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Sumamente lindo para leer! Ya te lo dije, pero la dinámica que has desarrollado entre los dos es absolutamente perfecta. Empezando con la imagen de Fingolfin rodeado de libros y cosas de trabajo y las sonrisitas livianas de Fingon, son imágenes precisas, así existen ellos en mi mente. Mi parte favorita honestamente son las cosas calladas, lo que no se dice y solo se siente, las caricias, miradas, pequeños momentos de contacto. 

Gracias por escribirlo y por recordarme que tan lindo es leer en español

Ay, pero qué contenta me pones con ese comentario! Estoy felicísima de que las imágenes que he creado son las que piensas tú, la experta en los Nolofinwions jaja :D Pero, rincipalmente, que la dinámica entre ellos quede clara en los silencios y pequeños detalles - eso era lo fundamental!

uchísimas gracias por motivarme a finalmente sacarlo de mi cabeza y ponerlo al papel <3 Ahora, toca lidiar con la multitud de conejitos correteando por ahí jajaja

I'm sure a great deal of nuance was lost in the auto translation but it got the job done enough to enjoy this fantastic story!  Ahh, wonderful conversation they have - I absolutely love Fingon calling his father their Sun, and the bit about what they'd be cutting off Turko's body 😂💖

Ah thank you so much, my friend! I'm so happy that you could enjoy it, even if through auto translation <3 and yes, I love the idea that Fingolfin and Fingon have the closest relationship if not of the Finwions, of the Nolofinwions at least! And as for Celegorm... hahaha watch out, boy, Aredhel is coming! xD thanks again for giving this a try! <3

Oh there's so much going on here (yes, even in Google's translation -- which wasn't bad except that it couldn't get the pronouns right 😄). I love the familiarity and honesty between them, and how it's so clearly a father-son dynamic without Fingon seeming childish or anything. And their respective feelings about Turgon and Aredhel are very befitting of their relationship to them. 

This piece definitely made me think more about those juicy Finwean family dynamics.