Return to the Sea by daughterofshadows

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Heading out

There are stories of the time when their people first awoke, long, long ago and many, many miles to the east.

In the waters of Nen Echui, they came to, and there they danced and sang and delighted in the stars reflected in the waves.

But then the Dark One came, and their peaceful waters became turbulent, and the waves tossed them onto the shores. And as they lay helpless on the land, breathing air for the very first time, a great light engulfed them and they grew legs with which to walk the earth.

Or so the stories go.

Cúrandil does not know if all that has been passed down from the times in Nen Echui is the truth.

They do know though that a part of them longs to return to the waters, remembers when their people used to swim instead of walk.

They know that if their little boat capsizes, their body will shift once again, legs turning back into a tail.


The song is so strong now. It fills their entire mind, pounds in their ears.

It would be so easy to follow it, to just fall overboard and sink into the water. What is left for them on the shore?

Most of their people have already heeded the call of the sea, and those who are left are fading, their minds absent and their bodies slow.

No, there is only the sea left now, and the hope that they will catch up to those who have gone ahead.

Why then is letting go so hard?

Their body shakes. The boat is rocking side to side, the oars gone. There is no going back.

Cúrandil only needs to tilt to the side and it will be done. Such a small movement and yet…


A wave catches the boat and releases them from the struggle. The boat capsizes, and Cúrandil is in the water.

Their legs tingle and their lungs fill with water as the wave crashes down on their head. In their mind, the song reaches a clamouring crescendo and then, finally, there is silence.

A deep peace settles over them.

Cúrandil heads towards the horizon.

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