One Flesh, One Soul. Part I by FellFireFan

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Chapter 10

   The warm rays of the late morning sun bathed Andreth's face, casting a golden glow upon her as she awakened. Her eyes fluttered open, greeted by the radiant sunlight filtering through the tree above. The gentle rustling of leaves and the melodic chorus of birdsong enveloped her in a serene atmosphere, filling her with a profound sense of inner peace. The horrors of the previous day seemed to melt away in her mind, giving way to the beauty of the crisp morning air. With a contented sigh, Andreth shifted onto her side, her gaze drawn to a captivating sight—a luscious red apple carefully placed beside her head. Sitting up, she surveyed her surroundings, discovering that she was alone. 

     "Aegnor?" she called softly, her voice carried on the breeze. The song of the birds was her only response. Aegnor was nowhere in sight. Suddenly the memory of the past night came back to her, and her stomach turned within, riddled with a deep guilt. "He trusted me, and I overstepped my boundaries...he was right to abandon me here," she thought, her mind as fragile as her heart, "In my moment of weakness, I allowed my desires cloud my judgement.. and I near lay upon his mouth a sweet kiss. Now he has left me here. I was a fool to lay a hope that he could ever love me," a painful lump nestled in her throat. "Andreth... you hopeless fool!"

    Holding the apple in her hand, she took a bite, savouring the succulent and sweet explosion of flavours that danced upon her taste buds. The sweet taste seemed to comfort her as she devoured the juicy fruit down to its core. Her hunger and pain remedied, she rose gracefully and stretched her lithe form, the sunbeams filtering through the foliage casting a glow upon her as she delicately ran her slender fingers through her cascading locks. Her mind escaped miles away.

    Finally, she left the camp behind. Picking up her satchel. Her footsteps were guided by the whispers of the wind and the gentle rustling of leaves. She wandered through the enchanting forest, her footsteps barely making a sound on the soft grass. Like a graceful swan, she moved with ease, captivated by the peacefulness that surrounded her. The gentle rustling of the wind through the towering trees created a soothing melody, accompanied by the cheerful symphony of chirping birds.

     As she continued her stroll, she paused momentarily as a playful squirrel scurried up a tree, its mouth filled with a tasty nut. She smiled softly as it scampered into its home and out of sight, warm and safe. Her gaze shifted to her way forward and a sudden thought took her. "What am I to do now...with Aegnor gone...I know not the way home,"

She sighed heavily, thinking about all the things her father would say to her. As she wondered a few steps, a firm, warm hand gently clasped her wrist from behind her. Startled, she spun around to face her offender to see the face of Aegnor, beautiful and soft gazing back at her. Without uttering a word, he motioned for her to be silent, placing a finger on his lips.

    "Shh," he whispered, his eyes filled with a mix of excitement and urgency. He gestured for her to follow him, and she complied, curiosity piqued. Silently, Aegnor led her to the edge of the forest, where a vast grassy field stretched out before them. Andreth couldn't help but gasp in delight at the sight that unfolded before her eyes. In the centre of the field stood a magnificent horse, a true embodiment of grace and strength. Its coat and mane shimmered like onyx, contrasting beautifully against its long, powerful legs. The horse flicked its tail contently as it grazed on the lush, sweet grass. Aegnor and Andreth crouched low, concealed by the tall grass, observing the majestic creature in awe.

    "What a magnificent beast!" Andreth exclaimed in a hushed tone, her voice filled with amazement.

    "He wandered into our camp at daybreak, and I have been quietly tracking him ever since," Aegnor whispered, his eyes never leaving the horse. "If I am to tame him, I will need your assistance."

    Andreth softly asked, "What would you have me do?"

    "You will be the distraction," Aegnor replied softly, taking her hand gently in his. He placed an apple in her palm, his touch sending shivers down her spine. "I will take care of the rest."

    Their gazes met in that moment, his eyes, filled with light and beauty entangled with hers. "Aegnor," she whispered, her voice trembling.

    "Keep yourself in his line of sight at all times. Let him come to you. We only have one chance at this, do you understand?" Aegnor instructed, redirecting her attention back to their plan. She nodded determination in her eyes. He waited for the perfect moment. "Go," he whispered. She followed his command without question and slowly, cautiously, Andreth began her approach.

    The magnificent beast spotted her, its gaze fixed upon her, as she maintained a respectful distance. With steady hands, she held out the apple, a symbol of trust and friendship. The horse's curiosity piqued, and its cautious steps ebbing closer.

     Aegnor watched in admiration of her gentleness. As the horse nibbled the apple in Andreth's hand, her heart pounded with a mixture of excitement and awe. Filled with newfound courage, Andreth nervously eached out and caressed the horse's nose, captivated by the moment. Meanwhile, Aegnor calmly circled the creature at a distance, gradually coming closer with each round. He sang a gentle melody, an elvish lullaby to soothe a fiery soul. As he closed in, he caressed the beast, soothing it with his beautiful voice and looking deep into its eyes.

    With a chord woven from vines, Aegnor gently roped the animal. However, the spell was suddenly broken as the startled horse whined loudly and reared. Aegnor acted quickly, taking control of the situation using his strength and gentle voice to calm the animal. Andreth stared in awe at Aegnor as he steadied the wild stallion, his large muscular arms tensed and bulging with every pull on the sturdy vine chord. His gentility and patience were unmatched as he worked to conquer the powerful beast.

    With soft hums and soothing moans from Aegnor's buttery voice, the horse gradually came to stillness and snorted, indicating its readiness. Aegnor gracefully hopped onto its curvaceous back and swung his leg over. His smile gave Andreth courage as she steadily approached. Extending his hand to her, Aegnor pulled her up onto the horse's strong back behind him. She gasped as she felt the horse's power beneath her.

   "It will be a while before we reach Ladros, so we can not stop, " Aegnor stated firmly.

    "Aegnor?" Andreth said softly, wrapping her hands around his tight waist. Aegnor turned his head over his shoulder, curiosity twinkling in his eyes as he awaited her words. Andreth, her voice caught in her throat, leaned in closer, nervously holding her breath. With tenderness, she brushed her lips against Aegnor's cheek, a delicate kiss filled with affection, gratitude, and longing. A sweet smile curled on his lips, a secret expression hidden from Andreth's view.

    With a loud click of his tongue, the majestic stallion instantly responded to Aegnor's command, forging an unspoken connection between them. Together, they embarked on a journey bound for Ladros, just as they had done once before. The horse's sinewy muscles rippled beneath its sleek coat, propelling them forward with graceful strength.

    As they traversed the expansive open plains of Dorthonion, the wind danced around them, intertwining Aegnor's golden tresses with Andreth's dark locks, symbolizing their unbreakable bond and the blossoming of their friendship. With a raging fire within him, he tested the stallion's endurance, its muscles coiled like springs ready to unleash its power.

With a resolute kick, he urged the majestic steed into a breath-taking gallop, their combined force propelling them forward with the grace of a fleeting spirit, effortlessly surpassing even the fleetest elven breed. Clinging tightly to Aegnor's powerful form, Andreth couldn't contain her sheer delight, her voice soaring in a symphony of exhilaration as she surrendered herself to the liberating embrace of their ride.

     Her infectious joy intertwined with the thrill of the moment, causing Aegnor's laughter to bubble up from the depths of his being. In that fleeting instant of ignited passions, the weight of all his past hardships since leaving his homeland, as well as the looming trials that awaited him, faded into insignificance, like distant echoes dissipating in the wind.

    Gliding along the tranquil shore of Lake Ailuine, Andreth nestled her head into Aegnor's broad back, her grip tightening around him. Reluctant to let go of this precious moment, she clung to her beloved elf, his presence illuminating her heart like a guiding beacon, his intoxicating scent filling her nostrils. The sensation of her tender embrace behind him caused Aegnor's once impenetrable façade to crumble in her arms. He had never experienced such tenderness before, a profound longing for her gentle touch and devoted care that shattered his every guarded instinct. In her presence, he discovered a vulnerability he welcomed, and it intoxicated him.

    As the warm, orange sun descended upon the horizon, Andreth's humble abode came into view. Aegnor brought his horse to a gentle halt on the hillside, taking in the picturesque scene before them. Wisps of smoke gracefully billowed out from the vent on the roof, dancing against the backdrop of the vibrant orange sky.

    "There seems to be a grand feast underway," Andreth remarked, her eyes twinkling with excitement. "Bregor's new wife must have blessed him with the gift of a baby!" She exclaimed excitedly.

     Aegnor turned his head to look at her, his curiosity piqued. "It has only been nine months or so since they were wedded," he mused. "Pregnancy among your kind must be shorter than those in elves!" A smile played at the corners of his lips. "Nevertheless, it is truly a joyous occasion!"

     Andreth's brows furrowed with uncertainty as she turned to Aegnor. "Are you certain you wish to accompany me into the household?" she inquired, her voice laced with concern.

    "It would undoubtedly make for a more compelling tale," he replied, With a gentle kick, the stallion galloped down the steep hilltop and onto the lush, grassy plain, carrying them toward the celebration.

     As they approached the keep, the imposing gates swung open with a graceful motion, allowing Aegnor and Andreth to enter. The fortress seemed eerily quiet, except for a few guards who approached Lady Andreth and informed her of her father's restlessness during her absence, as he was preoccupied with the birth of his grandchild. Consequently, he had decided to postpone his search for her until the morning. Aware of the trouble she had caused, Andreth's heart filled with fear as she struggled to gather the courage to step into her own home.

     A warm hand gently grasped hers, and she turned to see Aegnor standing beside her, his smile and reassuring gaze providing her with the strength she needed. Knowing that he was right there by her side, Andreth wiped her eyes and straightened her dishevelled clothes, determined to face whatever awaited her inside. With a firm nod, she signalled to the guards to open the grand doors.

     As the doors swung wide, a wave of tantalizing aromas wafted through the air, teasing their nostrils. The keep was a bustling scene, filled with people of all ages seated at three long tables laden with a feast of food and drink. Two tables flanked either side of the room, while the third stretched across the back, facing the entrance. Andreth's family and a handful of her most persistent suitors occupied the seats at the back, their expressions a mix of curiosity and disgruntlement.

    The joyful music, cheers, and lively songs that had once filled the air fell into a hushed silence. The room seemed to hold its breath. Andreth, doing her best to ignore the sea of eyes upon her, stepped forward with Aegnor gliding closely behind. Murmurs and whispers echoed around. Boromir slowly rose from his chair as she approached, placing two hands on the table before him as she approached. She finally came to a stopped, her eyes heavy with shame cast upon the floor. Silence hung in the air, the weight of unspoken words pressing upon them. Boromir bowed his head defeatedly and let out a long, heavy sigh, struggling to calm the storm within him.

    "Lord Aegnor!" he addressed the elf first, his strong voice bellowing into the hall. "If my daughter had come alone or with anyone other than you, I would not be as calm as I am now," he stated, and Aegnor nodded respectfully. "Andreth, my child, your absence has caused your mother and me a great deal of pain. Bregor missed the very birth of his child while searching for you! You can not fathom the rage and hurt I feel at this moment!" he yelled. "Whatever perilous ventures befell you, judging by the injuries on Lord Aegnor's face, they were grave! And once again, he brings you to our doorstep when he has an entire realm to protect!" His voice heated with rage as he awaited her response. "Speak!" He yelled.

    The tension in the hall was palpable as Boromir's words hung in the air, awaiting Andreth's response. Her eyes swelled with tears, and she looked upon Bregor. Concern mixed with relief washed his handsome face as he beheld his sister in such a terrible state.

    "I..." she whimpered, her breath hitching as she struggled to hold back her tears. Aegnor could witness it no longer.

   "Do not let you heart dwell upon the misfortunes of your daughter, Lord Boromir," Aegnor stepped forward, his steady voice echoing confidently in the hall. "It was upon a meadow of flowers I found her, my kin and I as she was was picking wild blooms in the hopes to ease Variel's weariness. It was then we were assaulted by a band of ferocious orcs and we became quickly overwhelmed and driven out. At daybreak when it was safe, I parted from my company to escort her home. Please hold her in no blame, for her only desire was to be of service to your house as best she could,"

   Andreth breathed, calming her nerves and turned to Bregor, her brother. Her sincere regret filling her eyes. "Bregor, I took something from you that I can never give back, the very birth of your first child!" Andreth added, her voice broken with sincere, teary regret. "I am very sorry!"

    "You have returned safe and well, Andreth," Bregor replied, "That is all I could hope for,"

    "There are other men present who also require your heartfelt apology, Andreth!" Lady Anthel chimed in. "Our gracious lords and champions who have patiently waited for your response to their proposal for twelve long weeks now!" Andreth turned her gaze to the handsome, noble men, who scowled at her, impatiently from the end of the table. "Extend your apology to them and finally provide either one of them with your acceptance," her mother grumbled bitterly. Andreth looked back at her mother and narrowed her eyes.


    The room filled with echoes of small tittering as the insulted men rose from the table and left, followed by Lady Anthel running and pleading after them. Aegnor hid his mouth behind his fingers in a feigned rub of his lips. Stifling his laugh.

    "Bregor has offered his forgiveness. We shall speak no more on it! Please, everyone! Let us continue this joyous celebration!" Boromir declared. The voices and music swelled once again as the hall became alive with laughter.

     "Take your place beside us, my daughter!" He requested, his voice competing with the crowd.

     "Nay, for I shall retire to my bed chambers, the orc attack has unnerved me," Andreth requested politely. Boromir nodded agreeingly.

     "Lord Aegnor!" His voice boomed over the crowd. "Thank you once again for returning my daughter to the safety of her family. It will not be forgotten! Will you eat with us?" 

    Smiling respectfully, Aegnor shook his head. "Nay Boromir, though your sentiment is kind, I must swiftly depart" He bowed. A small girl emerged from underneath one of the tables parallel to the great hall and ran towards him, latching around his leg. Her young father came rushing after her but stopped when he witnessed the elf scooping her up in his arms and cradling her as she hugged his neck tightly. She was promptly followed by a swarm of children, their gleeful laughter filling the air as they crowded Aegnor. He knelt, immersing himself in a sea of tiny hands and arms, all eager to hold him. The young girls showered him with affectionate strokes on his face, hair, and neck, while the boys gathered around, peppering him with curious questions.

    Their innocent delight in his presence was like a radiant beam of golden sunlight. Andreth turned her gaze and beheld Aegnor, his laughter resounding with genuine warmth, as he embraced every child tightly, overwhelmed by their love and affection. The young girl's faces filled with concern as they tenderly caressed the small cuts on Aegnor's face and neck, their gentle touch a testament to their care and compassion. But Aegnor, ever resourceful, quickly transformed their worry into awe by spinning a magical tale of daring bravery, danger, and beguiling beauty. Just like their parents read to them in their storybooks. The children's eyes widened in amazement, hanging onto his every word as they were transported to a world of adventure.

    As Aegnor continued his captivating tale, Andreth couldn't help but smile at the sight before her. She marvelled at how effortlessly he connected with the children, bringing joy and wonder to their young hearts. In that moment, she saw a different side of Aegnor, a side that radiated warmth, kindness, and an undeniable bond with the innocence of youth.

    After saying his goodbyes, Aegnor gently hugged each child and rose to his feet. Looking around, Andreth swiftly followed Aegnor as he slipped out while everyone was distracted with their plates. The two of them found themselves bathed in the warm golden embrace of the low sunlight, watching as Aegnor tenderly stroked the nose of his new stallion.

    "What shall be his name?" Andreth asked, a soft smile playing on her lips. Aegnor turned to her with a smile of his own.

    "Sorna," Aegnor replied, his voice filled with pride. "His will is unbreakable!"

    "Sorna...It's a fitting name," Andreth said, her eyes lighting up. She joined Aegnor in stroking the magnificent beast, feeling a sense of awe and connection in its presence. She turned to Aegnor, admiration and affection in her gaze. 

    With a slight smile, Aegnor gazed down at her, his eyes filled with tenderness. A lengthy pause hung between them as they stared into each other's eyes, their hearts speaking the words that their lips had yet to utter. 

    Silently, he leaned closer. Her breath stopped as his face came near. Closing her eyes, she stood motionless as a statue. Upon her cheek, he placed a sweet, lingering kiss. Andreth could not summon the words to speak as he gently climbed upon his steed. His large muscles bulged as his beaten body protested every move. Staring down at her, he finally spoke

  "Before you lay down tonight, check the contents of your satchel," 

    His words puzzled her. She drew breath to speak, but as she did, he abruptly rode off, casting one final lingering stare upon her as he went. Watching him ride away, his words lingered in her head.

     Upon entering her bed chamber, she cleansed her body with water. The voices and music muffled from the great hall as she sat by the cosy fireplace. The cool sponge kissed along the delicate surface of her body as the sweet water trickled down. She removed the bandage from her thigh and cleaned her wound. Washing the horrors of the past behind her. Glimpses of him flew through her mind. His tender care and fierce protection. She now saw him in a new light. For beautiful, though he was, he was dangerous. She would not take him so lightly.

   As she slipped into appropriate bedding garments, she took note of her satchel and his parting words to her. Picking it up with a mix of curiosity and trepidation, she gingerly searched the contents of her satchel, her fingers fumbling in the dim light. Among the items, her hand brushed against something unexpectedly cold and solid. Intrigued, she tightened her grip. With cautious anticipation, she pulled it out and gasped, her breath catching in her throat at the wonder resting in her palm. In the soft glow of the flickering fire, a blade hilt adorned with moonstone wrapped in delicate vines of pure gold and silver. 

   Her heart quickened and her eyes filled with delicate tears as she unsheathed Aegnor's cherished possession. Its surface gleamed with a resplendent lustre. She held the blade to her chest and danced around her chambers with joy, her long, white bed gown whirling gracefully with her long hair. Surely, he cared for her as she did for him. 



 381 A.D


The sons of Feänor had convened at the behest of Fingolfin the High King, with the noble intention of assuaging their long-standing enmity towards the houses. Secluded in a modest chamber away from the gathering, they engaged in counsel with one another, the mood in the small room was potent with a deathly foulness. Celegorm and Caranthir, harbouring the least desire towards forging a newfound peace with the houses of Fingolfin and Finarfin, vented their grievances with an air of bitterness. 

    "It appears that Fingolfin the King has squandered our father's rightful fortune on superfluous and self-indulgent diversions," Caranthir grumbled to his brother, his rough voice dripping with envy.

     "And to what end, dear brother?" interjected Celegorm. "Merely to beseech us to set aside our well-founded disdain for him and his progeny, so that he may revel in these frivolities without hindrance?" He scoffed, raising a goblet of potent elvish wine to his lips.

    "I implore you both to cease your foolish behaviour," Maglor retorted from across the dimly lit room, bathed in the ethereal glow of moonlight and adorned with marble accents. His voice, gentle and imbued with silken grace, carried a subtle reproach. "It seems to have eluded your consciousness, that father never condoned the act of speaking ill behind one's back."

    Celegorm, his baritone resonating with a mixture of disdain and venom, responded sharply, "Pray tell, were you dropped upon your head at birth, or are you purposefully foolish Has it not occurred to you that this entire charade is but another display designed to flaunt his accomplishments before us?"

    "Enough Celegorm! Refrain from uttering another word about Fingolfin in that manner!" Maedhros interjected, his resounding voice wielding an authoritative power that instantaneously commanded their utmost respect, effectively silencing their contentious banter. "I am well aware that some among us harbour deep-seated animosity towards our kin, yet I must remind you that nurturing such sentiments has not aided us in cultivating any valuable alliances. Regardless of your resentment, it remains an indisputable fact that the houses of Fingolfin and Finarfin stand as our closest allegiances against the real threat that we all fight. Devoid of their support, our realms shall forfeit the relentless tides of Morgoth. This is a lesson I have learned and one that you must also!" In a graceful progression, Maedhros departed from his solitude and rejoined the lively gathering. His departure was swiftly followed by the arrival of Maglor and Amrod, who were drawn to the warmth and camaraderie that emanated from the group.

    Meanwhile, Celegorm, Curufin, and Caranthir remained behind, immersed in their despondency, before reluctantly succumbing to the allure of the gathering and joining their kin. The air was suffused with the enchanting strains of a beautiful harp, its delicate melody weaving through the atmosphere. Maedhros and Maglor engaged in amiable conversation with their cousins and the esteemed Fingolfin. As they conversed, they forged deeper connections with the likes of Finrod and Turgon, both of whom held influential positions within their hidden cities.

     As the conversations unfolded, Maedhros and Maglor found themselves building profound connections not only with Finrod and Turgon but also indirectly with the formidable warriors Aegnor and Angrod, who, along with Maedhros himself, were the undisputed champions of war. Amidst these conversations, words about Aegnor and Angrod slipped in. Maedhros listened eagerly as Finrod spoke of his proudly brothers and the terror they filled within the hearts of Morgoth's minions. Their fierce loyalty to Finrod made him a powerful ally, one Maedhros and Maglor hoped to persuade to join their cause in building their alliances. 

    Meanwhile, Caranthir, Curufin, and Celegorm stubbornly huddled together in a shadowy alcove, distanced from the bright and jovial crowd, their reluctance to partake in the festivities only serving to heighten Maedhros' already arduous task. The trio muttered discontentedly amongst themselves, their distaste in the company abundantly clear.

    "I apologize on behalf of my brothers, esteemed King," Maglor spoke, a tinge of embarrassment colouring his soft voice. "Their hearts, devoid of joy, have never been enticed by the pleasures of merriment." 

    Fingolfin smiled warmly, his eyes reflecting a deep understanding. "Nor was your father, my brother," he replied. "They will forever dwell in his colossal shadow. However, you and Maedhros, your partaking in this feast is what truly matters to me. We are more than just allies striving to defeat a single enemy," he paused, his eyes brimming with warmth beneath his shimmering silver crown, "We are family, bound by blood, and always we shall remain,"

    Maedhros and Maglor mirrored each other's smiles, a testament to the unbreakable bond they shared. With a graceful motion, Maedhros raised his chalice, a gleaming vessel filled with the elixir of celebration. "To family, and the king, long may he reign!" he proclaimed,

Fingolfin, his countenance adorned by a humbling smile, raised his chalice in unison with Maglor. Together, their voices melded into a harmonious chant. "To family," they intoned, their words infused with a profound sense of belonging and unity.

    As they were yet drinking, a door clanked open, and the imposing figures of Aegnor and Angrod entered the gathering, returning from an inspection of the guards and the palace defences. Their commanding presence seized the attention of the entire room as they waded through the crowd. Their faces were stern with perceptual glances. They moved with confidence, their powerful aura filling the open space. As they made their deliberate approach, their gaze fell upon their cousins, who huddled in the shadows, visibly miserable.

   "What do your eyes behold?" Celegorm retorted, his gaze coshing with theirs as they crossed their line of sight. Angrod paused, followed by Aegnor, their full attention drawn to the trio.

    "Why do you not partake in the gathering with your kin?" Aegnor inquired, his brow tense with a profound distain.

    "Do not presume that mere familial ties bind us as forever companions!" Celegorm sneered disdainfully. "I would no sooner seek your friendship than entertain the preposterous notion of Morgoth as my becoming bride! Be on your way!" He grunted with a flick of his wrist, adorned in bracers of black wolf fur.

    Aegnor glanced at his brother, licking his lips as they pulled into a mocking grin. "Have you not heard, Angrod? The Noldor face a dearth of suitable brides for their princes!" Smiling sardonically, his gaze fell upon Celegorm again. "Henceforth, it is my judgment that Morgoth himself would serve as the only commendable match for you Celegorm!" Aegnor announced unabashedly. His mocking wit was followed by Angrod's sardonic snicker. "I shall be first to send my congratulations by letter!" Aegnor's legendary wit left Celegorm momentarily bereft of a response that could challenge such a bold and brazen remark. With a haughty glint in his eye's Aegnor claimed his victory with a shallow dip, his arms open in a taunting bow. With that he spun on his heels and began striding away.

    "You dare to turn your back on me? Do you truly believe that to be a wise choice?" Celegorm called out. The gentle harp stopped. Maedhros cast a stern gaze upon Celegorm, and an air of hushed silence fell upon the room, for the threat made against Aegnor was unmistakable. With all eyes upon Aegnor, a soft, mocking chuff escaped him as he turned to face him again, and he glided toward him, closing the distance. His eye's locked with his.

  "I did not turn my back on you out of trust. cousin!" He hissed "I did so because you are no threat to me... so do not even attempt to do so. You are nought but a wayward hound, pitifully picking at the bones of my kill," Aegnor's voice lowered to a soft, steady hum, dripping with potent venom. "You are nothing compared to me!" 

  "So fearsome Aegnor," Celegorm hissed, narrowing his icy grey eyes. "Yet, I know what you have been doing. It is very clear!" He whispered. Slowly, he began to circle him, his voice resounding loudly for all to hear. "It has come to my ears that Aegnor possesses little understanding of the events within his own realm! He is slipping and he is distracted!" 

  "Celegorm!" Maedhros growled. 

  Angrod watched with seething eyes as Celegorm berated his Aegnor, stopping in front of him again. Celegorm's taunting smile shined into Aegnor's thunderous scowl as he leaned in closer to his face. "Even those humble men and women whom you hold dear, that delightful house of Boromir," he added.

   "Get that name out of your mouth!" Aegnor growled, his bright eyes narrowing, his voice a low, primal rumble.

   "Perhaps I shall pay them a visit. I hear they have little ones!" 

    Aegnor's last restraint shattered like brittle glass, with a violent surge of pent-up rage. His hands instinctively clutched Celegorm's throat and forcefully pinned him to the unyielding wall. Celegorms' strong framed slammed into some furniture, knocking it over with a loud crash. The raw force of the act nearly knocked an unwitting musician from her stool, and she hastily retreated from the scene. 

    Finrod swiftly inteceded to control his brother. "Let go!" He demanded, but Aegnor needed more persuasion, "Aegnor! Let go!" He yelled

    Aegnor finally released Celegorm and he regained his footing. Heaving with uncontrolled rage, Aegnor's was pulled into a palpable distance. Pacing, he surged with forceful aggression as Finrod and Fingon stood between them, trying to pull his attention away, but his burning eyes remained fixed on Celegorm. Rising with a surge of aggression, Celegorm's temper blazed.

    "I blame you Felagund!" Celegorm roared clasping his throat. "Had you held tighter reins over your war hound, he would be faithful to his duties and not squandering his days, touching lips with a certain maiden!"

   Aegnor erupted from Finrod and Fingon's restraint, his powerful body launching forth in like an unstoppable force of nature. With lightning speed, he was once again upon Celegorm, pinning his strong frame down upon a table, ornaments smashed upon the ground with a deafening crash. Curufin and Caranthir rushed to aid Celegorm, but their attempts was foiled by Angrod who grappled their squirming bodies and dragged them away, shielding his brother from their onslaught.

    Helplessly watching the violence unfold, Finrod could only bear witness as his brothers, utterly consumed by fury, lost all semblance of control. With strength of iron, Angrod successfully held onto Caranthir and Curufin. Positioned intrusively between Celegorms knees, Aegnor delivered a barrage of bone-crushing blows, relentlessly pummelling the him into the unyielding ground.

    The sons of Finarfin, the paragon of prudent grace, transformed into primal brutes. Their actions defied all expectations of their refined nature. In that moment, grace and elegance were overshadowed by raw rage and terrible force. His merciless assault on his cousin would come to an abrupt end as Aegnor was wrenched away from the battered Feanorian by a pair of robust arms, and with unfathomable force, propelling Aegnor across the room in one fell throw. His body slammed to the ground with great force. The twisted rage on his face vanished, replaced by a stunned look that mirrored that of a chastised child. Fingolfin towered over his nephew. Casting a shadow over him. His glaring eyes fixed upon Aegnor.

    "Enough!" Fingolfin's voice reverberated through the room, a voice that held the power to captivate even the most obstinate of beings.

    "Stay where you are!" he thundered, pointing an unwavering finger directly at Aegnor, who, for the first time in his life, was truly terrified. Fingolfin's gaze then shifted, piercing and unyielding, to Angrod, who held Curufin and Caranthir in an iron grip.

    "Release them!" his command echoed, leaving no room for negotiation. Without a word, Angrod released his cousins from his vice-like hold, and they crumpled to the floor, their consciousness barely intact. Fingolfin turned back to Aegnor, his face sunken with a mix of anguish and disappointment. "I think it is time you left us, Aegnor!" Fingolfin's order, delivered with a sense of deep hurt and disappointment, was final. Angrod passionately protested in defence of his brother.

   "My lord! Your judgement is unfair! Celegorm antagonised Aegnor! He was right to deliver justice!" He argued

    "Truly Angrod! Do you not perceive the undeniable truth, which now validates the very words Celegorm claimed?" Fingolfin hissed. "Too long have Aegnor's impulsiveness festered, unchecked! Argon is no longer among us! Already, I have lost one son in this struggle, and I bear his weight not lightly, and yet behold, there is now fighting amidst our own kin!" Fingolfin thundered, his resonant voice rending the walls asunder, a manifestation of his smouldering ire and grief. "I need soldiers! Not untamable wolves! I will not bear the loss of any more of us because of him!"

   Angrod could only hold his head in silent shame cast a glance at Aegnor, whose wounded eyes remained firmly fixed on the ground. Swiftly, Aegnor rose, eyes burning into his seething, wounded form as he weaved his stormy way through the onlookers. 

   "Then I beg you forgive me my lord," Angrod said steadily, "but where Aegnor goes, there too shall I follow."

    With a brisk yet respectful bow, he turned and strode after Aegnor, the two brothers retreating from the gathering in unison, exiting the palace through a side door. Their departure left the room in a deathly hush, save for the angry groans of Celegorm as he nursed his bloodied nose. 

    Slowly, Celegorm rose from the ground, his venomous eyes seeking his next target. "Send him away?! Is that all the justice you would mete out?" he spat furiously. "Nay, look at the mark he has left upon my face!"

    Fingolfin met Celegorm's glare with a fierce look of his own, the tension thick as the gathered lords and ladies held their collective breath, awaiting the High King's response..

    "Celegorm, you forget who it is that guards our realms, that we may partake in these fleeting moments of respite amidst the ravages of war, breathing the noxious fumes that billow forth from Angband's fell maws, that we need not quail before them. You have also failed to acknowledge whose martial prowess and valour in the field of battle have carried us this far, who bears the weight of that burden for us all, that we may roam freely! Aegnor dutifully serves his realm with steadfast loyalty to me, while you have sought only to exploit the fruits of his efforts. And if ever it came to choose between the two of you, I would sooner part with your pathetic, parasitic hide before surrendering Aegnor!"

   "He is not the only one who fights!" Celegorm retorted."I equally have walked in the paths he treads in, yet it is HE who receives the praise for OUR efforts! My brothers and I!" 

  "Celegorm!" Maedhros bellowed, his voice cutting through the thick air, his face a simmering scowl. "Stand down!" 

   With his fury manifestation in tense pants, Celegorm finally surrendered and quietly withdrew from the room with Curufin and Caranthir to nurse his bruised ego and broken nose. Fingolfin turned to Finrod, whose dismay was evident on his down cast gaze and cradled brow.

   "Finrod, I know the weight of Aegnor's decisions weigh heavily upon you. But I can not allow it to continue, do you understand?" He asked softly

   "Yes, my lord." Finrod replied vacantly.


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