One Flesh, One Soul. Part I by FellFireFan

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Chapter 2

As the ominous clouds darkened and distant thunder echoed, an approaching storm loomed overhead. Animals and birds scurried to find shelter, while heavy rainwater was amassed in the heavens. The cold wind grew fierce, and the icy shower transformed into a relentless downpour, drenching both riders. Aegnor pressed Andreth tighter against his body, attempting to shelter her from the worst of it. The pain in his bleeding shoulder was almost unbearable. A terrible dread suddenly rattled him. Something was horribly wrong.

   "Watch out!" Shrieked Andreth. Her sudden scream snapped Aegnor's focus back, and he pulled on the reins, narrowly missing a deadly collision with a tree.

   His breathing increased rapidly. Suddenly, an intense burst of anguish seized him. He clutched his chest and released a peircing scream of profound agony. His heart rate soared, drumming in his chest with alarming speed. He slipped off his horse in full gallop, collapsing upon the frozen ground.

   Terrified, Andreth grapped the reins and yanked on them as hard as she could, bringing Aegnor's trusty horse to an abrupt and distressed halt. The elf growled and moaned loudly, writhing upon the ground, aggressively tearing at the seems of his left sleeve. Andreth quickly dismounted and ran to him.

  "Aegnor! Aegnor!" She cried, terror filling her eyes.

   Finally, his clothing yielded, and he ripped open the seem on his shoulder, revealing his skin beneath.

Andreth gasped in horror as her eyes fell on his injured shoulder. The flesh around his wound had turned a ghastly black, tainted with troll poison, and it was rapidly spreading.

   "Please, stay still!" she whimpered. She placed her hands upon him in a desperate attempt to comfort him. He convulsed violently. His eyes, wide with terror, suddenly looked into hers.

   "Aegnor... please don't die! Please!" She sobbed. Her tear streaked face pleaded for his life. A solemn tear fell from his eye, and he grasped her hands upon his chest.

    "I' sorry!" He whimpered.

  She watched his eyes roll back into his head. He was succumbing to the deadly poison.

    "No... Please!" she begged, her voice trembling. "I need you!"

   Aegnor, panting deeply, heard her final plea before surrendering his consciousness. Her last plea echoed in his mind as everything faded to white.


"I need you!"




As the sun vanished beyond the horizon, the forest succumbed to an unyielding darkness. The storm had past, and solitary fire served as the sole source of light and warmth, its flickering flames casting eerie shadows and crackling in the stillness. Andreth returned, carrying a makeshift torch and a bundle of twigs and branches. Kneeling, she diligently broke the sticks and tossed them into the fire. Aegnor's still form rested afew feet away. She turned her gaze from the fire to him. Lying down upon his side, his back was turned to her. Behind him, a small wooden cup sat. Within it, the remaining residue of paste.

    His arms curled tightly around him like a cocoon, his fingers curled into his neck. There was no movement bar the steady expanding and decompressing in his back, offering her some reassurance that he still drew breath. She had removed his entire sleeve of forest green fabric and banded his injured shoulder in its shreds soaked in the paste from the cup.

    The small fire cracked quietly. The torn, saturated cloth tied around the punctured entry and exit wound in his shoulder. Her eyes drifted over the toned arches of his arm and the exposed skin of his shoulder blade. His radiant flesh glowed in the flickering light. She was captivated by the untouched beauty of this otherwordly stranger. She watched and waited, but he did not move. Curiosity overwhelming her, she carefully crept closer to him. Crawling to his head. She leaned over him, her nose hovering above his cheek. She studied every beautiful contour in his elven face. His eyes were closed, his breathing silent. Her face hovered close above his, then with a twist, she brought her ear close to his mouth.

   She straightened up, sitting on her heels. Her attention was soon fixated on his long, glossy hair, illuminated by the gentle glow of the fire. Utterly mesmerised, she was lost in its allure. With nervous caution, she slowly extended her hand. Her trembling fingers reaching towards his coveted mane of gold. 

   Just as the tips of her small fingers barely grazed the strands, Aegnor suddenly stirred. She jolted, retreating backwards, her dress coming perilously close to catching fire. He slowly shifted onto his back. His eyes fluttered open, blinking slowly as he regained awareness. He cast a dazed glance at the crackling flames and then turned his attention to his bandaged shoulder.

  "Aegnor?" She whispered

   He looked at her. He slowly raised himself up, leaning on his elbow.

  "Have I come to the halls of Mandos?" he asked, his voice low and breathy.

  "No," she whispered 

  "Then, I am still dreaming,"

   "No," she repeated 

   He stared at her, his silence heavy with unspoken words. He glanced at his bandage shoulder once again, noticing that the blackness that marred his skin had completely disappeared. He regarded her with an intense gaze of wonderment.

   "You had a shard of poisoned blade embedded in your shoulder, I treated it," she explained. Aegnor tilted his head slightly, narrowing his eyes. His intrigue in this wonderful young girl, fully piqued.

   "Troll poison is a very complex toxin. It can not be cured by ordinary healers. It needs elvish medicine." He breathed.

   "I have devoted my studies to elven healing. My grandfather taught me the sindarin tongue when I was very young," she explained shyly. "My father has a library full of elvish books, and I have read everyone." 

  Aegnor expressed his astonishment with a long, thoughtful exhale. "You saved my life Andreth!" 

  She fidgeted tensely with the thin fabric of her dirty skirt, her shy eyes averting his gaze. Her vail of tangled, long, dark tresses fell over her youthful face. He leaned forward, resting his elbows on his knees. "I do not know how I can repay such a debt," he mused.

  "You saved my life from the troll. I have merely returned the favour," she replied meekly, her shy eyes cast still upon her hands.

    Aegnor sighed heavily with disbelief and relief. His gaze lingered on the fire. Her eyes fell upon him once more, his physical beauty enchanting her. He caught her gaze, and she quickly looked away. Her body and fingers tensing tightly.

  "I have not seen an elf before. My people tell the stories of the great lord Finrod Felugund and his radiant beauty, akin to the Maiar was he," she spoke dreamily.

  "Lord Finrod? Ah, yes," Aegnor smiled."He is indeed the fairest of our kind, noble and gentle,"

   "You have met him?" Her lips stretched into a wonderful grin.

   "I have met him," he nodded, smiling.

   "How wonderful that must have been! It is truly a gift to behold the beauty of the Eldar. Now, I have seen it for myself," she replied, wonder in her sweet voice.

   Their eyes lingered. The realization of her words suddenly gripped her, and she blushed heavily, looking away. Aegnor gave her a flattering grin. Raising his hand, he swept his lustrous, golden mane back over his head. His face glowed in the fires mesmerizing kiss. Aegnor then rose slowly to his feet.

  "Come, we must be on our way," Aegnor grunted

  "You wish to leave now?" She asked, surprised.

  "Yes!" he replied eagerly and limped towards his horse. "If we leave now, we'll reach Ladros by the morn!"

    She quickly extinguished the fire while he clambered up onto the saddle, flexing his injured shoulder. He winced slightly before lifting her slender frame and settling her in front of him. Confident she was secure, they set off into the darkness, their trot gradually turned to a gallop as they rode through the dense forest.

    Andreth grew increasingly frightened in the thick veil of the forest's merciless shroud.  But Aegnor's keen vision, sharp as a refined blade, allowed him to navigate effortlessly, avoiding any obstacles in their path. At the breaking of the first rays of dawn, Andreth could see the road.

   "This is where I was separated from my father! We are going home!" She cried excitedly.

   As the sun rose across the sky, harrowing a new day, and fell into late evening. Aegnor continued to ride, stopping for no rest. Andreth saw her fathers keep in the distance, a stronghold protected by towering wooden walls and guarded gates. The guards called out as they spotted the figure on horseback approaching at a rapid pace, their alertness growing as the figure drew nearer.

  "It is the Lady Andreth! Open the doors!" The men of the gates cranked the large doors open, and Aegnor flew inside.

   He rode with graceful ease, never breaking his stride as he made his way toward the large central Keep. A tall and captivating woman emerged from the great hall, her long reddish-brown hair braided behind her.

   "Andreth!" she cried out, rushing to them. Her long dress and hair flew gracefully behind her.

   Aegnor dismounted his horse and extended his arms toward the girl. Hesitating for a moment, she leaned in to him, and she slowly slid off the saddle and found herself embraced by him. He held her effortlessly, gently placing her feet on the ground.

   "Andreth!" Her mother ran toward her child with her arms wide open, Andreth cried out to her as she made the rest of the distance.

    Lady Anthel held her tightly, embracing her daughter with immense relief, sobbing loudly and shedding tears. Aegnor gazed at them as mother and daughter embraced tightly. His eyes turned sad, and he glanced away.

    Holding her child, Lady Anthel turned to Aegnor. Her grateful tears met his gaze.

    "You brought my daughter home to us. We are eternally grateful to you!"

   "Give her something to eat and put her straight to rest," Aegnor replied, pulling his cloak over his exposed, bandaged shoulder. "Your daughter will be alright." He then bowed and swiftly turned, mounting his horse. Andreth broke from her mother's arms and ran after him. "Aegnor, wait!"

   She stared up at him as he waited. She opened her mouth to speak, but no words came out, only a blank stare. Suddenly, a loud titter burst from Aegnor, quickly turning his head away, hiding his smile with the back of his hand. His sudden unexpected reaction caused Andreth to break into giggles, and the tension between them melted.

   His smile fading, he finally dropped his hand from his mouth, and a look of sadness crossed his features as his eyes fell upon her once more, immediately sobering Andreth's mood. With a final, lingering glance, Aegnor galloped away without a word.

   He galloped through a small crowd that had gathered and out of the fortress. Andreth broke from her mothers arms and climbed to an elevated position on the rooftop. She watched his figure galloping as he flew across the vast plain, headed for the surrounding trees. His long golden crown flying furiously behind him, like an angel born of earth and wind.

  "Aegnor," His name whispered in her mouth that carried in the air. In that one meeting, an unlikely bond was forged in the most unlikely circumstances, between two of the most unlikely friends.



367 A.D


  The bitter chill gnawed at the faces of all who braved the storm. The snowstorm transformed into a violent blizzard, ensnaring those seeking refuge and freezing the unsheltered. Snow fell relentlessly, whipped by the gusting wind, layering the prince's cloaks as they valiantly trudged through the white expanse. Their weary horse emitted pained cries as they pressed on, fatigue seeping into every step. The snow touched their bellies in some of the deepest parts. Finally, the elves came to a halt, shielding their faces with gloved hands and gripping their thick hoods tightly.

  "Angrod!" Aegnor shouted above the howling blizzard as he clutched his hood in his thick gloves, his voice barely audible. "The storm worsens, the horses need rest. What should we do?"

  Angrod, his dark lashes sprinkled with white flakes, scoured their surroundings. "Ladros is three miles that way. We will seek refuge there until the storms avast!" Angrod led the way, Aegnor following behind. By the time they reached Ladros, the blizzard had abated.

  Exhausted, their horses could only advance at a slow walk as they crossed the threshold of the sturdy wooden gates of the fortress. Finally, they made it to the foot of the steps leading to the grand hall. Warm light emitted from its seems, a welcoming sight for any weary traveller.

  Guards clad in thick, warm furs, quickly descended the steps. Dismounting, the princes entrusted their steeds to the men who led them to the warmth of the stables. The elves were quickly ushered inside. The doors opened, and a homely warmth enveloped them as they entered the great hall. Their hoods and cloaks sprinkled with snow. The heavy doors closed behind them with a loud clank. shutting out the wintry onslaught.

  Angrod and Aegnor flicked off the icy flakes from their garments. Soft music played on in the background as the joyful song of cheery, chattering voices simmered. All eyes now lay upon the two unexpected, hooded guests whose every movement seemed to expel an overwhelming aura of paramount grace and otherworldly poise. Finally, Aegnor and Angrod removed their hoods in perfect synchronization.

   Angrod, his eyes focussed straightforward scanned the faces of the crowd surrounding them, and Aegnor, his attention was immediately drawn to his surroundings, his eyes wandering over every nook and cranny around them. They stared in awe at their unblemished beauty, untouched by the trials of their land. Positioned by the entrance, Aegnor and Angrod stood patiently, awaiting an audience with the lord of the keep.

   "My lords!" Boromir appeared from the crowd and approached them, his face pulled into a delighted, toothy grin. The princes bowed their heads respectfully as Boromir approached with his arm outstretched. He clasped arms with Angrod and then Aegnor. "Your unexpected presence brings much gladness to my heart!"

   "Forgive our untimely intrusion, Boromir. The tempest has taken its toll on our steeds. We humbly request to join with you until they are fully rested, and then we will continue on our way,"

    "My lords, friends are welcome in my home! Come! We have blankets and warm mead aplenty. Rest by the fireplace if you desire!"

    "Your hospitality will not be forgotten, thank you!" Angrod responded graciously, expressing his gratitude with a second respectful bow. Angrod then followed Boromir into the crowd, leaving Aegnor behind. Curious eyes lingered on Aegnor, who was all too aware of the growing attention on him. His attention was suddenly drawn to a young mother who was attempting to comfort her wailing infant.

  "Have no fear! We have not encountered a single monster on this side of Dorthonion. It seems that even they are cowed by the screeching cries of a teething infant!"

 Bursts of hearty laughter rippled around him. Aegnor joined in, his laughter mingling with theirs. A small group of ten or so children had gathered together, their eyes wide with amazement as they stood in silent awe.

  " is an elf!" Gasped a young girl to her brother, tugging on his arm.

  "No, Grella!" An older boy hushed her. "Father said they weren't real! They exist only in stories!"

  "But Mother said!"

   Aegnor turned his head and glanced at them. They froze immediately as his eyes fell upon them. The elf's lips pulled into a gentle smile as he beheld them all, a hushed silence flowed over them as not one dared speak while his attention was on them. The group stilled, their hearts racing in their chests as the towering elf came to them and gracefully lowered himself down to their eye level. His strong legs folded serenely beneath him.

  "We are real. What makes you say otherwise?" He asked tenderly

   "We...we meant no offence lord," the same young boy stuttered nervously. "My little sister has yet to grow out of such stories,"

  Aegnor's eyes fell upon the young girl, whose large, glistening pools stared back at him. One hand clasped her lip while the other fidgeted with her hair, so much innocence wrapped in her sweet, unbroken gaze.

  "Our father tells us it is foolish to believe in such things!" The boy continued. Aegnor smiled at him serenely, then, his gentle eyes fell back on the girl again.

   "What about you? What do you believe?" He whispered.

   "Father tells me elves aren't real because magic isn't real," she replied sweetly.

   "Hah, but it is, I have seen it," Aegnor smiled, his eyes glittering with enchantment. Her face lit up.

   "You've seen magic?"

   "Yes! All elves have seen it," he replied.

   "Where!?" She gasped. Her moist, blossom pink lips stretched into a wide, gappy toothed grin.

    "In a place called Valinor, that is where we call home," He leaned closer to the smiling girl. His voice softened with a gentle whisper that brimmed with warmth. "And in the night-time, the trees there glow like a thousand stars, and the rivers flow with silver and glittering gold,"

His gleaming smile etched into her memory, frozen in a moment. His ancient eyes casting fathoms of deep memory that her young mind could never comprehend.

  "He's lying!" Another interjected, his voice rich with assertive confidence. "Show us your ears!"

   With a playful glint in his eyes, Aegnor swept his lustrous golden mane backwards and turned his head. The children gasped in silent amazement. His ear, distinctly elven, beheld in their gaze. Along its rim, a set of silver ear piercings displayed.

   Aegnor turned to the little girl. Her wide beaming face and glittering eyes stared back at him, her sweet countenance locked into a wonderous grin that no disappointment could quell. With a playful wink at her, Aegnor rose to his feet and retreated into the crowd, leaving the children behind, their wonderous grins heralding in the light of a hundred burning suns.

   The hall grew increasingly crowded as news of the surprise visit from the elves spread throughout the fortress. Angrod delighted in engaging with numerous people, filling the room with music and laughter. Young ladies flocked into the space, hoping to catch a glimpse of the elves, causing tension and envy to pour from their suitors. The freezing weather outside was forgotten.

   Where Angrod relished in engagement with many, Aegnor appeared much more distracted, he wandered through the busy crowd, his eyes searching endlessly. Just then, the serene figure of a young girl emerged donning an exquisite gown of a shimering dark rose colour. Adorning her head was a simple gold headband intricately woven into her long black tresses. Eagerly attuned to the rumours of the elves' arrival, she manoeuvred her way through the sea of towering adults, her determination unwavering. Even at the dignified age of twelve years and on the verge of maidenhood, she was still not quite tall enough to see over the shoulders of the adults.

    With nimble steps, she ventured into the kitchen, returning with a sizable barrel of ale and rolled it across the floor, imploring those obstructing her path to yield and setting the barrel upright, ascended its sturdy surface, granting her a vantage point above the multitude. Then, her gaze fell upon him.

   "Aegnor!" Cried Andreth.

    Aegnor turned, his eyes locking onto her. Joy sparked within him, igniting a brilliant smile illuminating his features. Descending from her barrel, she flew toward her prince. With each determined stride carried her like a wingless bird, unimpeded by those in her path.

    She threw herself into his awaiting arms, their reunion brimming with longing and joy. With effortless strength, he lifted her nimble frame off of the floor and spun her in a circle, her resplendent gown flowing gracefully around him. Their joyful laughter mingling, spilling with happiness. Placing her back upon the ground. He knelt down, his eyes level with hers.

   "Andreth, my heart leaps at the sight of you again!" he murmured

   "Oh, Aegnor," she whispered, their separation causing strands of his lustrous golden hair to entwine with her dark locks. Her voice carried a deep affection as she gazed into his radiant eyes, finding them more resplendent than ever before. Her tender touch shifted to his shoulder. "Does it hurt still?"

    "It has never felt better! And I owe it all to you, sweet Andreth!" He smiled.

   Once again, she embraced him with fervour, and he cradled the back of her head against his shoulder.

  "So, you have met my daughter, Lord Aegnor,"   Boromir approached them, a warm smile stretched upon his lips. Reluctantly releasing Andreth from his grasp, Aegnor gracefully rose to his full height, an aura of sheer happiness radiating from his being.

  "You have a remarkable child Boromir, one I could trust my very life too." Aegnor replied, clenching a fist against his chest and bowing in traditional elvish fashion.

  "Indeed. A bright girl, soon to be a noble lady, she is both my joy and my pride!" Boromir grinned.

   Andreth's beaming smile greeted up at her father's gaze. "Well then, I shall not intrude upon your joyous reunion much longer!" Boromir slipped back into the crowd, leaving his daughter to spend some quality time with her beloved companion once again.

   As the thawing snow outside surrendered to the darkness, the gathering gradually settled. Aegnor and Andreth found themselves seated before a grand fireplace, crackling flames casting a warm glow upon their outstretched hands. Aegnor's fingers hovered above Andreth's in waiting anticipation.

  "The rules are as follows, I attempt to grasp your fingers, and you must thwart my every advance," she exclaimed.

 "Then, It is a simple game?" He asked plainly.

  "It is far more than just a simple game!" She laughed "It demands sublime cunning and a deft wit!"

  "Ah, this indeed sounds like a game I shall enjoy!" He smiled.

  "Claim your victory against me, or suffer your consequences!" She cried boldly, her eyes sparkling with mirth. Aegnor held completely steady, his fingers hovering above hers.

  "Nothing's happening," he remarked.

  "You must wait, silly elf! Try to show some patience. Itt is my turn," she giggled. His mischievous gaze turned towards her, a glimmer of anticipation illuminating his eyes.

  "Do you play this game often?"

  "Only against the adults, yet even they fall pray to my hand-hah!" With deft speed, she quickly grabbed for his fingers, only to grasp thin air. Her gloating, innocent smile melted to surprise.

  "How did you...!?" She snorted, feeling cheated. "How did you slip from my grasp so easily!? No adult has claimed victory over my opening move!"

   Aegnor casually picked up his cup.

  "Why do you ask me questions? I am just a silly elf," he replied simply, taking a sip.

  "Very well!" she exclaimed with newfound determination, "Since you have proven to be above my usual opponents, I propose a wager. If I succeed in your capture, you must pledge yourself to my service, vowing to be mine forever and all eternity!" She smiled  Aegnor's eyes lingered upon her face, studying her features with intensity.

  "Forever, is a very long time," he mused, a lingering smile tugging at the corners of his lips.

  "Do you accept?" A gentle tremble escaped her as she held her hopeful hands out. Utterly charmed, Aegnor chuckled softly and placed his cup down.

  "Very well, Andreth," he replaced his hands to their outstretched position, above hers. "You have persuaded me,"  They waited for a lingering, tense moment. Their gazes fixed intensely on their hands..

  "Suddenly, I am nervous," He murmured. His low, velvety purr sent a tremble through her.

   "Then, I shall make it work in my favour! I will take your freedom!" she blushed.

   "Perhaps, but I shall not relinquish what I hold so dear without a fight." He muttered softly. Her voice softened with nervousness as she nibbled her moist lip.

  "Would you fight for me, Aegnor?" she whispered. The light in his eyes shimmered slightly as he met her gaze.

   "I would lay down my very life for you," he answered. 

   She turned red, her beaming smile hard to stifle. She flicked her fingers once more, only this time, her fingers slipped into the stretched open spaces between his. He had made no move to evade her. Slowly, fingers gently curled around her palms. She lifted her gaze, and his soft eyes met hers. A gentle, dream-like smile curved his mouth as he beheld her, confirming what she already knew in her heart. Utterly overwhelmed with emotion, she ripped her hands away, her eyes falling on the floor like any bashful young girl, her blush growing stronger.

 "Andreth!" Lady Anthel called out to her as she approached her daughter and the elf.

  "It's time for bed, bid lord Aegnor goodnight,"

Andreth's demeanour sobered. Crestfallen, she cast her eyes down. Her sadness was palpable."Go with your mother, Andreth," he said softly.

  "I will never see you again... will I Aegnor?" she asked, glancing at him.

   "I will come for you, Andreth. Though the demands of duty keep me bound, and I may be gone for a long while, but someday, I will return," he answered.

  " not forget me," she pleaded.

  "Andreth," He murmured tenderly, clasping her chin, lifting her innocent face. Her storm-grey eyes slowly met his gaze once more. "As long as the winter yields to the spring, you will forever hold a cherished place within my memory," he whispered.

   She leaned forward and captured him in a tender, forlorn embrace. His hand found its place upon her slender back, his fingers resting upon the folds of her black curtain of hair. Sighing deeply, he surrendered his heart utterly to her warm embrace.

   Then, in an unexpected move, Andreth twisted her head add upon Aegnor's willing, chiselled cheek, placed a soft lingering kiss. Caught completely off guard, Aegnor turned his head and met her gaze. In that moment, their eyes met a glance of a thousand silent words. A lingering gaze that seems to feel like a lifetime, filled with surprise, boreboding and longing. As swiftly as it came, she broke from his hold as he gently released the special maiden and she dashed toward her mother. She took her hand and allowed herself to be taken away. Her slender for disappearing into the bodies of the crodd who paid no mind to the moment just witnessed. Aegnor's intense, bewildered gaze stayed fixed upon her as she parted from his sight, glancing over her shoulder to gace upon him one last time.

   Then, she was gone.

   Angrod had come and sad beside him, warming his hands, but Aegnor did not see, nor hear. He stared still at the place Andreths form had melted into the crowd, unmoving. 

  "We leave shortly, Aegnor."  His words went unheard and unheeded

"Aegnor?" He repeated."Aegnor!"

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