Cirdan has an Idea
For the reader: What do you think the Feanorians will do?
A/N: This starts shortly after Elwing receives Maedhros' demand for the Silmaril. The deciscion depicted here and in the following two chapters didn't produce this result, but imagine for a moment that it did:
Celebrimbor stood silently, leaning against a frame and trying to ignore the slight rocking motion that reminded him they were on a ship.
"We cannot give up the Silmaril," said Elwing again. "I will not do it, and all the Doriathrim are agreed on this."
"You're going to get all of us in Sirion killed," Pengolodh stated bluntly. "We can't possibly hope to fight off the Feanoriannath with what we've got here."
"Pengolodh is correct, this settlement simply isn't defensible," added Gil-galad. "If you will not give it up, then why not bring it to Balar?"
"Never!" cried Oropher.
So on the argument went. Celebrimbor's mind wandered back to the motion of the ship. He wished he'd stayed in Balar.
"Hold," said Cirdan, standing suddenly. "We have a means of solving this standing right here in this ship. Celebrimbor, stop hiding in the shadows."
Celebrimbor stepped forward, uncertain what would happen next but suspecting he wasn't going to like it.
"What's that bloody-handed kinslayer doing here?" screamed Oropher, jumping to his feet.
"Peace," said Gil-Galad. "I want to hear what Cirdan has to say."
"You would," grumbled Oropher, but Elwing put her hand on his arm.
"I want to hear Cirdan's suggestion too," she said, pushing him to sit back down.
Oropher sat, still scowling.
"Just so you know, I'm not a kinslayer," said Celebrimbor into the sudden quiet.
Cirdan spoke. "If Celebrimbor comes to live in Sirion, and holds the Silmaril, then the sons of Feanor would likely hold their oath fulfilled and have no reason to attack, since he, too, is a descendant of Feanor. As he has just pointed out, he is not guilty of either that blasted oath or kinslaying, so you aren't handing the stone to a criminal. And you'd still get to have the Silmaril's positive effects on your settlement."
"Do you really think that would work?" asked Elwing.
"It might," said Cirdan.
"I like this idea," said Gil-galad. "Even should Maedhros prove obdurate, it will give you more time for Earendil to return while you negotiate with Maedhros."
"And I suppose he'll be slightly less inclined to attack knowing their nephew is stuck in the middle of this." said Elwing.
"A hostage," said Oropher, a smile flickering around his lips.
Celebrimbor glared at him.
"But that doesn't mean he's the kind of hostage you can harm if Maedhros does something you don't like, or you'll have me to deal with me as well as Maedhros." said Gil-galad.
Elwing nodded. "So long as both Celebrimbor and the Silmaril stay within the settlement at all times, I am willing."
"It looks like we have an agreement, then," said Gil-galad, smiling. "Thank you, Cirdan, for that suggestion."
"Don't I get a say in this?" asked Celebrimbor. He'd love to get a close look at the Nauglamir, let alone one of the Silmarils, but he'd worked so hard to avoid getting entangled in the House of Feanor's blood-stained messes. He didn't much fancy the idea of being a hostage, either.
"Given the stakes, do you really want to refuse?" asked Gil-galad.
Celebrimbor hesitated, then sighed. If he actually had a chance to prevent his uncles further damning themselves… "I guess I had better ask Arnil to move all my equipment to Sirion," At least he wouldn't be sailing back to Balar any time soon, and he could get off this blasted ship.
Two days and many miles distant, Maedhros frowned at the letter he'd just received, his mind racing. Maglor, however, wore an expression of unutterable relief.