It is dark one inch ahead of you by TexasDreamer01

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Fanwork Notes

Fanwork Information


They needed to move on, to settle - to weather this tentative peace. Looking upon this valley, he thought that perhaps it could be done.

Major Characters: Elrond

Major Relationships:

Genre: General

Challenges: Akallabêth in August, Kings & Queens

Rating: General


Chapters: 1 Word Count: 156
Posted on 31 August 2024 Updated on 1 September 2024

This fanwork is complete.

It is dark one inch ahead of you

Title from the Japanese proverb "Issun saki wa yami." / 一寸先は闇 on Wikiquote.

Read It is dark one inch ahead of you

The area he eventually selected was remote. It was unlike their old home, and he felt himself blinking at the warm, sometimes humid breeze that was cosseted between the craggy gorge. He saw its advantages, though, carefully sketching with his mind's eye the walls and spires that would comprise their abode. Defensible, but beautiful - as perfect of a retreat for the weary as they could make it.


He felt his lips twitch into a smile as he went once more over the various plans for their new home. There would need to be a significant amount of effort to build up this abode, and likewise no small amount of creativity in its architecture. It would be a refreshing challenge, and he took a moment to breathe in the sunshine-soaked, pine-laden air.

There would be an endless toil of work against Sauron, but this valley would be good for them. He could feel it.

Chapter End Notes

I was intrigued by the Kings & Queens challenge overlapping with Akallabêth, and this is my first time writing something set in the Second Age! Most of my information for the Second Age is sourced from Tolkien Gateway, as well as a brief Wikipedia skim about Rivendell for its context to Lauterbrunnen, Switzerland - naming conventions used because of my own familiarity with canon rather than strictly from Elrond's POV. Because of this, feedback for characterization and research is appreciated.

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