Comments on Artifacts in Archive

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Oh my! There is so much tucked in beneath the overlying story.

I love the whole idea of "Cír" Imladris, and that Elrond brought over most of the library. I love that the items still have a history while still being a mystery. I love the details of the layers of containers, and that it was a puzzle box (of course it would be Dwarvish!) (I love Elrond's fondness being highlighted here too) and a birch bark envelope so cleverly origami-ish! (This appealed to both my thing for layering and my obsession with boxes, bags, jars, envelopes, and containers in general). Oh gosh, I love the idea of the preservation Song, as well as the 'encouragement-renewal-repair-infuse-clarify-general positive energy' Songs (I could do with a few verses of that one myself, thank you!) and the way their effectiveness is enhanced in Aman/ diminished in Middle-earth. 

And then their unfinished poem, and your beautiful jewellery, and the hope that this ends on...

I really enjoyed this, thank you so much for the pick me up!