Chronology of Aldarion and Erendis
This was created to help me write my story, but I will share. It might help the confused reader. However, while I found the order of events useful, I found the dates more of a detriment than a help to my storytelling. I kept the order, but I have collapsed and compressed the dates somewhat. Please grant me artistic license.
Second Age 800 Aldarion and Erendis meet
S.A. 806-813 Aldarion leaves on a sea voyage of seven years.
S.A. 813 He returns and courts Erendis, until his father urges him to marry. His desire to remain free causes Aldarion to drift away from Erendis.
S.A. 816 Aldarion leaves, against his father’s wishes, on the famous Palarran. Erendis enables him by bringing the sacred oiolairë branch for the ship’s prow.
S.A. 820 Aldarion returns and presents Erendis with a diamond diadem in gratitude.Yet again Aldarion distances himself when his father pushes betrothal.
S.A. 829-843 Aldarion leaves again for fourteen years.
S.A. 858 Aldarion travels to the Westlands and spots Erendis.He is smitten all over again. Finally, they agree to marry.
S.A. 863-869 One last sea voyage before they marry, six years in length.
S.A. 870 Aldarion and Erendis finally marry making everyone happy.
S.A. 873 Ancalimë their only daughter is born.
S.A. 877 Against Erendis’ protests, Aldarion feels compelled to return to sea.
S.A. 882 Aldarion returns to find Erendis has retired to the Westlands with their child. He goes to her and demands his daughter and only heir.
S.A. 883 Aldarion becomes king of Númenor.