Ode to Findaráto by Flora-lass

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Ode to Findaráto

His golden hair heralds the sun

Adorned with silver, and by one

Exquisite gem of clearest green.

A smile breaks through the solemn sheen.

His raiment ripples like the sea

In honour of the Teleri.

A thousand shining pearls he wears

Both sewn and strung; more jewels he bears

Than any of his Noldor kin.

The love of mortals he will win

With songs of power and artist's hands.

His fëa dreams of far-off lands.

A young Elf-lord, so fair and true

Is Findaráto, robed in blue.

Chapter End Notes

I'm mindful that the sun didn't exist when Finrod was young! But the writer is looking at a much earlier painting, after the sun has risen, and knows what he went on to accomplish. :) 

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