Underwater friends by daughterofshadows

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Fanwork Notes

Osse's drabble was originally created for the Drabble Duel in response to the prompt "(Sedna) roamed the deep, the cold forgotten deep, no one wants to be alone." It is set in the Deep Sea so if you find anglerfish and similar creepy, you might want to skip this fic (or scroll past to the second drabble)

Uinen's drabble is a response to the Bestiary challenge Coral reef/Sea anemone pictures.


Fanwork Information


Two snapshots. Osse and Uinen under the sea.

Major Characters: Ossë, Uinen

Major Relationships:

Genre: Fixed-Length Ficlet

Challenges: Bestiary of Arda

Rating: General


Chapters: 1 Word Count: 204
Posted on 30 May 2023 Updated on 30 May 2023

This fanwork is complete.

Underwater Friends

Read Underwater Friends

Ossë drifted through the dark waters. Down here, at the deepest points of the ocean, the fish were of a most peculiar sort.

Large, bulbous eyes, sharp teeth, and some even glowed in the dark! Starlight would never reach them, so instead they had created their own.

They were alien and the Eruhíni would probably think them terrifying if they were to ever lay eyes on one of them.

Ossë felt a strange kinship with them.

He, too, was feared for the dangers he wrought, the otherness in his heart, so different from gentle Uinen.

These fish did not care.


Uinen felt sunlight caress her shoulders as she let gentle currents carry her through the reef. Around her corals bloom, as colourful as a field of flowers.

The fish dwelling here were bright, and playful, darting in and out between sea anemones and corals, and Uinen delighted in their company.

Gardens of the sea, Vána had called the reefs once, but Uinen didn’t agree. No one tended to these reefs, not like Yavanna tended to her gardens, or Vána tended to her flowers. They grew best when left alone.

And to Uinen, the wildness made them all the more beautiful.

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These are such lovely snapshots! I particularly liked Osse's observations of bioluminescence in the deeps--Starlight would never reach them, so instead they had created their own. That's a wonderful line!

I like how there is both a clear difference in mood between the Osse and Uinen pieces, but also somehow a shared angle: the appreciation of wild nature.

They really complement each other very well and I like your descriptions.

Ahh! So Lovely! And I relate very much to both of them, Ossë enjoying the deeper, more unusual places, and being somewhat misunderstood, his manner of expressing his delight being rather scarey for some. And, like Uinen, I like my gardens untended and wild. This is beautiful, thank you!

Not going to lie, I think deep sea fish are some of the creepiest looking animals in existence, but they are also so fascinating and cool for being able to survive at those depths. I definitely learnt a lot on the Wikipedia deep dive I did for this fic! Uinen's gardens are more my speed 😅
Anyway, thank you so much for the comment, and congrats on blacking out that Bingo card!