Hanno by dalliansss

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Of Findekáno

Aikanáro and Findekáno's friendship have a long history, and an adorable beginning.

Aikanáro looks up at his hanno in confusion, his lower lip trembling, eyes already watering. Ingoldo had told him that he was going to go away for a week, that he was going to Taniquetil and he could not take Egg with him. It is for his Reading, he says, an important event– and he explains it further but Egg has stopped listening and trying to comprehend what his brother is saying. For the young elf, Ingoldo is going to leave, he must have done something terrible that would send Ingoldo away. Egg remembers Atar and Amil, how they handed him over to the servants whenever he displeased them, and once this happens he is forgotten, and neglected, their eyes turning to little Nerwen–


He cries. He cries hard, bunches up his hands into little fists that he presses against his eyes, and Ingoldo stops talking, alarmed and concerned.


“Ai, Egg, little one, no…” 


But Egg cries harder. He feels his brother scoop him up, and half-blinded by his own tears he wraps his arms around Ingoldo’s neck as sobs rack him. His brother’s hand rubs up and down his back.


“Aikanár,” Ingoldo says somewhere, voice only ever patient and kind. “Listen to me. Hanno will come back. I promise you this. I swear it to you under all the stars that Elentári has ever created. This is but a temporary parting; I am to be away to accomplish an important project; I will read my scholarly work before Irmo, Nienna and Aulë at Taniquetil and also answer their questions. I have to prepare for it, and I will only be gone for seven days and four, I promise you this, Aikanár. I will return, ai! I will come back to you. Please don’t cry, little one?”


“Ingoldo,” Egg sniffles loudly. “I promise I won’t behave badly. I promise, I promise. You won’t notice I’m there. You won’t notice. Don’t leave me? Don’t leave? Ingoldo! I talk properly now– no baby talk. No baby talk, and I’ll be quiet, and I’ll sit with my toys for as long as you need, please, please don’t leave me! Don’t leave!”


Here goes, Ingoldo thinks. He sits, his little brother on his lap. He explains, all over again – what a Reading is; why he cannot take Egg with him; why it is important to focus his energy and attention to this one event, such that he will not have to repeat it in the future. And if he does not repeat it, then he can go home and it will mean he will not part with Egg longer than necessary, over and over. It takes hours of repeating this explanation before Egg starts to reluctantly calm down. The elfling snuggles against Ingoldo’s chest, clutching fistfuls of his blond hair. 


“Where will I stay?” Egg asks in a small voice. “The house will be lonely…..” He hiccups. Young as he is, Egg already hates a quiet, empty house with a passion. 

“I have asked our cousin Findekáno to host you and Nemmirile for the seven days and four that I will not be with you,” Ingoldo explains, kissing his little brother’s flaxen blond curls. “You remember our cousin Findekáno?”


Of course Egg does. To his young mind, even now, Findekáno is the most beautiful of all Eldar, with his slight stature and his flowing tunics, and especially with his hair as dark as night, intertwined with gold. Whenever they see him at Mindon or at Grandfather Finwë’s palace, Egg has an irresistible urge to poke his cheeks or bite him (softly!). Somehow, he thinks Findekáno is very huggable. And he smells really nice…


If for this alone–.


“Is Findekáno nice?” Egg asks next, his voice small, still.

Ingoldo laughs softly. “Of course he is, ai! He is a big brother too, like me, and he has Turukáno and Ìrissë. He helps take care of them too, so he will take care of you very well, Egg.”

“But–but if he has siblings, how can he take care of me?”

“Turukáno lives in his own house now, like I do. Ìrissë stays with their parents, our Uncle Nolofinwë and Aunt Anairë. Findekáno has his house to himself. And for the week and a half I am gone, he has taken a reprieve from the council, so he too, is on a break of sorts.”


Egg finally, finally gives the nod. “Okay…”

Ingoldo smiles kindly, and kisses his little brother’s chubby cheeks. “Thank you, Egg. You will see. The week and a half shall be over, and I will be picking you up from Finno’s house myself. Alright?”




Despite his status as an heir to a cadet branch of the House of Finwë, Findekáno’s home is modest, located not in the upper levels of Tirion, but by its mid-levels, at the residential area which housed mid-ranking lords and commoners. It was by a secluded back-street, and while it had no front garden, the backyard was spacious enough for a vegetable patch and some fruiting trees, and also a small pond which was seasonally home to some frogs. Findekáno only had four members of his household staff, and all of them reported for work only in the hours of Laurelin and left for their own homes after supper. There is Vorosanya, his chamberlain; Calandil, his carriage driver-gardener-sometimes cook; there are Nillendil and Sinde, maids. 


A day before Ingoldo was set to leave Aikanáro with him, Findekáno had asked Nillendil and Sinde to ready two of the three guest rooms of his house, for Nemmirile and Egg. He had gone to his backyard vegetable patch and harvested many of his own crops: cabbages and carrots and many fruits– for Aikanár loved fruits, particularly apples and oranges.


On this day, the day of arrival though, Egg is being difficult again.

The Elfling is crying once more, clinging to his brother, shaking his head vehemently as he goes purple in the face, fat tears trailing down his chubby cheeks. 


“Ai, Egg!” Ingoldo exclaims in distress. “We have talked, remember? Come now, I will be back before you know it! Please, Egg!”

“Don’t go!” Egg cries. “Don’t go! DON’T GO, INGOLDO! I promise I will be nice! I will be nice!”

“Come now, little one, ai, ai! Tis only for my schoolwork, I love you very much, I will be back before you know it! Come on, come now–”


Findekáno descends from the upper floor of his house, where he has already guided Nemmirile to her rooms, and to Egg’s. The sight of Ingoldo looking harassed and trying to calm his brother brings a nostalgic smile onto his own lips. Not a long while ago, he was like this – trying to pacify a wailing Turukáno, but for entirely different reasons. The sight also inevitably reminds him of Maitimo, disrupted from his current work, and jiggling a crying baby Carnistir, and later on a shrieking baby Atarinkë. Such was the fate of eldest children, brothers or sisters.


“Hello,” Findekáno greets as he sits on the couch near the brothers. “Little one, it is important for Ingoldo to finish his Reading, you see? It will make him very happy if he does so. It does not mean he doesn't love you anymore. He will be back with you before you know it.”

“Very happy?” Egg repeats, sliding a look to Ingoldo. He sniffles. “Yes.” Hot tears still fall, but silently. “You’re leaving me. Very happy.”

“I am loathe to leave you, darling,” Ingoldo says, distressed, as he sits beside their cousin. “I will be back to you soon. I promise.”

“Promise…?” Egg reluctantly lets go of his tunic. He gives a nod, sad features still scrunched up.

“I’ll be back. I promise!” Ingoldo doesn’t let Egg go for now, and remains cuddling his baby brother. Kissing his cheeks still.


Another nod. Egg blinks away his tears, peeking over Ingoldo to look at Findekáno. It is alright, he decides. If it is Findekáno, then it is alright. He wiggles in Ingoldo’s lap, to get to Findekáno. “Mmhp!”


Findekáno then takes his baby cousin onto his lap, and kisses his chubby cheeks. “There now. If you want, we could wait for Ingoldo to return each morning. I will count the days with you. How about that, little one?”


Egg peers up at him with big blue eyes still brimming with tears. The little elf then takes a fistful of Findekáno’s gold-twined braid, stuffs it into his mouth, and nods. Egg clings to Findekáno then, as if his cousin bore all the answers to all sorrows in his yet-small world.


(Centuries later, Aikanár will still cling to Findekáno like this (with much tears and hugging, not braid-eating) – as if the latter had all the answers in the world to assuage the grief of the former with regard to Andreth.)




Living with Findekáno is a very different thing from living with Ingoldo. Every morning, others – attendants, Nemme said – move around his cousin’s house. They cook, clean and tend to whatever else may be needed, unlike in Ingoldo’s house where it was hanno and Nemme who split the chores between themselves, with Ingoldo doing much of the work. The plus side is that it leaves Findekáno virtually free to be pestered by Egg, and this is what the toddler does upon waking and after being dressed by Nemme. He toddles to Findekáno’s room, which is always unlocked, and he climbs up the bed even if his cousin is still laying down, sits on his chest, and pokes and pat and squish Findekáno’s cheeks, which were soft and endlessly fascinating to Egg. Like Ingoldo, Findekáno never gets angry when he is woken so – instead he smiles, and opens his eyes. The smile enthralls Egg more, for it makes his cousin’s dimples show. Now those dimples, Egg pokes and pokes and pokes – until finally he kisses them, twice on each. 




Today they are by the fountain at the court of Mindon Eldaliéva. 


Findekáno is clad beautifully in blue and starlight silver, his braids twined with gold and glinting under Laurelin’s golden light. He has his prince’s silver circlet on his brow. Egg on the other hand is clad in a Telerin skirt, in deep purple, the fabric reaching just two inches below his knees. He has pearl necklaces around his neck. Since their visit to Alqualondë, Egg has found that Telerin fashion is to his liking – where the men and boys only usually wear pearl and coral jewelry and their airy skirts. He certainly presents quite an adorable sight, what with his flaxen blond curls and his small-sized clothing and pearls, all made fit for a young boy.


“Fin’ano, what day is it today? What day is it?” Egg asks his cousin. He is standing barefoot on Findekáno’s shod feet. Findekáno in turn is holding him by his hands, and they are walking-waddling around the fountain like penguins, to Egg’s enormous enjoyment.


“Fin-de-ká-no,” Finno says, repeating his own name so Egg may learn it. “Today is the fourth day that Ingoldo is away.”

“Fourth!” Egg happily exclaims. They stop waddling and he holds up his right hand, four fingers raised save his thumb. “Four! Four! How many days left, Fin’ano?”

“Hmmm. Six days I think. Yes, six, to be sure. It is very close now, right?”

“Yes! Ingoldo will be home soon! Right? Right?”

Findekáno smiles down at his cousin, and nods.


Grown elves milling about Mindon eye their princes curiously. Many have amused smiles on their faces – for the eldest grandsons of Finwë have long been known to babysit their little siblings and cousins. Some elleth even glance at Findekáno appreciatively. 


They continue waddling. At least, until Laurelin prepares to wax, and then it is too hot to remain outdoors, what with Tirion’s white walls and streets, so they return home to Findekáno’s house for the midday meal and some cool drinks.




But there are bad days too.


One afternoon (on the sixth day that Ingoldo is away), Egg throws a tantrum. He had been asking Findekáno for a corn-and-carrot muffin, but Findekáno had gently refused, saying that they had just had breakfast and Egg ate a lot. In truth the elfling wanted the muffin only on a whim, not true hunger, and Findekáno had been mindful of Ingoldo’s instructions not to spoil his brother too much – Egg had had enough of that in Alqualondë, from Arafinwë, Eärwen and their servants there. The boy could not be tolerated to be overly-spoilt, Ingoldo said.


So he refused to give him the muffins. 

Egg then threw a big tantrum, all red-faced crying and bunched fists. Findekáno was unperturbed and let the child cry himself to exhaustion, and only then did he relent and pick up his cousin to kiss his tears away and gently ruffle his curls.


“Don’t hate you,” Egg sobbed. “I don’t hate Finno. I don’t. I’m sorry. Egg is sorry.”

“Do you understand why I cannot give you the muffin yet, little one?” Findekáno asked as he rubbed the child’s back.

“Yes. Ate earlier. I’m still full. Muffin will go to waste.” Egg sniffled.

“Good child. I will bake them for you later.” He pressed a kiss to Egg’s temple, and the child clung closer to him, red-nosed and red-cheeked, but the tears have stopped.




Tonight they take a bath together.


It is the last day that Ingoldo is away, and tomorrow he shall be back. Egg’s spirits are so high, and the morning was pleasant. They visited Grandfather Finwë and Grandmother Indis, and they even met Cousin Russandol, with his lovely gray eyes and even lovelier red hair styled in braids. Egg had been so excited; he couldn’t decide which handful of hair he would put in his mouth: Findekáno’s gold-twined black locks or Russandol’s crimson braids. In the end he grabbed one of Russandol’s intricate braids and promptly put a handful into his mouth to chew. Russandol laughed and gave him a peach.


Finno keeps his touch gentle as he rids Egg’s curls of excess shampoo suds. Egg is playing with small toy boats and toy whales. Apparently the whales are harassing the boats, and one whale was so big it ate a boat. Finno smiles here and there as he gives Egg a back scrub next, first soaping up and down the child’s back with the pomegranate-scented soap he favors so much (Ingoldo left them two blocks of the sweet-smelling soap).


“Oh dear, what has happened to the boat that disappeared?” Finno asks as he carefully rinses the shampoo now from Egg’s hair. 

“Eaten!” Egg declares, his eyes closed as he tips his head back. “Big Whale eat them– they upset Lord Salmar! GRAAAWR!”

“How scary. I will keep in mind to never offend Lord Salmar,” Finno grins. 

“Yes. He sends Big Whale to eat you! But Big Whale can be– can be–um. Fend off with offnemings! Offnemings, yes.”

Finno laughs. “And what of-fer-rings shall I give for Big Whale to be nice?”

“Cake,” Egg answers, cracking open a blue eye to look at him. “Big Whale like orange cake. Yes. One slices! Offnemings.”

“Hmmm. I might be convinced to allow extra dessert if you kiss me on the cheeks.”


There is a big splash as Egg stands in the tub, cups Findekáno’s cheeks and gives him a big smooch, over each of his dimples.


They sneak back downstairs once they are dressed: Egg in his cotton sleeping clothes and Finno in a pair of cotton trousers. The house is dark now in the lower floor, but Finno lights one of his Fëanorian Lamps as they go to the pantry, and get Egg a slice of orange cake. 


They share this slice of cake, there in the half-dark, the Lamp glowing a soft blue and throwing patterns of the Trees and stars at the walls. Finno smiles as he watches Egg munch away on a candied orange.


“How I miss the days when Turukáno was as small as you, and I was his world too,” Finno sighs as he pours them hot tea. 

“Wor-d? Wold. Wo-l-l-d. Wold,” Egg says through a mouthful of cake. “Fin’ano my wold. Ingoldo, too! But Ingoldo more! Fin’ano is– um. My star! Yes.”


Finno’s smile grows. He leans in and kisses his cousin on the forehead.




Ingoldo gets down from the carriage, and he runs toward Egg and Finno, arms outstretched. Egg wiggles mightily and all but leaps from Finno’s hold, running as fast as his little legs would allow, toward his brother.


“Egg! My baby! Little one, I missed you!” Ingoldo exclaims as he meets his little brother half-way, lifting him up, twirling him and then cuddling him close to attack his face with kisses.

“Ingoldo! Ingoldo! Missed you!” Egg chirps just as happily, clinging to his brother with all his might.


Findekáno approaches the brothers slowly, his own smile warm at the sight they present. Arafinwë’s children have a way of lighting up like a lamp when they are so thoroughly joyful. “He absolutely woke me when Telperion was just dimming and would not let us both sleep further. Such was his excitement.”


Ingoldo laughs, apologetic. He is cheek-to-cheek with Egg, both of them varying hues of golden radiance. “Ai, I am sorry Finno! But you can nap now – I will take this little rascal home with me. Thank you for tending to him!”


“Not a problem,” Findekáno smiles, and he lightly brushes a caress on Egg’s chubby cheek. “You two are always welcome to visit me.”

“And you are welcome to visit us,” Ingoldo grins.

“Nemmirile has gone ahead to clean your house. Vorosanya will have taken their things with him also. You two have nothing to mind.”

“Thank you, Finno!”


Ingoldo and Findekáno exchange a few more conversations about how the former’s Reading went. And then it is time for a temporary parting, and Ingoldo now bears Egg away to their home. Findekáno remains standing there on the street, waving bye at them. Egg waves bye enthusiastically, before he turns to his brother, hand already reaching for a handful of Ingoldo’s golden hair so he can put it into his mouth.


“Ingoldo, Ingoldo, I tell you something!”

“Ai, what is it, my little baby Egg?”

“I love you best! But I love Fin’ano best too! Sssh. Secret. Ok?”

Another laugh from Ingoldo. “Alright, Egg. It will be our secret!”


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