Estranged by Dawn Felagund

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Fanwork Notes

For Allie, who asked for the estrangement of Nerdanel and Fëanor.

Fanwork Information


The estrangement of Nerdanel and Fëanáro following his exile to Formenos.

Major Characters: Fëanor, Maedhros, Nerdanel, Sons of Fëanor

Major Relationships:

Genre: Drama

Challenges: Parting's Sorrow, Gift of a Story, Family Matters

Rating: Adult

Warnings: Sexual Content (Moderate)

This fanwork belongs to the series

Chapters: 5 Word Count: 4, 435
Posted on 30 May 2007 Updated on 30 May 2007

This fanwork is complete.

Comments on Estranged

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How sad, and how profound this is after Another Man's Song, which was so full of life and cheer and fevrour and passion. But already the seeds were sown even in AMS, so the bleakness and the low key writing style are perfectly matched to the subject. And I htink the 'ommission' point is beautifully made, first in the argument and then in the action. 

You set up this wonderfully doubting atmosphere full of tension and questions that contrasts so brilliantly with the domesticated and cheery ANC. Of course beneath all the humour lurks an awful lot of tension and the foreshadowing that you are so brillaint at- but here it is made rasl and all those tensions surface...or not. That is what makes this so compelling- that even in spite of the huge cost to them, they will go with him.

My sympathies have always lay with the Feanorians. They did some pretty crappy things, but they had some pretty crappy things done to them too. Nerdanel, of course, got caught right up in it ...

Thank you for reading and reviewing! You've been so kind to me lately, and I really appreciate it. :) :) :)