A Fanfic Writer's Biography of Sorts (Day 3)
I have been writing Tolkien fanfiction since 2006-2007. I spent the first year writing a huge LotR novel (still a WIP--I add a few chapters a year)--The Princess and the Horse Lord. Not recommending here--it is not one's standard LotR romance and will only frustrate people looking for that. I love it the way one loves one's firstborn, despite its flaws. Randomly, it is still my most read work by a tremendous margin.
I mainly write Silmarillion fanfiction (but not only Tolkien fanfic--I have written stories in the following fandoms: Ellen Kushner's Swordspoint stories, G.R.R. Martin's A Song of Ice and Fire, Harry Potter. Wraeththu, Mary Renault's Greek novels and modern ones, BBC Merlin TV, and Shakespeare. Recently, have started writing the seeds of something (a novel?) in original fiction based in the War of the Roses, mainly focusing on Richard of Gloucester). I do also a monthly character biography for the SWG almost every month.
My personal favorite fic to recommend to new readers of my work is a short novel of Fingon/Maedhros slash A New Day--if you can read slash at all you can read this--it is a love story of sorts and for grownups, but not over-the-top with the physical details.
I have another 50 or so stories written within the same universe and story arc about the children and grandchildren of Finwe. The majority are NOT actually slash and there is a lot of Gen fic also; check the individual story elements if you are fussy about that kind of thing. There are a bunch of other fics also about the denizens of Doriath and Gondolin; even a novella featuring Haldir and Celegorm. My current compulsion is a novella set in Númenor which I just began a couple of months ago, based upon the circumstances and events in Tolkien's story Aldarion and Erendis: The Mariner's Wife.
I write every day very slowly. I am probably the slowest writer I know (only part of it is that I have really bad eyes). I read a lot widely; mainly fiction and history. I read an inordinate amount of fanfiction and try to be supportive of other writers. I talk about my kids and grandchildren all the time. I live in Brooklyn, New York and talk about that a lot also! This is embarrassingly long and I am too tired to edit it and make it shorter. I am so sorry!
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