A Day's Journey through Minas Tirith by Himring

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Fanwork Notes

This story features an elderly woman who has mobility and vision issues due to advanced age and a textual ghost (one of Arwen's daughters).

The story also contains brief references to a number of OCs. These include adolescents, displaced and enslaved characters (place of origin suggested only), and one hint of non-literacy.

This is set in Fourth-Age Gondor and as Silmfic it is really marginal. Please bear with me; I was trying to combine more than one challenge here.

Warning for one reference to the death of minors in war.

Fanwork Information


Ioreth has to endure some of the physical drawbacks of advanced age, but there are also people who accord her the kindness and respect she deserves.

Major Characters: Unnamed Female Canon Character(s), Ioreth

Major Relationships:

Artwork Type: No artwork type listed

Genre: Ficlet

Challenges: Middle-earth Is Multitudes

Rating: General

Warnings: Check Notes for Warnings

Chapters: 1 Word Count: 911
Posted on 18 March 2023 Updated on 18 March 2023

This fanwork is complete.

A Day's Journey through Minas Tirith

Read A Day's Journey through Minas Tirith

I. Outside the Great Gate

Ioreth needs support now when walking; she carries a staff to steady her steps and to lean on when she gets tired. Her eyes are not as good as they used to be, either. But she still gets about, especially if she takes enough care to stop to rest when she needs to.

And right now she finds herself in the very same spot where she once stood with her kinswoman watching Faramir ceremonially welcoming Aragorn into the city of Minas Tirith. That time it was Elloth, she remembers. She has shown others of her kin from Imloth Melui around the city, both before and since. The youngsters are often almost too excited about their first trip to the city and really need keeping an eye on to stop them from getting into scrapes!

She recalls how she herself first arrived in Minas Tirith, how huge and bewildering it seemed at first. Now she knows the place like the wrinkles on the back of her hand and finds her way about like one of the cats of Queen Beruthiel, without map or sign-post, despite all the changes that have happened here even in her own life-time.

The Pelennor still lay mostly in ruin when she stood here with Elloth, despite the festivities. This year, fields and orchards are flourishing, promising a good harvest.

II. Rath Celerdain (Lampwrights’ Street)

The keeper of the Old Guesthouse in Lampwrights’ Street has thoughtfully put a bench on the narrow greensward in front of the pillared porch. Ioreth gratefully sinks down on it, even though she will not stay long; she takes any offered opportunity and the city’s stone paving can be hard on old feet. This, she remembers, was where the lads that ran errands for the healers during the Siege stayed. Her eyes mist over, for not all those lads survived and she still feels that loss.

But Master Bergil, Beregond’s son, came well out of it all, and she has seen him and his family only recently. He married the daughter of two ex-thralls from Nurn—where her parents originally came from before their capture, Ioreth is not certain. From Near Harad? Or somewhere out East? Quite unexpected, but Ioreth whole-heartedly approves. Bergil’s wife listens so nicely and politely to an old woman’s witterings-on! Ioreth makes a mental note to herself to drop over with a little gift of some of her rose syrup in a couple of weeks or so.

III. Sixth Level

The Houses of Healing still feel quite like home territory, although she only rarely helps out with light nursing duties anymore and only an hour or so at a time. But it is also a real pleasure to be treated as an honoured guest by one of the Warden’s assistants, as now, settled in a comfortable wicker chair by the trellis in the garden, served herbal tea and a wafer of cake, and receive genuine encouragement to chat about what she remembers! Deorhild has a thick notebook lying on the seat beside her and is always ready to jot down a bit of lore, a handy hint, or a helpful ingredient. Deorhild’s father once came south to join Lady Eowyn. Maybe that is part of why she has so much respect for the wisdom of old wives’ tales, and perhaps it is her upbringing in Emyn Arnen that makes her see such need for a detailed written record…

IV. The Citadel

Oh dear! Maybe seven levels are turning out to be one too many, after all. It is such a beautiful day still, but all at once Ioreth seems to be feeling every inch of the climb up from the Great Gate in her bones. It does not help that she is close to Fen Hollen—well, no, not really, but suddenly that closed door does seem to loom uncomfortably near and Ioreth is feeling all too mortal.

‘Why, Ioreth! Are you all right?!’

‘My Lady Celebriel! Forgive me, I did not see you. I was feeling a bit shaky of a sudden, there.’

‘I will send for help…’

‘No, no, just give me a moment and I will be right again as rain!’

‘Are you sure? Let me take your elbow.’

‘You are too kind!’

‘It is no trouble at all. Why are you here? Were you on your way to the Citadel?’

‘I had heard the White Tree was fully in flower again and people were flocking to see.’

‘Yes, indeed! Shall I take you there? I can find seating for you in the Court of the Fountain so that you do not need to stand.’

Lady Celebriel is both tall and strong; she is supporting a significant part of Ioreth’s weight just with that one arm. Entering the Citadel accompanied like that by one of the Princesses! Well, Ioreth is not going to question her good fortune.

‘Here, Ioreth. Sit down. Look, you will have a really good view from here, but not be crowded.’

‘Oh, yes! Oh! So very beautiful!’

Celebriel sits down beside her, clearly not planning to abandon her any time soon.

‘My Lady?’

Ioreth might as well try and satisfy her curiosity. It is not every day she gets the chance to ask one of Queen Arwen’s daughters a question!

‘Is it true that they also have a tree exactly like that in Elvenhome?’

Chapter End Notes

Celebriel has previously featured in The Bequest.

Ioreth's vision issues have appeared in Give Us the Wherewithal to Serve.

The piece also is a fill for the March Challenge at tolkienshortfanworks and incorporates two prompts from the B2MeM 2023 prompt board.


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I really love how Ioreth has grown to be such an important character in fandom. You portray her here so beautifully, with all the frailty of an old woman but still with the knowledge that comes from a life lived long and full - and Ioreth the Wise accompanied by the princess was a lovely image, too!

Ahh, a trip through memories as well as the city.

"Now she knows the place like the wrinkles on the back of her hand and finds her way about like one of the cats of Queen Beruthiel..."

I love both of these comparisons, both so apt!

"Entering the Citadel accompanied like that by one of the Princesses! Well, Ioreth is not going to question her good fortune." (Nor give up the opportunity for a story to tell — I think some traits don't fade with age.)

It was lovely to encounter Celebriel again,  and then revisit the histories of the Elessars too, as a bonus!