Evolution by mistrali
Fanwork Notes
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Yet from Morgoth's breeding of such hideous creatures, with tongues of flame and scales a sword might not pierce, came something fairer. For having created the Uruloki he found they had hearts and wills and thoughts of their own, and would not cleave to him as machines.
Some remained with him and became fearsome indeed; but many left Utumno and made their homes in dense forests, or burrowed into desert sands, or lurked in swamps and lakes. Yet others over the course of time grew wings and took to the air, and these became the birds so beloved of Manwë.
(1) Comment by Himring for Evolution
A nice twist!
Re: (1) Comment by Himring for Evolution
Thanks! I like the idea that Melkor created something the Valar came to regard as essential. And of course dragons are the closest ME has to dinosaurs, or perhaps the dinosaurs are the descendants of the dragons.