Comments on A King Is He Who Can Hold His Own

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This fits so well with Thranduil's personality and the way he's so in tune with nature in The Hobbit, and forms a great bridge between these wild Elves and those of Doriath. I really enjoy your explanations and comparisons here, and Oropher's amusement, and the Nandor"s scheming to keep the Noldor at bay!

And your last line... oooph!

Thank you. The loss of self that can come with displacement is an underlying current for me in Tolkien -- what does it mean to be you in a completely new environment? How do the various characters adapt? This particular intersection is one I am fascinated by...Oropher going off to be King in the Greenwood has so many possible meanings. And I imagine the Nandor looking for the opportunities that the Sindar's arrival might offer. Among them, a way to keep those annoying Westerners out of their hair. Wild they may be, but that does not mean they are not canny!

Oh, this was an excellent read!

holding mastery of steel above a closer kinship with the wild or the gentle guarded balance that the Elves of the forest maintain.

I just LOVED how you chose to describe the Noldor here - and Thranduil, of course. You managed to give him and Oropher a lot of character within a few words. Truly well done!