports, scat, rimming.


Relationships between mortal women and Elven men are my favorite, and Andreth and Aegnor are my very favorite of those, so I had to write this! This fic focuses on the first meetings, falling in love, and learning and sharing each other's customs and lore parts of the prompt. I hope you enjoy! <3

Fanwork Information


“It is a high calling, then, to be counted among the Wise, Saelind,” Aegnor said, looking at her long with an expression that she could not read.

Andreth held his gaze, wordless, as some emotion that she could not name passed between them. Wise-heart, he had named her. Wise-heart, though she had lived but a moment compared to him and knew so little of what he knew of the world, born before the sun had ever risen.

They meet in springtime.

Major Characters: Aegnor, Andreth

Major Relationships: Aegnor/Andreth

Genre: Het, Romance


Rating: General


Chapters: 1 Word Count: 4, 172
Posted on 8 January 2023 Updated on 23 February 2023

This fanwork is complete.

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