No Time Have I by Flora-lass

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Fanwork Notes

Written for the Funky 70s challenge, using the prompt 'The Silmarillion by J R R Tolkien'.

I'd hoped to write something along these lines for Tolkien Ekphrasis Week, but didn't manage it - and now I'm rushing to meet the deadline for this challenge, with a poem which probably still needs work! The title and last line refer, in part at least, to the last-minute nature of this submission... :) 

Fanwork Information


A Silmarillion acrostic.

Major Characters:

Major Relationships:

Artwork Type: No artwork type listed

Genre: Poetry

Challenges: Funky 70s

Rating: General


Chapters: 1 Word Count: 70
Posted on 15 July 2024 Updated on 15 July 2024

This fanwork is complete.

No Time Have I

Read No Time Have I

Some years ago I found a book

In which I read the tales before

Lord of the Rings; they bade me look

More deeply into ancient lore.

Amazed by Ainulindalë

Rejoicing while Arda is wrought,

I yet wish all the grief away

Lamenting every battle fought:

Lúthien, Fingolfin, Túrin, 

Intent on struggle with Melkor

Or Maedhros and his Oath-cursed kin…

(No time have I for Fëanor!)


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