Fanworks Tagged with Ossë

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Where's Osse? by Kaylee Arafinwiel

The adventures of Wally the Walrus...or Osse the Maia, in walrus form?

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"Tengwar" ficlets by chrissystriped

Fics written for the "Tengwar" challenge.

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M&G drabbles collection by mairoff

Drabbles Content:

  1. Something never seen before: Arien
  2. A wrong interpretation: Tilion / Arien
  3. Being delayed: Eönwë
  4. Lost in memory: Nienna
  5. Reading a good book: Celeborn / Galadriel
  6. “Wait…that can’t be right…”: Melian
  7. Group - Follow: Eönwë
  8. Running - Distance - Breathless - Limits: Fingon
  9. Contempt: Varda
  10. A sentient object: the One Ring
  11. A fresh start: Maeglin
  12. Unusual weather: Cirdan
  13. A favourite place: Celebrian
  14. A minor catastrophe: Ossë

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On the Starlit Sea by Idrils Scribe

An alternate universe for the Under Strange Stars series, in which Elrohir goes with Glorfindel instead of running away from him after the events of Under Strange Stars. Together, they journey from Harad's Great Desert into the heart of the Umbarian Empire, to the coast where Galdor’s swan-ship awaits to carry them home.

But danger lurks even on the high seas …

Many thanks to Grundy for all of her excellent beta-reading and brainstorming.

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Underwater friends by daughterofshadows

Two snapshots. Osse and Uinen under the sea.

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Elegy for Númenor – Volume 2: The Darkening by elfscribe

Ar-Pharazôn, the mighty King of Númenor, thinks he has triumphed when his powerful enemy, Sauron, surrenders, and the King carries him back to his glorious island kingdom. However, Sauron’s greatest power lies not in his armies, but in his capacity for guile and seduction. A drama with many players.

Rating: M overall, although, no doubt, future chapters will have explicit content.

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Fathoms Below by Raiyana

Uinen moves, fluid as water, sinuous as a snake, her limbs – green-webbed fingers longer than fingers ought to be, skin decorated with the lumps of pale barnacles clinging to her, a body that is thick and feels strangely nurturing in a sense he does not quite understand, ending in a mass of squid-like tentacles each thicker than his legs – flowing like she is following her own current.

Ossë laughs, high and bright, and an elf-shaped hand darts into view, gripping his shoulder. The bruise beneath flares to life, hot and painful, and the best reminder than this is no drowning-dream.

He is fathoms below, dropped into the depths of the sea.

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What was, what is, and what might be by chrissystriped

Osse and Nowe share some private time together. Nowe has a question about Osse's past. Osse does not want the Teleri to leave for Aman.

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Ossë by Dawn Felagund

One of the longest-enduring characters in the legendarium, Ossë evolved over the decades from a perilous character adjacent to Melkor himself to a figure both dangerous and benevolent.

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Start of the journey by Aprilertuile

Ossë brings a warning, Elrond and Maglor need to make a choice. Staying in that cave and risk being found by the Host, or leave.

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W by Himring

Short pieces for the "Words of Wit and Whimsey" challenge. 

I. Wains

II. The Walrus That Went South

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Tales of the Hidden City by Kenaz

Stories of Gondolin. This series began as a response to the Fanfic100 challenge on Livejournal, but 100 stories remains quite an ambitious number! These are very short stories-- ficlets, if you will-- about Gondolin and its denizens. Content runs the gamut from All Ages-rated genfic to explicit slash. Content warnings will be provided for each story.

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My Preciousssss Mary Sues by whitewave

The main theme of the Non-Canon stories here will be Humor/Parody, bordering on the "Heretic".  Please do not read if you are easily offended by these contents.

All stories will contain much adult language, innuendo, nudity, suggestive/compromising positions, and many embarassing situations for the characters, especially the Fëanorions and Mary Sue.  

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God, I Pity the Violins by StarSpray

On a walk down the beach in the early hours of the morning, Maglor stumbles upon a body. And then the body comes back to life. Things sort of spiral from there.

A crossover with The Old Guard (2020 film).

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Preparation by StarSpray

After Gil-Estel appears, Círdan takes council with Ossë.

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Calmer Waters by Raiyana

Aulë claimed Uinen was the only one with the power to reclaim Ossë... and that's what she did, calming his fury with her love - or so the Children say.


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From Sleep to Swift Fury by Raiyana

Ossë's rebellion. I used the quote from the Fall of Arthur off the starter course to create this Fish Course dish... I have no regrets.

In the South from sleep
to swift fury
a storm was stirred,
striding northward
over leagues of water
loud with thunder
and roaring rain
it rushed onward.

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Missing the Past by StarSpray

“But no, it is not ruins or pottery I am interested in. They told me that Maglor was living on Himling.”

Círdan set down his glass. He did not look surprised. “I had heard rumors,” he said. “The fishermen up the coast that way are a superstitious folk, and I’ve long thought that their ghost stories might have a particular source. But I did not think he was still there, or that he’d gone out to Himling Isle.”

“It makes sense,” Elrond said, staring down into his glass and watching the liquid catch the sunlight as he turned it in his fingers. “Is there a boat I could borrow?”

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The Ainu Ficlets by Raiyana

A collection of ficlets and drabbles all revolving around the Ainur!

Most of these are Ainu POV ;)

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Songs of the Sea by Raiyana

In which Uinen struggles with what to do with Maglor wandering the shore of her Seas, the Oath that still clings to him, the Silmaril he keeps dropping into her domain, and her feelings in general.

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Wolf Luck by arafinwean

There were things lost on the journey to Aman, history and culture, art and songs. Such things the Eldar might never see again and yet one thing they thought lost forever still survives.


When Finarfin begins to dig deeper into the past of his people he discovers things that shouldn't have been forgotten and unearths what the Valar would have preferred to stay forgotten. Magic is dangerous after all, it corrupts all those who use it.

Doesn't it?

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Memories are Haunted Places by Sleepless_Malice

From the beginning of the world to the departure of the Istari  -  the story of Eönwë, Maia of Manwë.

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In the Heart of the Storm by IgnobleBard

Ossë shows Círdan the passion at the heart of the storm.

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Love Over Gold by Keiliss

Glorfindel meets a strange being beside the sea at Mithlond and is amazed months later when Erestor makes his way to Imladris to find him. But for everything, there is a price.


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The Temptation of Osse by Kaylee Arafinwiel

Even in the Beginning of the Beginning, Osse was drawn to Melkor's Themes, and Ulmo worried for his impetuous Maia...

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