The Iron Lady by Chiara Cadrich
Fanwork Notes
Fanwork Information
Summary: The story of a girl who wanted a ring on her finger. Canon Source: Unfinished Tales Major Characters: Major Relationships: Challenges: Rating: Teens Warnings: Violence (Moderate) |
Chapters: 1 | Word Count: 3, 007 |
Posted on 26 May 2023 | Updated on 26 May 2023 |
This fanwork is complete. |
The Iron Lady
Read The Iron Lady
-…I do not fear either pain, or death.’
- ‘What do you fear, Lady?’ he asked.
- ‘A cage’, she said. To stay behind bars, until use and old age accept them, and all chance of doing great deeds is gone beyond recall or desire.’
Eowyn and Aragorn, The return of the King, Book V
At the sign of the drunken goose…
The captain dislikes children.
But this petty peasant girl has got wits and personality...
And above all she appreciates a well told story!
Yet, a story with a heroine, mastering her destiny... a girly saga, so to speak... What a disturbing idea!
But the ocean terror is not a man to lower his flag!
Especially since he has little public today...
So the young girl Eliaher will have her girly tale...
Numenor Island, peninsula of Orrostar
The girl rushed under the stone arch of the ancestral mansion, her arms full of shiny fabrics. Exotic silks swept the parquet of the ancient dwelling, as the heavy drapes slipped from the thin shoulders of the girl. Adunaphel(1) spread the rich treasures on the antique oak of the lord’s table. As the servants deposited her coffers around her, on a venerable moth-eaten bearskin – souvenir of the paternal hunts - she got ready to defend and extol her purchases.
Perfumes, velvets, spices, balms, satins, jewels, these extravagant riches bore, to the eyes of the outgoing only child, the lure of distant lands. Once a year, the reclusive heiress of the northern highland manor, was allowed to ride down to the royal market of Rómenna, Numenor’s largest heaven. There, the heavy ships unloaded the wonders of middle-earth, on large docks teeming with life. Spray bore a perfume of adventure, of many places to explore, of wealth to conquer.
These plots of a distant elsewhere, exiled in the moors of Orrosmere, these lavish promises of an exciting future, were the only luxury to distract Adunaphel’s boredom. The girl threw her insolent sea blue gaze to her parents, raising a determined chin, ready to face their recriminations.
But as usual, the bitter old man and the whimsical hostess were quarreling. Yet neither remembered the origin of these bitter disputes. The picky prosaic father was annoyed by the mother’s vapid musings. The selfish bohemian wife irritated by her husband’s avaricious pedantry.
Sighing with weariness, Adunaphel brought out her treasures. Oh, leaving Orrosmere... deserting its wastes and moors, fleeing its uneducated drovers and travel the wide world!
Cramped in this dark dusty manor, the girl had long dreamed that a bold sailor would save her destiny, deprive the dismal monotony of the desert heaths, to sail with her to a distant glory.
Sitting under the ancient arch of her clan, Adunaphel glared the men who succeeded before her. The contenders bowed obsequiously or clumsily, with awkward homages. None could take up the mediocrity of this pitiful flock, rigged with worn party clothes and wargear of another age, to woo the young woman!
The impetuous flower of her youth had hatched into a beautiful young woman, fiery and determined. At her adorable feet, were gathering tasteless gifts - sheep skins, baskets or boxwood trinkets. Only a few weapons, forged with the steel of her province(2), proved worthy of Númenórean engineering, and found favor with the heiress.
Adunaphel took a jaded look of the assembly, recognising with disdain, the striking effect of her proud bearing and radiant beauty, on this uncouth rabble of enamored males.
On the death of her father, her mother had run away, pursuing her fantasies with the last elves who still attended the western heavens. Therefore the King's Men(3) had seized the domain, suspecting some treachery. The young woman, out of arguments, had appealed to the clan’s lawyer, a distant cousin.
From the corner of her eye, she watched her savior, who stood by her side. His aquiline profile seemed to smile at the ceremony, as if the ridiculousness of each contender strengthened his own position, and drew nearer the inevitable bridal outcome. Adunaphel ranted inside, against the smooth, greedy and lustful cousin, but for now only his presence was holding the bailiffs in respect.
Cornered in this ancestral prison, the young woman now knew she should rely on herself only to seize her destiny, and sail to a distant glory.
Numenor island, Romenna harbour,
Adunaphel, dressed and disguised like a man, roamed in the docks of the commercial heaven, her jewelery hidden tight under the seam of her leather belt. Commodities and sailors crossed in a perpetual mess, nevertheless to supply the beautiful alignment in the warehouses. Horses pawed at the capstan hoists, carts were delivering food, immediately embarked on the ships’ large bellies in a dizzying hubbub.
Several times she had to pretend to draw her sword, pushing away marauding troopers and ribald sailors. She was in a hurry to leave Numenor. The liquidation of her assets and gifts, had not gone unnoticed. Her bedridden cousin would soon recover, she had little time.
But luck favors the bold. A not-so-scrupulous looking captain agreed to take her on, for the price of her brightest ruby.
During the crossing, Corumir, a young corsair with a hell seductive scar, killed time with her by exchanging lessons of dock-fight with lute lessons. And sometimes their limbs mingled in melee, in accordance with the sweetness of the tune.
Rocked by the waves in a makeshift hammock, the young woman had seized her fate, and was sailing for adventure to distant shores.
Middle-earth, Umbar bay, Grand Market
Adunaphel glared the crowd with all her hatred, chained on the platform. The rebel jolts of her bare breasts were fanning the jeers of the motley crowd. A big fat-lipped trader in rich saffron robe, outbided the prices thrown by a stumpy bully, whose two scimitars were crossed in the back of his shining armor.
Under the mocking gaze of Corumir, the warrior with a gleaming skull won the auction, smoothing his impressive mustache with a fine air of a connoisseur. Adunaphel had been sold, between the fish auction hall and the cloth market, the rich arabesques of which she had recognized.
Stripped and whipped for the pleasure of the crowd, the young woman was crying her destiny, and ruminated a distant revenge.
Middle-earth, Umbar bay, Vamag Peninsula
Beyond the arcades enclosing the seraglio’s garden, the ocean sparkled in the moonlight. Under the lunar shade of orange trees fragrant foliage, a fountain sang softly.
Kneeling before her lord and master, who was lounging on a soft bed of silk, Adunaphel dragged subtle enchantments from her lute, that night after night, helped the irascible bully to overcome his insomnia.
As the young woman sounded her latest chords, an affected applause came to break the spell, awakening Baron Vamag. The favorite, omnipotent eminence of the harem, jealously watched her influence. The vicious brunette with large doe eyes curled around the master, having the curtains closed by the eunuch in her service. Only his expert care could bring rest to the warrior who reigned hither...
Brutally woken from her sleep, Adunaphel felt a strong hand fall on her mouth and her neck crushed against the eunuch’s powerful chest.
Panic seized the young woman who struggled like a panther. Surprised by this opposition, the aggressor decided to get out of the common room, to finish his disgusting task. Tightening his grip on his victim who already weakened, he quickly walked around the garden pond.
But Adunaphel, in a last reflex, strongly tipped her weight across the legs of the eunuch, at the risk of breaking her neck. The mountain of flesh gave a little falsetto cry, when they swung into the calm water.
The eunuch, unlike the Númenorean, could not swim. She managed to get out of the basin, armed herself with a rake that was lying nearby. With a ruthless glint in her eyes, permanently prevented her attacker to get out.
The next day, the eunuch was found, obscene sperm whale floating off, his huge belly in the air, already swollen by decomposition.
He did not fail anyone, since the favorite, strangled in her private room, could not claim him. Horrible lacerations around the neck of the beautiful gazelle, looked like the powerful rings of a snake, that would have snared her in her sleep.
Forgetting these dramas, Adunaphel the survivor was tuning her lute and meditated the ways of destiny, glimpsing a distant light. (4)
Majestic in their sand-colored robes, three turbaned men advanced to meet the Baron. Putting their right hand on their chest, they solemnly bowed their sunburned proud faces. At the invitation of the Lord, the emissaries of Harad's tribes sat with him around a crafted brass tray. Until nightfall, coveting supremacy in the region, the conspirators meditated Numenor’s imperial policy, pondered the strength of their dangerous neighbor Borazôn and forged alliances.
Aside the baron, a kneeled scribe noted the talks down, completed a large map of the bay, and assessed the necessary supplies for the coalition troops. Discreetly consulted on crucial points Adunaphel took part in the negotiations, forging the political future of the region.
For several years, the energetic Númenorean assumed the authority of Baron Vamag in his absence. She had begun by imposing its power over the seraglio, then over all the palace internal affairs. Gradually, the baron had given her the stronghold’s economic reins. Her deep political intelligence had enabled her to overcome difficulties with merchants, farmers, miners and fishermen, modulating taxes, negociating transactions, ruling harshly when necessary.
Leaning on her plans and books of account, Adunaphel the housekeeper was building the foundations of her destiny, nourishing the desire of a distant power.
Middle-earth, Umbar bay, near the Borazôn stronghold
The cavalry of Southrons allies had long since disbanded. The phalanges of Vamag fled madly to their base camp, the pass of Isigir. There Adunaphel commanded the rearguard, in charge of troops logistics.
When news of the disaster spread, she knew her hour had come. The baron had just perished, his skirmishers defeated by the compact formation of Borazôn heavy infantry.
The descendant of Orrosmere’s lords proved a worthy commander. Her soldiers channeled the fugitives, providing water and the comfort of an entrenched rally point. Adunaphel showed an inflexible discipline, decapitating here and there recalcitrant sergeants. Her authority, revealed at the crucial moment, allowed to gather two-thirds of the dead Baron’s troops. When the heavily armed enemy formation, arrived exhausted at the top of the pass, it broke on the fortifications hastily built by the fugitives.
The allied tribes, flying to the rescue of victory, completed the success of the day, by harassing from horseback, the dismantled troops of the lord of Borazôn.
That night marked Adunaphel’s accession to power: a conquering Princess, she had built, by this unexpected victory over her powerful neighbor, a sustainable ascendancy over the proud warriors of Harad.
An unexpected satisfaction was even granted to her: the boorish scarred corsair, Corumir, was discovered an officer of the vanquished army. Delivered to her at sunset, feet and hands bound, the unfortunate tried to flex the new sovereign, but his flirtatious smile was betrayed by fear. He changed tactics, offering his arm and sword. Too bad - the hilt was adorned with jewels the robber had taken off his victim before selling her as a slave.
Adunaphel brilliantly donned her queen role - accepting the gift, she showed her gentleness, by condemning the guilty scum, only to the galleys. Indeed her fleet needed arms. Nevertheless she ruled an additional measure, in order to strengthen the contribution of the condemned. He was previously deprived of his male attributes, which significantly increased his muscle mass.
Perched on the stallion of her victory, Adunaphel the triumphant saw her destiny dawn on the verge of a distant satisfaction.
Middle-earth, Umbar bay, Vamag Peninsula
Arrows whistled, obscuring the sky. Powerful war machines were pounding the citadel where Adunaphel’s troops were entrenched. Standing on the battlements, the slender steel lady brandished her gleaming sword in challenge to the imperial legions of her native island. Her iron hand still maintained discipline among the faithful battalions, but for how long?
Tar-Atanamir, King of Numenor, tired by defections, betrayals and personal ambitions of his settlers - some of which had taken the lion’s share - sent an armada to restore the imperial order throughout the Bay of Umbar. The admiral acted methodically, landing his army and re-deploying his fleet to block the heavens. He isolated his allied opponents with his light cavalry, cutting their lines of communication. His war machines reduced the strongholds one by one, after his invincible heavy infantry had broken the charges of Southrons riders.
The steel lady, the tribes feared and respected, hid her anger behind unwavering obstinacy. Submitting, bowing down before the admiral was inconceivable. Yet tomorrow, assault would be given, and nothing could stop it.
Surrounded in her dungeon, Adunaphel the besieged cursed her fate, fuming with rage under the impassive eye of the númenórean admiral, who was watching her with his spyglass, from a distance.
At nightfall, the shots stopped raining on the gutted fortress. Darkness spread in deep silence, leaving the besieged to their dark thoughts. The moon did not rise that night. A mist crept through the valleys, paralyzing the living with an irresistible lethargy.
The steel lady, at the top of her tower, saw a hooded shape advancing, shadow of terror among the mirages of a night without hope. Had death come personally to avoid her ignominious surrender and grant a noble end?
But Death does not speak. And the Mouth(5) long urged her. Exalting Adunaphel’s desire for high deeds and domination, the envoy rejected any end. The Prince of the Night offered a chance. The opponent of Numenor recognized the value of Adunaphel and proposed an alliance. And to seal the latter, He would provide a powerful token. And the future would open to the strong who would join in His just struggle. A high destiny, eternal, waited for the few who dare force glory.
Even driven to the brink, Adunaphel remained a clever woman. The Iron Lady probed the heart of the emissary, as she long had been able to read the souls of men. But the Mouth was not a man any more for ages...
She played her fate. With nothing to lose, Adunaphel took the pledge and became queen and sorceress, forever.
The next day, the assault found no defender. The ruins of Vamag housed only swarms of bats, the attackers could not reduce.
Doubt seized the Númenórean camp. Rumor has it that the Queen, a witch, had vanished in a noxious haze, carrying her troops in the folds of her night cloak, to the elusive heart of the Southron desert.
When the first cases of a strange ailment declared among the assault troops, they began to murmur that the magician had her revenge. The contagion seemed to come from the unfortunate the bats had bitten, who now died in agony. When the admiral succumbed to this unknown disease, the expeditionary corps broke camp, and sailed to Numenor.
Goddess of the nomads of the far South, Adunaphel had defeated her enemies, and her memory would rally her followers to revolt, until the dawn of time.
At the sign of the drunken goose…
In the darkness of the back room, an old man snorted, as if awakening from a dream. He emptied the ashes from his pipe into the fireplace, throwing from under his bushy eyebrows, a keen glance to the captain and his young audience. Many details of this story had just been revealed to him. But he alone knew the true end.
Drawing on his ash stick, the old man came to sit near the captain. Stroking his long gray beard indifferently, he gave the epilogue, watching from the corner of his eye, the reactions of the young Eliahel:
- For decades, the steel lady beleaguered the tribes of Harad against the Númenórean invader - and later against Gondor.
For the pledge that was granted to her, gave an indescribable power. Undisputed mistress of the wastes south of Mordor, she reigned for centuries on its nomadic peoples, as a revered and feared goddess.
The pledge Adunaphel had accepted long preserved her sumptuous body, far beyond the natural life of the Númenóreans. Her flamboyant beauty and fiery eyes subdued all living.
But this terrible token was none other than one of the nine rings of power of old tales. The existence of the steel lady, indefinitely extended by the voracious and insatiable desire of the Great Eye, was dried of her own vitality.
Spear of terror in the inexorable hand of her master, parched spirit surviving a corrupted flesh, Adunaphel the Nazgûl was subjected forever to an inexhaustible thirst for domination, which did not belong to her any more.
1 In the tongue of Numenor : Adun, West, and Phel, the Lady.
2 Orrostar peninsula is well-known for its cutlery and light blades, flexible and resistant.
3 The King's Men were a faction, born in Númenor, which denied the friendship with the Elves. Everything had first started with a need to explore middle earth, then came the conquest of ports, and the domination of the seas, which met with the ban of the Valar - the Numenoreans ships could not dock the immortal land. For men coveted immortality, they suspected to be given to anyone who lived in Aman. The issue of elven supremacy came therefore to hasten the breakdown of the island with its founding legislation, which would eventually lead to its submersion.
4 Did the reader find the murder weapon?
5 Servant of Sauron, who appears as a prelude to the Battle of the Black Gate, in The Lord of the Rings, Book VI.