Meet & Greet Challenge Drabbles by cílil

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Someone got hurt [Irmo x Estë]

Warning: A tiny bit of blood. Thankfully, Estë is a healer :)


The small noise Irmo made sounded more surprised than distressed, but Estë looked up from the plants she had been tending to immediately.

"Are you alright, my love?"

"I accidentally touched a thorn, I think." He held up his index finger, adorned by a swelling droplet of blood like a crimson pearl.

Estë came over then, shaking her head at the offending rose before taking a closer look at her husband's hand.

It was the first time Irmo bled, and he seemed fascinated.

Willing her power to come forth, Estë gently kissed the wound until it was no more.

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