To Not Appear Weak
Prompt 7: Affiliations, Part One. Think about an important relationship your character has to another character in your verse. I wrote a 100 word drabble for this prompt about Mairon and Melkor.
Melkor wanted to own Mairon, as he wanted to own all things that were precious to someone and make them his own. Mairon knew this, but to have Melkor’s admiration felt like a prize, not a prison. Fire can’t be tamed, and Melkor let him burn bright. Mairon learned much from him.
That time when he lost a fortress to Lúthien? Mairon doesn’t want to remember his failure, for that’s what it was. He didn’t flee; he knew he had to face the consequences. Some time to heal was needed, that’s all. He couldn’t appear weak in front of Melkor.
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