Maker of Songs by Himring

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The many bells of the goats upon the fells

Rian experiments with an instrumental form of music and surprises her Hadorian hosts.

There are goats in Dor-lomin, too, and goat bells tinkling merrily as the goats perform incredible climbs up sheer rock and balance effortlessly on loose scree.

Rian experiments with goat bells, and cow and sheep bells, shaking each in turn, as her hosts benevolently shake their heads. They indulge her, anxious to keep her happy, where they might try to rein in the fancies of one of their own.

She manages to astonish them with the tunes she can play on her carefully assembled set of bells! Morwen does not smile, but Rian knows her cousin is filled with pride.

Chapter End Notes

For the quotation prompt ‘Do you hear the many bells / Of the goats upon the fells / Where the valley tumbles down from the pines?’ (from the Elven Inspirations bingo card).

The quotation prompt is taken from "A Song of Aryador", an early poem by Tolkien published in Book of Lost Tales I.
Aryador is an early name of Hithlum, but some of the description in the poem sounds quite a lot like later descriptions of Dorthonion.

(Just in case it isn't clear, Rian is collecting an improvised set of musical handbells here; at various times I have seen musicians achieve astonishing effects with such handbells.)

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