Return to the Sea by daughterofshadows
Fanwork Notes
I derailed a conversation about age on the discord with a suggestion of elves who first lived in the water and then migrated to the land.
This is my take on a universe where the sea-longing is a bit more sea-focused
Also featuring elves that can turn into mer-people in the style of H2O - Just add water
Fanwork Information
Summary: Cúrandil knows the stories, knows how their people first awoke in the water. How they came to walk the land and how the sea has called them back ever since. Major Characters: Original Nonbinary Character(s) Major Relationships: Genre: Adventure, Alternate Universe Challenges: Birthday Bash Rating: General Warnings: |
Chapters: 3 | Word Count: 1, 194 |
Posted on 13 March 2025 | Updated on 15 March 2025 |
This fanwork is complete. |
Heading out
Read Heading out
There are stories of the time when their people first awoke, long, long ago and many, many miles to the east.
In the waters of Nen Echui, they came to, and there they danced and sang and delighted in the stars reflected in the waves.
But then the Dark One came, and their peaceful waters became turbulent, and the waves tossed them onto the shores. And as they lay helpless on the land, breathing air for the very first time, a great light engulfed them and they grew legs with which to walk the earth.
Or so the stories go.
Cúrandil does not know if all that has been passed down from the times in Nen Echui is the truth.
They do know though that a part of them longs to return to the waters, remembers when their people used to swim instead of walk.
They know that if their little boat capsizes, their body will shift once again, legs turning back into a tail.
The song is so strong now. It fills their entire mind, pounds in their ears.
It would be so easy to follow it, to just fall overboard and sink into the water. What is left for them on the shore?
Most of their people have already heeded the call of the sea, and those who are left are fading, their minds absent and their bodies slow.
No, there is only the sea left now, and the hope that they will catch up to those who have gone ahead.
Why then is letting go so hard?
Their body shakes. The boat is rocking side to side, the oars gone. There is no going back.
Cúrandil only needs to tilt to the side and it will be done. Such a small movement and yet…
A wave catches the boat and releases them from the struggle. The boat capsizes, and Cúrandil is in the water.
Their legs tingle and their lungs fill with water as the wave crashes down on their head. In their mind, the song reaches a clamouring crescendo and then, finally, there is silence.
A deep peace settles over them.
Cúrandil heads towards the horizon.
In the Kelp Forest
Kelp forests should have ents, too!
Thank you to moiety for the suggestion!
Read In the Kelp Forest
They swim through a sea of stars. Above them hangs the firmament in its full glory, around them the water looks like it is decorated with a thousand silver jewels.
Cúrandil cuts slowly through the water. They have yet to meet another elf on their journey, but they do not give up hope. They will find someone soon.
Before them, a kelp forest stretches across the sea floor, long stalks gently drifting in the currents.
Cúrandil approaches cautiously. Who knows what hides in the green leaves?
It is overwhelmingly big, easily as large as the forest they grew up in. A shadow moves between the kelp.
“Hello little one,” a voice croons, the sound reverberating in Cúrandil’s chest.
“Hello?” they reply tentatively, uncertain who they are speaking to.
The foliage shakes and a figure emerges. Their body seems to be made of kelp, but shaped like Cúrandil’s own. They can make out limbs, a chest and even a head with two sea-green eyes.
“Are you lost, little elf? It has been long even in the timekeeping of the ents that one of your kind has come to the forest.”
Cúrandil shrugs. “I do not know. I followed the song into the sea, but it has been silent since then. Do you know where the others might be? I would like to see them, I think.”
“Hmmmm where did they go now… North. Yes, north. The land that once was dry and now is drowned. That is where you must go to find them. But not today. The sun barely reaches us down here, but I know she slowly disappears over the horizon. Rest here for the night, and tomorrow, you can find your kin.”
And so Cúrandil sleeps in a nest of seagrass and dreams of kelp forests stretching as far as the eye can see, where fish dart through water dappled with golden light.
With the morning sun guiding them, they leave the kelp forest and its shepherd behind. The path is clear now.
They head north.
The last leg of the journey
We finally found the elves! Well. One elf. But it's a pretty cool one, so it should count extra!
Also a fill for the Birthday Bash poetry prompt of March 14
Read The last leg of the journey
The way north is long, far longer than Cúrandil expected. Night falls again, the second time since they left the kelp forest behind.
They breach the surface as the sun slowly sets and the water around them glows in a fiery gold. Overhead, the stars slowly become visible.
For a moment, Cúrandil tilts their head back and simply breathes. The air feels strange in their lungs after being underwater for so long.
In the distance, a whale sings. It reminds Cúrandil of the opening verses of an old walking song, and they begin to hum the tune. It is a song their father sang when they travelled, a melody so old that it may have accompanied their family since the journey away from Nen Echui.
Cúrandil sings themself to sleep and the stars almost dance in tune to their song.
The first rays of dawn tickle them awake, a gentle light creeping over the horizon. A gull drifts in lazy circles overhead, crying, urging Cúrandil to continue their journey. They dive underwater again, and swim on.
Sandy ocean floors merge into alien forests, where moss covers the ground and trees still grow as if they simply forgot to die or never noticed their land had drowned.
A faint magic tingles across Cúrandil’s skin as they pass into the forest. The wards that guard this place are ancient.
Carefully, they pick their way through the underbrush. If there truly is a place where their people live, it must be close.
They reach a small grove. The cottage that once stood here is crumbled now, but the orchard that grows around it still bears fruit.
Cúrandil plucks an apple from the tree and takes a tentative bite.
“They’re surprisingly good, aren’t they?”
Cúrandil whirls around. Further down the row of trees is another elf. She carries a basket filled with apples; her dark skin contrasted by a tail as golden as the leaves of the mallorn trees under which she once lived.
“Lady Nimrodel?”
The elf smiles. “That I am, my child. Though I am afraid I do not recognise you in turn. Come help me with these apples and I will show you the path home. Even now, the girdle of Melian is a labyrinthine place.”
Cúrandil joins her without protest. “I am not surprised you do not remember me. I was but a small child when we journeyed together. Duilin is my father, whom you may recall better.”
Recognition flashes across Nimrodel’s face. “Of course, of course! Your parents will be glad to see you again, I am certain. They have settled down near Mithrellas’ home. I will bring you there once we return to Menegroth if that is your desire.”
Cúrandil smiles. “I would like that very much.”
At last, the journey is over. They have come home.
Chapter End Notes
And if you have also grown to like this universe, don't worry! Cúrandil's journey may be over, but I have more ideas for this universe! Hopefully, I'll get a few more written for the Birthday Bash/B2MEM combi challenge
Ahhhh! I love this so much! It makes the sea longing so much more relatable (as a waterbaby myself!) as a natural yearning for what they were once rather than a Valar-induced craving.
Alf oh my gosh, I can so vividly see the kelp Ent swaying out between the fronds of their forest! And the idea of living in drowned Beleriand is so bittersweet, although I feel there's so much healing to be found and given there now.
I'm curious about your OC's name, what does it mean?
I'm so happy you like it!…
I'm so happy you like it! This is a blast to write, proving once again that the strangest ideas are often the most inspiring *grin*
Hopefully we'll be able to make it to Beleriand in the next chapter, I have some ideas about Menegroth and what's left of the Girdle specifically that have been turning in my head.
Cúrandil's name hopefully means "friend of the crescent moon" in Sindarin! The eldamo entry was a bit confusing, giving cúron as the potential original word for crescent moon, with cúran being a neo-Sindarin word. I liked Cúrandil better than Cúrondil though, so I went with that one. After all, it's all about the Lámatyávë, isn't it ;-)
I love Cúrandi's name, btw, and agree about the sound of it.
The Last Leg
This is full of magic! I love her experience of the night, the whale song, her walking song come lullaby, and the dawn tickling her awake.
And Nimrodrel! Mithrellas! In Doriath-that-was! So this is where you ended up! I love that Cúrandil knows her so she's not not with strangers — but then the added bonus that she'll be reunited with her parents is just lovely to end on!
I'm really glad you liked…
I'm really glad you liked where we ended up!
I always knew Cúrandil was going to end up in Doriath, but Nimrodel & the others only came up when I was debating what to name the OCs and realised that. Hey! No need to come up with my own names if I just reuse ones that could have ended up here, too! And who better to pick than Nimrodel, Amroth & Mithrellas *grin*
Their story will likely be the next one I write in this universe.
Your mer!verse is so full of possibilities! Now you've made me think that everyone thought Amroth dived off the ship because he saw they were far from land, when actually he saw Nimrodel beckoning him, from the water.