For as Long as It Takes by oshun

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Fanwork Notes

Fanwork Information


A significant encounter between Nerdanel and Indis introduces a new chapter in their lives. Written for silmladylove’s second annual 2015 Tolkien Femslash Week on Tumblr. The romance herein is not explicit, but foreshadowed. I do have an untold story of these two women rattling around in my head that I will continue. I had hopes when I wrote my story A Kindred Heart that the astute reader would guess it could contain the seeds of something like this.

Many thanks to Elleth and also to Everyonelovesaloser for Beta reading this ficlet for me.

Major Characters: Indis, Nerdanel

Major Relationships:

Genre: Slash/Femslash

Challenges: International Day of Femslash

Rating: General


This fanwork belongs to the series

Chapters: 1 Word Count: 599
Posted on 17 July 2015 Updated on 17 July 2015

This fanwork is complete.

Comments on For as Long as It Takes

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I always love your little slice of life stories and this is no exception. I can just see poor Nerdanel and the stress she is suffering. Then when Indris comes to greet and comfort her it's almost like a weight is lifted off her and the two finally can be themselves with each other. I really love that ending line, which you also chose as the title. Very nice indeed.

What a beautiful vignette. It must have taken a lot of courage to stay behind when everyone they knew was leaving.

Thanks so very much for reading and commenting, Talullah. I've always wanted to explore this relationship further. Still hoping to! I think that those closest to Feanor must have laughed at him behind his back a lot (or maybe that is just my family relationships I am projecting here!).

Oh thanks so much for reading and leaving a review here. I'm glad you like that part. I had to decide if Nerdanel had been running to Indis for a while and crying on her shoulder, or if she showed up as she does in my story and hope to find a welcome. I decided on the second, because I think Nerdanel would have played her cards close to her chest until she made a final decision to go or stay. Which then, of course, means an element of mistrust.

Wow! The Noldor must have been a mess in that period--peoples split one from another, the Noldor fractured into more than two parts, and families divided from within.